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Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Winter Holly Inn- A House Freebie

Good morning, sweet friends and a very Happy Tuesday to you! 

Are you ready for Christmas? 

Well not me! I still haven't wrapped the kiddos gifts, and I have 1 or 2 more shopping trips. Yikes! I am cutting it down to the wire! 

Mr. Pinker and I will go to town tomorrow and hopefully collect the last of the gifts and then ribbons and wrapping paper will be flying as I go to town wrapping . Hmmm , I wonder if I can lure my daughters over with the promise of some yummies and then finagle them into helping? Hee! Hee ! The wheels are turning! 

  Any whoo, Sunday we will be hosting our Christmas Eve gathering.  I think I will keep it simple with finger foods like sandwiches, pigs in a blanket, dips , chips and a few sweets. We will enjoy decorating cookies and games afterwards. 

Yummies from Christmas Eve 2022

Now onto a pressing question.  Have you ever wondered how many types of holly bushes there are?  LOL. 😀😂 

I know you are shaking your head wondering what in the world is this old gal talking about now? Don't worry, I haven't lost my marbles yet? Hee! Hee! 😜😀

Well  here recently , I started a new house cross stitch all inspired by mom's big holly bush that sits in the front yard.

 I am not sure how old this holly bush is, but it was in the yard when we moved to the farm in 1976.  Mom keeps it cut back; otherwise it would be bigger. Just a hop , skip and a jump away in the woods is another holly bush that I did not photograph, but it has softer holly leaves and are not as pointy. 

When I was a youngster, I would go out and cut a bit of holly and put it in my room to decorate for the holidays especially when I was able to cut a small "Charlie Brown" cedar tree and add to my decor. 

So anyway, I got to wondering how many types of holly bushes are there and being the Curious George that I am I looked up a few useless facts about holly. Do you want to hear them? 🤔


1. There are over 500 types of holly bushes or trees. 

2. Holly is known as dioecious which means the holly bushes is either male or female.   Each type is needed to be close by in order to cross pollinate or guarantee berries. 

3. Only female holly bushes have bright red berries. 

4. There are a lot of birds that are attracted to the bright red berries , but they are bitter and hard , but by early spring they are more edible for birds. The berries are slightly toxic to humans. 

I learned a few things that I didn't know about holly. How about you?

Do you see the little lady bug on the holly leaf below? It was enjoying the warm sunshine on this chilly day. 

Well all of this brings me to my new house called Winter Holly Inn . To think, it was inspired by Mom's holly bush. 

A large bush is growing in a vase in this stitch. This holly bush is quite unkept- growing up and around the house.  Little pine boughs are tucked into the bottom of the vase. 

This must be a female plant for there are loads of red berries on this holly bush. And there is a  little row of pine trees  in the forefront along the walkway, just like on the farm. 

What do you think ? Would you stay in this inn during the winter time? I promise you wouldn't be pricked by the holly. 

There are 14 DMC floss colors in this piece which include 169, 543, 610, 730, 732, 782, 815, 844, 898, 937, 3371, 3857, 3859, Blanc ( white) .

Winter Holly Inn's design size is 73 x 75 and on 14 count aida that measures about 5 1/4"x 5 3/8". 


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


Remember all of my designs are for personal use only. Please do not sell my designs, rename or rechart my designs for profit. Yes that has happened. 😔

Alrighty y'all, I guess I better get on the stick if I am going to get anything accomplished.   Please forgive me for being behind on IG and reading blogs. The youngest daughter is home and she is keeping us busy, but I will be trying to catch up as much as possible. Have a super day, Sweeties and ...

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all

Have a holly jolly Christmas; it's the best time of the year...
Warm Wishes and Snowman kisses! 
Hugs and Stitches!!!
Dedicated to my sweet Baby sister, Amy . I love you, Amo.  ❤


  1. Good morning Melisa. I still have a lot of things to do for Christmas and it is raining here.
    Thank you so much for the new pattern. A lovely home ! Enjoy your day.

    1. Good morning, dear Annelies. I do hope you have a very productive day despite the rain.I hope you do not have to be out and about in it. Thank you for the sweet compliment and have a very lovely day. Hugs.

