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Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Summer Days and the Gals on the Farm

Eeeeh! Another finish before the end of the year!!! Welcome y'all and Happy Tuesday Oooh before we take a closer look at my quilt. Look way down the field beyond my quilt. Do you see them? Yep the gals!!! Let's go see them first.  Shall we? 

Edna says, "Howdy " Though she has an ear pulled back she was in a great mood and wanted to see what I was up to.  "No sweet treats today,  Sweetie!"

Brrr! It is cold . These gals just did not want to get up and look at the quilt, but that's okay. "Enjoy your day, ladies. "

Ok, now back to the quilt. I am doing the happy hoe down because I finished Summer Days quilt which I shared as a Stitch Along last year. 

Way back in February of 2022, I began dreaming of warmer weather and shared the 1st block in the Summer Days SAL which was  A Little Blue Birdie. 

Over 12 weeks, I shared 12 simple embroidery designs. 

The embroidered blocks measured 6 1 /2" unfinished and 6 " finished.  I then  created a double churn dash for each block alternating the reds and blues. 

The unfinished block size is 16 1/2" squared. 

 Links to piecing the Churn Dashes

Piecing Away on Summer Days- Churn Dash construction. 

Summer Days-Thursday - Making the Double Churn Dash

Hello, Gerite . Now don't you give me that look! Lol. You got to watch her. She can be a bit ornery.  You can barely see Dora , the black and white face in the background. She is a doll. 

I hand quilted 1/4" away from the seams on each of the blocks and outlined the embroidery. 

I was stalled when it came to the border but finally decided to use the Baptist Fan design to quilt the border.  The border fabric was a Pioneer Woman fabric which was perfect for  this quilt.  Edna was quite interested in hearing about my Summer Days.

But Gertie was not. She wouldn't even give me or my quilt a passing glance when I brought out Summer Days. Oh , Gert!!!! I guess she was peeved because no one was bringing a roll of hay down the hill at that very moment. " It will be here shortly, gal.  Can't you just take a peek at my quilt, sweet gal? " 

So do you think I should start dreaming of an Autumn Days or perhaps Winter Days quilt for the future?  Perhaps. 

I am off to snuggle under my Summer Days quilt, dream of warmer weather and of creating another quilt.  I am so grateful that you dropped by for a Tuesday visit. 

Isn't  this gal as cute as a button? 

Have a beautiful day and may your fingers by nimble and be stitching up a storm!!!

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

Into the field I go to lose my mind and find my soul. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy.  The farm is not the same without you. Love and miss you, Amo 

                      Ya'll come back now , ya hear! 

Hmm. There is Gertie's hay bale. I better see if Mr. Pinker can pull her out a roll. Lol. 

Oh by the way, Bev the red and white faced cow is still not back at this farm yet. She and Dora , the black and white face cow are besties when they are together. Hopefully, Bev will be back soon. 


  1. It turned out great!! It is a wonderful quilt!!!
    Happy Holidays, Melisa!!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Pilarin. I am over to the moon to have it finished and ready for next year. Happy Holidays. Hugs.

  2. Summer Days is lovely! Enjoying sleeping under her.

    1. Aah thank you so much,Gretchen. I am so glad to have it completed by the end of the year. Enjoy these last few days of the year. Hugs

  3. Your Summer Days quilt is so pretty and I love how you didn't rush through it - you took your time and it turned out beautifully! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Blessings!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Donna. I am so proud to have it completed and ready for the Summer. It was a joy to work on. Enjoy the rest of the holiday season. Hugs .

  4. Congrats on a beautiful finish! I'm definitely wishing for warmer weather, but maybe not summer weather. It was pretty warm last summer!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Kate. I am thrilled to have this quilt completed. I believe Spring and Summer time are my favorite times of the year. I do enjoy the warmer weather too. I hope you are not getting bad weather. I heard some areas in your state were getting snow. Have a lovely rest of the week. Hugs.

  5. What a beautiful quilt Melisa! I'd be proud of it too, especially with all the wonderful embroidery, hand quilting, and pretty PW border! Your property looks lovely. Enjoy your week!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Linda. I am over the moon to have Summer Days complete. I am already dreaming of having it on display come May. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week too. Hugs.

  6. Well done on getting Summer Days finished, Melisa! It is a beauty. I was wondering if Bev was back. Happy Tuesday!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Robin. I am so happy to have this quilt completed before the end of the year. Bev is one of my favorites. I am looking forward to when she makes her way back . I get a kick out of watching the besties team up. Lol. All of the cows have their own personalities. Enjoy your week. Hugs.

