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Tuesday, April 4, 2023

A Hip Hopping Easter Hutch Tour

Here a bunny! There a bunny! Everywhere a bunny, bunny!

Happy Tuesday, Hunny Bunnies!!!  
 Today is another country clutter post with loads of country bunnies hip hopping all over my hutch.  I  have  a challenge for you-  HOW MANY BUNNIES CAN YOU SPOT? Lol. 

You will see a lot of the same things that I usually have on the hutch , but I added in my Easter cross stitch and few bits of Spring and Easter decor.  I started off using old white lace and Battenburg valances as shelf liners. I then layered lots of plates in the background. This year my color theme was a robin blue- oh so pretty. 
Let's look at the top shelf.  Watch out though! There are plenty of bunnies hopping about. 

In the corner is "Tulips with Chick" a freebie from  The Snowflower Diaries posted on her blog in the March 21, 2013 post. I stitched it a few years ago and finished it on a paper mache box that I found at the thrift store.  
The Trilogy 's " Happy Bunny Bunny Day" is still one of my favorites. 

In the opposite corner is chocolate mold and a sweet bunny figurine with a bucket of paint. She is ready to decorate those expensive Easter eggs.     I  heard on the news yesterday that some people are going to be using potatoes to dye and hide like Easter eggs. Did you hear that? 

"Amy Lou the Bunny Keeper " is a piece that I stitched in 2021.  I haven't share that one, but if you would like to read about the story behind it click here

Jellybeans anyone?  The 2nd shelf is loaded with jellybeans for anyone's munching pleasure.  I can not believe my little grandbabies have not gobbled them up yet. 

I found the "Cottontail's Candy Cafe' wooden jar from the Dollar Tree. My vintage juicer holds a potted flower pot turned on its's side. 

Finished on an old piece of Home Interior is a trio of stitches from Stitching with the Housewives   They are called  "Peep" , "Hello Spring" and  "Crunch".

More bunnies and blue robin pieces in the corner. 

The bottom shelf  has it's fair share of bunnies as well. 

In one corner finished on a metal tray is With Thy Needle and Thread's "Basketful of Spring Time".  A big ole' bunny hopped into a wire basket which is nestled in a Pioneer Woman bowl. The doily is one of my newest thrifty finds. 

With Thy Needle and Thread's "Holiday Hoopla Easter" is finished as a round lid on top of a bowl. The bowl is turned on its side and is balanced on top of a mason jar. 
The old mason jar lid that has the egg cup in it was found in a creek. You know I had to brave the cold water for that treasure. 

My old scale sports a bunny , some eggs and a vintage doily. 

Is this knitted dish cloth not the cutest? My dear stitchy friend , Tracey sent this to me . It stays out year round , but has come center stage on my Easter hutch. It is too gorgeous for me to use washing dishes. Lol.  Thank you , dear Tracey. ❤πŸ€—


That's it !!! My Bunny Hutch  filled to the brim!!! 

 Ok so how many hares did you spy? 
I counted  12 ,  Hmm. Did I miss any? 

I am always amazed how the look of the hutch can change just by switching out my plates and a few accessories. If you want to hop over to previous  Easter hutch tours, the links are below.  I have to admit that 2022's Hutch is still my favorite!!!! I just love all of the carrots. 
 2022 Carrot Pickin Easter Hutch Tour

2021 Sunny Yellow Easter Hutch Tour 

Come Monday all of the Easter will be hopping back into their totes and a new display will be making its way onto the hutch.  Hmmm what should it be ? Strawberries or chickens or something else? Any suggestions for an April hutch?  

Thank you so much for dropping by for a sweet Tuesday visit. Mr. Pinker and I will be heading to a ballgame this afternoon . I am sure it will be a blast. 

As always...

 Happy stitching and decorating, ya'll


I can not let you leave without me telling you how much I appreciate your sweet visits. 😊❤

Enjoy the little things in life. Someday you will realize they were the big things. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy.  My thrifting partner in crime.  I  miss and love you, Amo. 


  1. Hi Melisa oh wow your decorated hutch looks awesome ,I love it ,lol I saw 10 bunnies so I must’ve missed two ,thankyou for inspiring us 🌹🀍🌹

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Shez. I had a lot of fun pulling out all of the bunnies and using the blue plates this year. It's always fun to do something different. Happy Easter.

  2. Do your grandchildren spend time just looking at everything in your hutch? How about a cow themed hutch, brown cows of course!

    1. Lol they do love looking at everything. The little one always has a funny comment or two and may add a toy to the display. They bring a smile to my day when they enjoy the changes. Oh , a cow theme would be great, Gretchen. I love cows and have a good collection of things too. Thank you so much.

  3. Totally enjoyed the bunny hutch tour, Melisa! I think birds should fill the hutch when you take the bunnies down.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Robin. Oh that is a great idea, Robin. I haven't pulled out my bird decor in awhile and I could use my new stitches as well . Thank you for the suggestion. Hugs.

  4. Your hutch tour this year was awesome-as well as the 2022 and 2021 photos!!! I say have a hutch of chickens for April! Or cows! I love both!!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Brenda. I used to never change out my hutch. I kept it in blue willow all the time. For the last couple of years I started rotating things out and I have been enjoying the changes. Chickens and cows!!! Oh how I love them!

  5. You do such a great job decorating your hutch. I can't pick a favorite, I love them all. We've stitched some of the same charts. I noticed Hip Hop on your 2022 hutch. My daughter asked me why it said "Chip Chop" when I stitched it LOL.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Jeanna. I have had a great time decorating my hutch seasonally. Lol how cute of your daughter!! I know you had to laugh at that - so sweet. Happy Easter.

  6. I always enjoy a tour of the hutch!!

    1. Aah you are so very kind, Arlene, Thank you so much. I enjoyed the color change this Easter in using the blue dishes. Happy Easter.