  2. Good morning Melisa, thanks for the new pattern. Very nice. Still got a few things to do but the main things are ready. (First time in my life :)).
    Have a happy time and merry Christmas from Germany,

    1. Good morning, Gabi. Oh how wonderful that you have most of the Christmas tasks completed. I am sure you are elated as well. I hope it does not take long to get those few things completed so you can sit back and enjoy these last few days. Can you believe Christmas is almost here? I sure can not. Thank you for the sweet visit and have a blessed day. Hugs.

  3. Bonjour Mélissa , tout est presque prêt , il me reste un cadeau à emballer . Les menus sont ok réveillon et jour de Noël . Les grands enfants arrivent le 24 . Passez de Bonne Fête et Joyeux Noël

    1. Good afternoon, dear Aline. Oh what a joy that you have everything ready and now you can sit back and enjoy these next few days. I know you are excited that the children are on their way back home. My youngest arrived last week. I wish you and your family a very Merry and blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  4. What a beautiful pattern you created Melisa! Looks like lots of fun being in your house. Your Christmas Eve goodies sound wonderful. I was working on our Christmas Eve menu yesterday, and I think we are going to go get something called "Peproni Rolls" from one of our favorite pizza places! That is a departure for me, because I love to make appys and desserts like you do, but Hubs love those rolls, so that will be my gift to him this year. :)

    1. Oooh Peproni Rolls sounds intriguing and quite yummy. I had to go look up a recipe. I think my grandchildren and nephews would love them! I will have to give them a try. One year we had a taco bar for Christmas. One daughter loved it the other didn't. Lol. So we are back to finger foods. I wish you a very Merry Christmas, Linda. Hugs.

  5. What a beautiful addtion to your houses, Melisa! Thank you for sharing the tidbits about Holly! I didn't know that there were 500 varieties. Wow! I am almost ready. Have fun shopping!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Robin. I never imagined over 500 varieties of holly. I learn something new everyday. I think tomorrow's trip should do us for shopping - fingers crossed. Have a wonderful evening. Hugs.

  6. Thank you very much for the pattern of the cute inn you created. I love holly, especially when it is decorated with hundreds of red berries. I often embroider the beauties on my Christmascards together with a robin, that's Christmas for me. I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a very healthy and happy 2024.

    1. Aah you are so very welcome, Els and thank you. I adore the holly with bright red berries as well. What a lovely gift that you create at Christmas time. I bet your cards are a treasure and just beautiful. Have a very Merry Christmas and I wish you and your family many blessings in the new year. Hugs.

  7. Happy Holidays! Another great cross stitch:) I had no idea there were so many different holly bushes. I have never seen a real one.

    1. Merry Christmas, dear Vicki. Thank you so much for the kind words on my latest stitch. I enjoyed working on the holly especially. I would have never thought there were over 500 types of holly either. Have a lovely evening. Hugs.

  8. Good luck with all your holiday preparations. I need to finish wrapping, but I'm pretty sure I'm done with the shopping. Very nice holly covered inn. Have a very happy holiday!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Kate. I have my lists made and am just checking them off now. It is so nice to hear that you are about ready for the day as well. Merry Christmas . Hugs.

  9. Good morning, sweet Melisa. I'm done except for my SIL, who is being uncooperative in letting us know what he wants, sooooo he will just get money!! All of mine are here, well last one arrives today, and we will be ready to start gift wrapping soon. Thanks for another cute cross stitch. I love holly and had no clue there were that many different types! Have a great week! Hugs.

    1. Happy Tuesday, dear Brenda. LOL, I still have my dear SIL and Dad to buy for too. I have not a clue , but am sure I will find something. Money does make it easier doesn't it? Hee! Hee! I think the last of my presents arrive Friday. Then I will be wrapping. Thank you for the sweet visit . Have an awesome day. Hugs.

  10. Good morning Melisa. I love your new Winter Holly Inn, the brick on it is awesome. Wow, who knew there were so many different kinds of holly. 😄. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. ❤️🤗

    1. Happy Tuesday, dear Patti. Well I had a ball stitching this little inn. The brick was a lot of fun . I am so proud to have this little inn open and ready for business. Lol. Merry Christmas , sweet friend and thank you for the sweet Tuesday visit. Hugs.