  7. I luv cows, I grew up with grandparents on both sides farming,one uncle had a dairy farm & let us milk the cows,the quilt is beautiful! I hoping to get 2 finished up by the end of this month ,I know 4 days!😄

    1. I think cows are my favorite farm animal as well. We have always had cows and have had donkeys for almost 30 years. I bet you have many fond memories of your family farms. Eeeh 2 more quilt finishes ! I am cheering you on Helen. Happy New Year. Hugs.

  8. The quilt is awesome! Love the double churn dash surrounding the cute stitcheries. I REALLY love Dora and Bev and have to say they are my favorites, especially Dora! I just love a black and white faced cow!! For a few years, there was an oreo cow just down the road from us. I got so excited when I would see her. She literally looked just like an oreo - black solid on front and back and pure white in the middle! She disappeared for a while and one day near the swamp, I saw her and a yearling that looked just like her!! I'd love to have a pasture full of those!! Happy Tuesday, Melisa! Hugs!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Brenda. I am thrilled to have Summer Days completed. I think Dora and Bev are my favorites. Of course I have had other favorite cows as well like Molly , Heart , Blackie and Bangs. Oh, Oreo sounds so precious ; I can imagine how gorgeous the calf was. I have always had a soft spot for livestock with unusual markings. Have a great week. Hugs.

  9. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I recently discovered your blog and look forward to seeing it each time it appears. I especially enjoy your saltbox houses and hope to stitch some of them this coming year.

    1. Aaah Merry Christmas, Bettie and thank you from the bottom of my heart for the warm message and compliment. You just brightened my day. The saltboxes are some of my favorites to work on. I sure hope you enjoy them. Have a blessed week and Happy New Year. Hugs

  10. What a terrific finish! Your hand quilting is the perfect compliment to those wonderful embroidered blocks!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Oh thank you so much, Terry. It was a joy to quilt each block and very relaxing too. I am over the moon to have it completed. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and I wish you a wonderful New Year. Hugs.

  11. That's a delightful and beautiful quilt, Melisa! Wishing you a week of filled sewing needles!!! Darlene J

    1. Happy Tuesday, Darlene and thank you so much on my latest finished. I was over the moon to squeeze this finish in by the end of the year. I hope your needles are flying as well and your sewing machine is humming away. Happy New Year, sweet friend. Hugs.

  12. Hooray for a sweet, summery finish at the end of December! The red, white, and blue churn dashes are a great way to feature your pretty embroidery designs, Melisa. Love seeing your friends on the farm, too!

    1. I am jumping for joy to have finished it by the end of the year. I can not wait to display it come Summer time with my patriotic pieces. Hope you had a great day, Diann. Hugs.

  13. Of course your quilt is delightful!! But what I really want to say is I always love seeing your farm critters. They look so loved and so well cared for. It just warms my heart.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Maureen. It has been awhile since I have showed the gals on the farm. We certainly enjoy taking care of them. Each and every one has their own personality too. They are a hoot. I wish you a blessed and joyous new year. Hugs.

  14. Replies
    1. Oh thank you from the bottom of my heart, Jennifer. You are so very kind. This has been an enjoyable quilt to work on. I am so elated to have it completed and ready for the summer. Have a wonderful evening and a Happy New Year. Hugs.

  15. So cute and fun!!! This post would make a fun children's book! And fab embroideries and quilting, Melisa!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Nancy. You made my smile because my hubby is always saying that I need to write children's books. I had a great time working on the quilt and was so happy that the farm critters came to get a gander at it. Lol. Happy New Year. Hugs.

  16. Woohoo, so glad you got your quilt finished before year end. It’s stinkin beautiful. Thank you for your story on your farm babies. You really should write children’s books about what you share with us. They would be great books. ❤️❤️

    1. Aah, Patti. Thank you so much. I was worried that I would not get it completed , but thankfully, I pulled it off. Lol, my hubby tells me the same thing all the time- that I should write children's books. I think that would be something that I would enjoy. Happy New Year , sweet friend. Hugs.

  17. Wahoo! Summer Days is done! Kudos to you, Melisa. How about something like Spring Awakenings? That brings some interesting images to mind for me. I bet you could really go to town with that theme.

    1. Oooh that would be a great theme, Ginny. I will have to brainstorm on that. I do like creating little doodles and stitching them . Embroidery work makes me feel like I am getting something done when the grandbabes are here too. Lol. Thank you for the suggestion, Ginny. Happy New Year. Hugs.

  18. Your quilt is wonderful! Who doesn't love a Churn Dash? Has Bev come back to the farm yet? That picture of her is perfection. Happy New Year to you and yours ❤️

    1. Oh thank you so much, Cheryl . I think the Churn Dash is my favorite block to work with. I can not ever get enough of churn dash quilts or nine patches. LOL. Bev has not made it back to this part of the farm yet. She is with the main herd right now. I thought she was coming back in November though. Her and Dora, the black and white face are besties when they are together. Lol. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you a happy New Year. Hugs.


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