  7. Enjoyed your hutch decorated for Easter 🐣. My eyes spied πŸ‡πŸ‡πŸ‡πŸ‡πŸ‡πŸ‡πŸ‡πŸ‡πŸ‡πŸ‡πŸ‡πŸ‡πŸ‡(13). Cindyls5462

    1. I thought I missed one, Lol Thank you so much, Cindy for the sweet visit and for playing along. I enjoyed pulling out all of the rabbit decor for the season. Happy Easter.

  8. Aww, what a fun, fun tour of the bunny hutch!!!! I love all the robin's egg blues. But I do love carrots and the carrot themed bunny hutch, too! Looking forward to the next round of decorations! Happy Easter, Melisa! And please pass the jelly beans!

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Nancy. I was so tempted to decorate in the carrot theme again. I just enjoyed using all of the oranges, but it was nice to have a change . Lol gotta love jelly beans. Happy Easter.

  9. How can there be so much beauty in one place?!?!

    1. Aaah you are the sweetest, Kathy. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. I had a lot of fun decorating the hutch for the holiday. Happy Easter. Hugs.

  10. I’m sorry Melisa, I couldn’t keep count, I kept following another link, and then another. Thank you for showing us your beautiful stitching for your sister - it’s really lovely! I thoroughly enjoy seeing everything you make, and I want to make them all but couldn’t possibly. I don’t know how you do it. Thank you for your very entertaining posts, wishing you a Very Happy Easter Melisa! Barbara (TheFlashingScissors).

    1. Aaw Barbara, you are always so sweet and supportive. Thank you so much for the sweet visit and for bringing a smile to my day. The little stitch for my sister is very special. I miss her so. Sending hugs and blessings. Happy Easter.

  11. So many beautiful bunnies, Melisa! Your hutch is just darling! Can't wait to see what you pick for your next theme :) Have a wonderful Easter! ♥

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Carol. It was a lot of fun to change things up in the hutch. I better get on the stick and figure out what I am going to do with the hutch for the rest of April. Lol. Happy Easter.

  12. I so enjoyed the Huctch Tour, lol!! Love the Bunnies, I counted 12 but I could have missed a few.... Still love the carrots from last year, I think your bunnies need a carrot or two. I love the stitchery that you did for your sister, but you know you can keep that just for yourself and we would all understand. Blessing to you for the coming Easter, enjoy the day with family. Sending you many hugs from sunny Arizona.

    1. Aaah thank you dear , Mary. The carrot collection sorta crept up on me and I am still in love with all of it. I was so tempted to decorate it in carrots again, but I moved the carrots to another area so I didn't miss out. Lol. Thank you for the sweet visit Hugs and blessings.

  13. I have that same bunny that you have sittin on the scales--I have '2' of them each one a bit different--I got mine at a Dollar Tree like 25 years or so ago--!! and these have been shipped to Florida 2 times and back north once and made it--(even though all 3 trips I had lots of stuff get broken)--I do keep mine out all year in different displays--they are my 'pets'!!!!
    Your cabinet is looking very festive--thanks for sharing--
    hugs, di

    1. Oh how fun ,Di. I bought the little bunny from the Goodwill. It is so nice to know where it was originally sold from. So glad yours has made it through the moves. I like the idea of keeping it out year round. I have a couple of bunnies that I do the same, This little guy may have to join them. Happy Easter, Hugs.

  14. How very brave of you to clamber into the river to collect your treasure. I must say I would be very disappointed to spot a coloured Easter Egg then discover it was a dyed potato. Your gifted dish cloth is very pretty indeed.

    1. Lol thank you so much, Jenny. There is no telling how long that lid had been there for it is an old lid, but I had to have it. I agree. I would rather have a colored egg than a potato. Lol. Happy Easter.

  15. I hope you had as much fun putting your hutch display together as we have oohing and aahing over it each time! I counted 12 bunnies, but I had to go back and count a second time to find them. If I count again, will I find 13 or 14? Thanks for more heart-lifting fun! Kris

    1. Aaw thank you Kris. I had a ball pulling out all of the bunnies. I was little surprised that I had so many blue pieces that I could use. I had to shop around the house to find them. Lol I figured I might have missed a bunny or two in the count too. Happy Easter Hugs

  16. Umbrellas always remind me of April. I love your decorations 😍 Thank you for your generous spirit.

    1. Me too!!!! Usually I pull out a pair of rain boots and set an umbrella in it by the door for I know we are going to have daily showers. Lol. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. Happy Easter, dear.

  17. So much bunny eye candy, Melisa!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Darlene . I was surprised I had so many bunnies. Though they do multiply. Lol. Happy Easter

  18. I found 12 bunnies in this year's hutch display, but there were some other bunnies in the previous years that you didn't include this year, which is completely okay with me. I just figured it was a color thing. All of your displays are just too cute for words! So many directions and critters and colors to choose from and play up! Pigs, kitties, horses, geese &/or ducks, barns, frogs....Thank you so much for telling us about the Snowflower Diaries. Some really pretty stitches there.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Ginny. I was not sure if I missed a bunny or not. Some of my bunny stitches moved to my tree this year, It was fun to use them in different places. Ooh those are some great ideas for future hutch tours. Happy Easter

  19. 1, 2, 3, LOTS! LOL I love the blues and the jelly beans and the hares and ... and ... and ...!

    1. Aaaah thank you so much, Susan. I had so much fun working on this hutch. I had more bunnies than I thought. Lol. Happy Easter

  20. Enjoy your sweet hutch and the cute changes you make for the seasons!

    1. Oh thank you so much, dear Donna. I had a ball changing it out and pulling out all of the bunnies for the holiday. Happy Easter.


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