  11. I often helped my mom wrap presents. She would fill the box and I'd wrap it. Once wrapped, she'd tell me what name to put on the tag. Many times, I wrapped my own present not knowing and not what it was! You cross stitch pattern is lovely. I like the crazy vine. Best wishes on the clicking all the items off your list in plenty of time to celebrate! --Terry@OnGoingProjects

    1. Aaah such a sweet memory, Terry and how wonderful that you helped your mom. My sister used to wrap my presents for me. She was great at it; she loved seeing what I would get the girls. I hope to sit down and get the wrapping complete very soon. Thank you for the sweet Tuesday visit and I wish you a delightful day. Hugs.

  12. Hi and Merry Christmas! I just love your blog and all the adorable designs you share with us. I haven't even finished decorating my house OR my Christmas tree!! I haven't wrapped a single gift, and I'm not even done with my shopping. Gone are the days when I used to have all my gifts bought and wrapped by Halloween, and my decor and tree up by Thanksgiving. Going back to work fulltime has put a real cramp in my style, lol. I'll get it done, though, and have fun doing it. I hope you have a beautiful Tuesday.

    1. Good afternoon, dear Gena and Happy Tuesday. Aah you certainly brightened my day; thank you so much for the sweetest warm compliment. Oh you sound just like me- I used to have all presents bought and wrapped by Thanksgiving ; yet here I am scrambling about now. LOL. I am so glad you are going to enjoy every minute of getting ready for the big day . You will get all of those joyous Christmas tasks completed and all will be merry! I wish you and your family a blessed and Merry Christmas. Hugs.

  13. Oh yay! I knew it would be a Holly stinkin' cute! Thank you so much. I can't wait to stitch this and add it to my collection

    1. Oh, Jennifer I am so glad that you like it and I am so very honored that you will be adding it to your collection. Enjoy every stitch and have a very Merry Christmas. Hugs.

  14. There is always a lot to do this time of year! I have only my mom's present left to wrap - I wonder if I have gift wrap in the closet. :) Your plans for Christmas Eve sound fun and yummy! I love the Holly House design, too. Have a wonderful week, Melisa!

    1. Happy Tuesday, Diann . Oh yes the hustle and bustle is part of the fun this time of the year. I need to get in my closet and assess the wrapping paper situation too. I am glad you mentioned . I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas. Hugs.

  15. Happy Tuesday, Donna. I had no idea there were so many types of holly . I thought maybe a few dozen but never imagined over 500. It is so nice to find inspiration in the little things. I never know what will spark my imagination. Lol. Merry Christmas. Hugs.

  16. Oh Melisa! Your new house embroidery is beautiful! Thank you for sharing!! I'm hosting at Christmas eve too, so I have lots to do and prepare, can't wait since it's my favorite holiday!! I wish you the best Christmas for you and your family!

  17. Really love your new needlework. and nope! I learned something new about holly! Thank you for the pattern, thank you for the trivia!

  18. It is the Christmas plant par excellence along with the Easter Flower or Poissentia.
    I didn't know there were so many types of holly.

  19. Interesting facts about Holly thank you Melisa. ☺️🙋‍♀️💜👍 Love the latest house Melisa, thank you for the pattern, I’d love to stitch it one day! We’re about ready for Christmas but there’s always something else to do or buy!
    🤗😘 Barbara @flashinscissors 👍🙋‍♀️💜💜💜xxx

  20. This inn is just gorgeous! The holly is beautiful! Your holiday get together spread looks very yummy! I need to think about dinner. I am so glad you are enjoying your daughter. My daughter & her family have come and gone and it was great albeit too short. It was so good to get reacquainted with my little grandsons! I am not ready, either. I may have to wrap WIPs and finish after Christmas! LOL

  21. Beautiful real ones and stitched. I always love trivia like that!

  22. I remember that tape from my childhood! I was so sad when it was used up. Then nothing similar could be found (or Mom wouldn't buy?). But today we have washi tape in all its glorious designs and colors.
    Thanks for the new house pattern!

  23. Thank you very much for this beautiful little house, Melisa!!
    Kisses and Happy Holidays!!

  24. Thank you, Melisa. I hope you and your family have a very merry Christmas.

  25. Oh, what a sweet little design, Melisa! I love how the holly sweeps up the side and over the top. Who knew there were so many kinds! We used to have a beautiful one, but had to cut it down because it was blocking all the light coming into my husband's office. At our age, we both need a lot of light--ha ha! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and all the best for a happy, healthy 2024. ♥

  26. The holly cross stitch is beautiful! I love it! Have a peaceful Christmas with your family!


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