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Tuesday, May 17, 2022

It's a Beautiful Day and Freedom Saltbox- A Patriotic Freebie

           📻📻"See the sun shining in the window, 
          Time to start a new day. 
          Can't you hear the song bird singing?
          They're gonna sing out loud and say:
         It's a beautiful day for running in the sun, 
          A beautiful day has just begun. 
         A beautiful day to do what I want to do-o-o-o"

Good morning, ya'll. It is so joyous to begin the day with a song, and it is a beeautiful day! I hope your day is starting off with a sunshiny start!  

Please grab you a cup of whatever strikes your fancy. Well here, I have tea and yes I sip my ice tea in mugs. That's my excuse to buy cute mugs Lol . Don't tell Mr. Pinker. 

Be Blessed is a  freebie from my dear friend, Vicki at Stitchy McFloss blogspot

This is my newest mug that I got at the Dollar General while camping.  I haven't found them at my DG, but I am always keeping my eyes peeled for mug cuteness! 

Yesterday, I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed thanks to a sweet birdie serenading to me on my window sill. I decided to take a drive to Lowes to see if there were any plants on sale. Oh , bummer ; no sales .  So I then went to Wally World where I found a couple of pepper and tomato plants to replace some that are looking pretty poorly.

 Being in the vicinity, I had to stop at the Goodwill. Let me show you my haul!! Loads of milk glass, and I even left some behind. Hmmm! I wonder if I should take another  trip to the Goodwill.  I am certainly in milk glass heaven right now.


In my previous post, I showed a photo of my newest stitch and finish - Hinzeit's Love Bees. 

My dear friend, PJ who knows I love bees sent me this chart. I finished it on a little clipboard that I had in my stash.

 I am pretty sure it had to have came from Wally World or Dollar Tree (the only 2 places I shop)  The clipboard does have an easel back and a small bow on it. 


I decided to embellish mine so I pulled back the bow and added some old floral picks and jute. I just tacked the embellishments down with a tad of hot glue that way I can easily take it off if I want and then pull down the original bow .  


Thank you again, PJ; I am so excited to add this to my bee collection.  

 Today I also wanted to share with you a new saltbox called Freedom Saltbox. 

  I am really loving the colors in this piece so much that I am going to use them in a little  sampler pinkeep that I hope to stitch and share soon.  

Click here for instruction page. 

Click here for Colored Chart.

Click here for Black/White Chart. 

I absolutely love seeing your saltbox stitches and each one is finished so beautifully. It just warms my heart.💗🥰🤗 Thank you, all. 

 The other day I was looking at which is the most popular saltbox.

 The most popular is ..... Drum Roll, please. Crow Creek!  

Crow Creek  was the very  1st saltbox. 

The 2nd most popular saltbox is .... Spring Green Saltbox. 

 It is always hard for me to choose my most favorite. They all have a special place in my heart especially the one's named after family members.

 If you have missed any of the other saltboxes, just click on the names below and you will be whisked back to a previous posts for your reading pleasure, and you will also find links to the charts there as well. 

 Candy Cane Cottage , Thanksgiving House,  Autumn's Saltbox , Susan's Summer Saltbox ,    Crow Creek SaltboxOphelia Manor on Punkin Holler Lane ,  Willowisp Manor of Holler Lane  ,  Turkey Creek Manor ,  Winter Saltbox  , and Dorothy Mae's Spring House   ,  Spring Green Saltbox  ,  Katie Anne's Saltbox , Sarah Jane's 1776 Saltbox , Aunt Bea's Summer Home  ,  Christmas Eve Saltbox  , Edna Viola's Saltbox ,  Winter Manor  ,  Elizabeth Hartline's Saltbox  , The Tulip House  and Strawberry Saltbox . 


Oh, my gosh! I have gabbed your head off. I am so sorry for the long post. Before you leave let me leave you , your weekly reminder "YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!" Thank you so much , sweeties for the lovely visit and have a very blessed and joyous day. As always... 

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll


Bee the best you can bee! 
Begin each day with a joyful heart. 

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗❤🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy .I miss you , Amo . Love ya. 


  1. Thank you for another beautiful saltbox. I've made two - spring and summer - though I changed the colors on summer. Spring is hanging in the RV. Blessings.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Donna. I bet your saltboxes look amazing and how wonderful to decorate your RV with your stitching. I am so honored that you stitched my humble little designs. Big hugs.

  2. Love your Freedom Saltbox, Melisa! What a sweet stitch!

    1. Robin, I had so much fun stitching this one. I kept changing the house as I went , but am so happy with how it turned out. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  3. Thank you for yet another sweet house pattern.

    1. Aaah you are so very welcome, Gail and thank you for the sweet visit and kind compliment. I hope you enjoy it. Have a wonderful weekend. Happy stitching.

  4. Your saltbox designs are so sweet! Thank you for sharing them with all of us. That bee stitchery is sure to make it to your display cupboard. One thing though, you mentioned that you were sharing your new milk glass pieces but I didn't see them. Maybe it didn't come through? Surely it didn't slip your mind! hahaha!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Susie . Oh yes, the bee stitch will be in my cupboard come summer time. I had a glitch in my computer where all my photos did not show up or got rearranged. I am so glad that you messaged me. I finally got them straightened out. Still having tech problems , but I am getting there. Lol. Have a beautiful weekend , my friend. Hugs.

  5. Another beautiful salt box. Thanks for your generosity.❤
    Love your new mug.

    1. You are always so kind, Ivani. Thank you so much. I truly enjoy stitching the salt boxes. I hope your weekend is fabulous and I know it will be productive. Can not wait to see what you get accomplished. Happy quilting and stitching.

  6. What a fun post! I adore the new Love Bees stitchery!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Kathy. I am all into bee stitching right now. I will display my bees later in the summer though. I am hoping to work on some wee bee quilts too. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  7. That is one cute BEE stitchery;) And I love all your Salt boxes, I need to work on one someday. Thank you for your generosity Melisa.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Vicki. I have had a ball stitching both bee stitches. I can not wait to display them later on. I have been dividing time between patriotic stitching and bee stitching. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  8. Another sweet, wonderful saltbox, I am in love as ususal. I may have to loan out my stitchery so that I have more room for your lovely new patterns! Thank you so much! Milk glass pieces are a favorite of mine,but I have very little room to show off what I already have, LOL. Oh, well. Love and hugs from Arizona

    1. Lol thank you so much, Mary. It was a fun stitch to work on . I kept changing it up as I went , but I am so happy with how it turned out. Lol. my hubby joked and said my stitching is growing like my quilts and is taking over our small home, but it brings me joy which he makes happy as well. Hugs and love

  9. Another lovely saltbox. Thanks Melisa!

  10. Thank you for allowing us to stitch your sweet patterns! I am getting ready to start the Saltbox Houses! I am not sure which one first! I will come back and share once I finish one! I started stitching in the later 80's then put it aside for the past 23 years and have picked it up again January 2023...but I had nothing in the way of supplies or patterns. Having access to some free patterns makes it not so hard having to buy fabric and floss at the current prices. ;)


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