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Saturday, April 29, 2023

The Hopper House - A Saltbox Freebie and Pinwheel Blocks

                                Saturday is a good day
To have  good day
So do something 
To make you smile

Happy Saturday, ya'll.  Oh what a beautiful day it is! 

My coreopsis looks quite happy . 

Not a lot is going on here in the holler today. Mr. Pinker is out fishing, and I will be enjoying a day buzzing about on the sewing machine.  I thought it was going to rain today , but Woo Hoo! The rain has held off!!!
 I would feel quite regretful if I said goodbye to April without sharing a little saltbox house. 

I meant to share this house eariler, but I was in full force stitching Spring Stamps SAL.   My newest addition is called The Hopper House,  I am on the fence about this little house. What do you think? 

It does have many things that I love like  a yard full of bunnies and tulips blooming near the house. 

Maybe it is the colors that I keep mulling over on it.  I am still happy to add it to my collection.  Hmm I wonder what colors you would choose to stitch this house? 
If you would like to stitch The Hopper House,  just grab the image below. If you  have any problems printing , please check out Tips on Printing my charts and perhaps you will find a tip to help you. 

I also wanted to share a quick tutorial on making the pinwheels blocks that I shared on Monday for my quilt that I am calling Darlene's Quilt named after my dear friend, Darlene.🤗 ( Just click on the colored text to visit that post. )
This quilt block is so easy and is great for a beginner.
The instructions is for one block, but first look at this piece of adorable Three Pigs fabric. 
Is it not the cutest? I have had this in my stash for years. I think I am brave enough to cut into it. 

Ok , now to the instructions. 



From teal fabric cut 4 rectangles- 2 1/2" x 4 1/2"
From white fabric cut 4 rectangles- 2 1/2" x 4 1/2"


1. Take a white and a teal fabric, place right sides together
2.  Sew down the length of the strip .  

Press toward teal. Repeat for remaining teal and white strips.

3. Arrange blocks as shown. 


4. Sew rows together. Press. 

5.  Wahlah!! Your block is done!!!

That was easy wasn't it?

I have 3 more blocks completed to add to my quilt. I will be working on more of these today. 

That is my Saturday ramble. So what are your plans for the day? 

Thank you for dropping by and ..

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As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Today there is sunshine in my soul. `

Wear a smile no matter what the weather. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

🦋 Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I miss and love you so much, Amo. I send my love with butterfly kisses. 🦋



  1. I plan to work all day to finish my unit 2 on Sweet Land of Liberty. I hope I enjoy it as much as you do your sewing! The pinwheels are great, and make a pretty fast and colorful quilt for any occasion. Love the three pigs fabric!

    1. P.S. I like the salt box just fine, as it is.

    2. I can not wait to see your 2nd unit of Sweet Land of Liberty. This quilt is going to be spectacular. I love Cheri Payne's designs. Have a great day sewing. And thank you so much on my blocks and saltbox, Susan. Hugs.

  2. Merci pour la très bonne explication du patchwork et un très grand merci pour la nouvelle maison. Bonne journée

    1. Aaah thank you so much dear. You are so very kind . I truly appreciate the kind words and sweet visit. The blocks have been fun to work on . I hope you enjoy the new house. Have a lovely day.

  3. Love the little pigs print! Sweet block, Melisa. "Darlene's Quilt" makes me smile and LOL.

    1. Isn't that the sweetest fabric? I wish I had a whole yard of it, but I am happy to have what I have. I am enjoying working on this quilt so much. I added another block today. Thank you for the inspiration. Hugs.

  4. Hopper House is perfect the way it is. I love all the bunnies in the yard.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Darlene, I struggled a bit on this one, but I am glad to add it to my little village of humble homes. Happy stitching.

  5. Another lovely saltbox. Thanks for Hopper House pattern, Melisa. Hugs

    1. You are so very welcome, Ivani and thank you for the sweet Saturday visit. I hope you are having a great weekend.

  6. Thank you for Hopper House, Melisa! I love the tulips and little bunnies in the yard, and I do like the colors! I'll be in the Quilt Cave today, after some coffee on the porch with the old man, quilting my May IB blog hop project! It's so pretty and sunny today!

    1. It sounds like the perfect day, Brenda. I hope you got a lot accomplished in the Quilt Cave. I am looking forward to seeing your May project. I was able to enjoy some time on the porch quilting earlier. It has been a good day. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  7. That Hooper House is priceless-- bunnies and rooftop flowers! That pinwheel block is great too. I loved that stash fabric and now someone else will be admiring it too!---TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Terry. I think the bunnies and the roof are my favorite parts of this house. I am having a great time working on the pinwheels. Hope you have a great weekend.

  8. Oh my! As soon as I read the word "Saltbox" on the title I was full of excitement to discover another beautiful house design! I really love it and now, I really have to finish the Spring SAL because I'm in love with this one!

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Diana. I had hoped to share this one earlier, but better late than never . Lol. I hope you enjoy this one and I am so thrilled that you are going to add it to your future stitch list. Enjoy the Spring Stamps . Hugs

  9. The Hopper house is adorable. I love the blue door, wouldn't change a thing. Thanks for another freebie ❤️. Happy stitching. Cindyls5462

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Cindy. I wrestled over what colors to use in this one, but I thought the blue door was sweet. Have a blessed weekend. Hugs

  10. I love the Hopper house! Wouldn't change a thing. Definitely will stitch this for spring. Thank you!

    1. Aah you are so kind, Shelli. I hope you enjoy every minute of this little stitch . Thank you so much and have a wonderful weekend.

  11. Thank you for another great saltbox house slowly getting them stitched. So far I've done 17 and have another kitted up.

    1. Wow, Nina! I am so honored. Thank you so much for stitching my humble homes. It sounds like you have a wonderful village. I hope you enjoy this one. Happy stitching.

  12. I Love your Spring house and want one. Thank you for sharing

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear. You are so very kind. It was a fun little house to work on. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  13. Thanks so much for the Hopper House. You are very generous. So far I have finished two of your houses. I think I'll do this one with a light blue fabric for the background. Thanks again. Margie/TN

    1. Oh that would look so pretty and very Springy, Margie. I hope you enjoy this little house and thank you for the sweet visit. Happy stitching.

  14. Thank you for all you share with us. I have loved every house you've stitched.

    1. Aaaw thank you so much, Mary Ann. Your kind words truly mean so much to me. They have been a joy to share. Have a wonderful week and happy stitching.

  15. What a pretty little hopper house! And those bunnies are so delicate and adorable!!!

    1. Aww thank you so much , Nancy. The rabbits are my favorite part of the stitch. Thank you for the sweet visit . Have a great week.

  16. Another cute saltbox pattern! Thank you! I was thinking of using Winter White instead of regular white (3865 I think)...what do you think? Love the pinwheel block! Blessings

    1. Oh that would be so pretty, Donna. I hope you enjoy this little saltbox. It was a fun stitch even though I struggled a bit. Lol. Have a great week. Hugs.

  17. What a sweet saltbox. With the bunnies and the tulips, it is perfect for Spring! Those budding trees look like they might be dogwoods, maybe? The pinwheel block is a perfect one to use as a Leader/Ender, being a simple assembly. It will make a great quilt with your 30's prints.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Ginny . Yes I was thinking of dogwoods with the trees. They have been in bloom. They are one of my favorite trees. I think i will use the Pinwheel blocks as my leader/ ender project this week and just see how many blocks I can create. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  18. Love the sweet bunny saltbox. You are so talented!


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