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Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Tulip House - A Spring Freebie

Good morning, Sunshine!  Welcome .I have been working on a new saltbox called  The Tulip House. 

All winter long,  I dreamed of a little yellow house surrounded by tulips. I knew I wanted it to bright and cheerful .

 Finally , I pulled out the floss and fabric and my fingers went a flying. I almost came to a screeching halt when the original house color, DMC 782, did not show well on my fabric . 

Oh , boy what to do?

 Well I ran to my floss bin searching for a bit of sunshine .   I knew if I dug down deep into my floss stash I would find the cheery colors that I needed. 

 I rummaged and rummaged when all of  a sudden DMC 742 & 743 came leaping out of my floss basket. "Ta da! We are here to the rescue! " , they exclaimed.

 "Well ya'll sure are looking bright eyed and bushy tailed. I think ya'll will do perfectly, " I said. ( yes I talk to my floss. Lol) 

 Soon my heart was singing with joy. This was the house I was dreaming of. 

If you are interested in tulip house , I invite you to check out the links below. You certainly can change the house and tulips to any color that strikes your fancy. 

Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding that I  have to put each page on separate links because of the devices I use. I apologize for that.  These are images of the chart  or JPG s and not downloads.   I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and for stitching my little designs. 

Click here for instruction page. 

Click here for colored chart. 

Click here for black/white chart. 

If you have missed any of the other saltboxes, just click on the names below and you will be whisked back to a previous posts for your reading pleasure, and you will also find links to the charts there as well. 

 Candy Cane Cottage , Thanksgiving House,  Autumn's Saltbox , Susan's Summer Saltbox ,    Crow Creek SaltboxOphelia Manor on Punkin Holler Lane ,  Willowisp Manor of Holler Lane  ,  Turkey Creek Manor ,  Winter Saltbox  , and Dorothy Mae's Spring House   ,  Spring Green Saltbox  ,  Katie Anne's Saltbox , Sarah Jane's 1776 Saltbox , Aunt Bea's Summer Home  ,  Christmas Eve Saltbox  , Edna Viola's Saltbox ,  Winter Manor  , and Elizabeth Hartline's Saltbox

Well I am off to enjoy the day. No plans yet, but I am sure I can find something to get into. I hope your day is filled with joy, love and blessings. As always...

Happy stitching, ya'll

Let yourself go! You are bound to bloom!!!

Hugs and Stitches and Cheery Spring Wishes!!! 🌷🌷🌷

Dedicated to my sweet baby sister, Amy  . You are my sunshine! I miss and love you ,Amo. 


  1. As living in The Netherlands, with lot of tulips, I do love this pattern very much. Thank you soo much

    1. Aaah that just warms my heart to hear, Annelies. I hope you enjoy it. Tulips are your national flower aren't they? I can only imagine the variety of colors you have . Have a very lovely day and thank you for the sweet visit.

  2. Another beautiful saltbox, so pretty! Happy stitching!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Gretchen . I had a ball working on this one. It certainly makes me smile and gets me excited for warmer weather. Have a wonderful week. Happy quilting.

  3. I L❤VE all your saltboxes but this one just earned a place among my favorites!!!

    1. Aaah that warms my heart. Thank you so much, dear. It is hard for me to choose a favorite , but this one makes me smile. I certainly was ready for some bright cheerful colors. I hope you enjoy this one. Happy stitching.

  4. Oh comme cela fait du bien ces belles couleurs. Le printemps arrive et grâce à votre joli modèle il est en avance.
    Merci beaucoup.
    Amitiés de France,

    1. You are so welcome, Christel and thank you. I hope it is getting warmer where you live. We had snow over the weekend , but it warming up this week. I am excited to add this stitch to my spring decor. Have a lovely week, my dear.

  5. Another beautiful salt box pattern, Melisa. Thanks ♥

    1. Aww you are so kind, Ivani. Thank you so much. I have become quite obsessed with stitching saltboxes. My collection is growing. lol. Happy quilting and stitching. Hugs

  6. I was just thinking this morning that I missed seeing a new design and I was so happy to see your new house design. I love yellow and this house is so sweet. on another note please pray for my daughter.She has been in the hospital twice this week for swallowing issues. She has dysautonomia and it affects so many things, Thank you.

    1. Oh I am so sorry about your dear daughter. I have never heard of dysautonomia. I will certainly keep her and you in my prayers. I know you have to be worried something awful. Thank you so much for the sweet visit and kind words. Hugs and blessings.

  7. Your Tulip House is darling with the tulips, the cheerful colors and the robins. Well done, Melisa. And thank you!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. It was time to bring on the cheery colors. Lol. I was hoping that my tulips would be blooming by now , but they are not so I am happy to enjoy the stitched ones. Lol. Happy stitching. Hugs.

  8. I love the Tulip House Salt Box. It is so bright and cheerful. Thank you for sharing your beautiful designs with us. I love following your blog, you always gives me a big smile.

    1. Oh Sandi. You are so kind and your sweet compliment made my day. Thank you so much. I am so happy that you like my salt box. I had a time finding yellows that would show up , but sure was happy with these colors. Have a great week and happy stitching. Hugs.

  9. thanks for another great saltbox love them all

    1. You are so welcome, Nina and thank you for the sweet visit and kind words. Creating and sharing the saltboxes are a joy for me. I have been working on another one for the near future that I really like. Happy stitching, my dear. Hugs.

  10. Melisa, I am seriously in love with this bright, beautiful and cherry Saltbox. I wish that I could grow tulips here but they do not do too well. Thank you so much, I know I tell you every time that this is my favourite, but I have pulled fabric and floss. I was going to clean a little today but it is a sweet sunny spring day here and I am going to stitch on the patio to birdsong. Much love and many hugs from Arizona.

    1. Happy Tuesday, Mary. Eeh! I am so thrilled that you like my saltbox. I originally did not know if it would be too bright, but I do love how it turned out. Oh my , stitching on the patio sounds glorious!! I hope you had a wonderful relaxing day enjoying the sun, and nature. I am hoping to do the same sometime this week. Today was a rainy day. Maybe sunshine tomorrow. Lol. Hugs and love.

  11. OMGosh! I love your Tulip House. So sweet. Such happy Spring colors. Thank you again for sharing your talents with us sweet friend. Mr. Cross Stitch seems to still have his fever...but I did show him your lovely design...he raised his feverish head and mumbled..."must stitch" and then fell back upon his pillow and drifted back to sleep. Mo is all giddy and has already printed the design off and is searching the floss boxes are I write this...Jo is at the store getting more ginger snaps...that concludes another episode of As The World Turns at My House. :) I adore all your lovely salt-boxes...Thank you again for sharing them with all of us. Blessings to you always sweet friend. ((hugs)) :)

    1. Lol Happy Tuesday, my dear friend. Thank you so much on my Tulip House. Poor Mr. Cross Stitch - hope he is feeling better soon. Yum - gingersnaps- Jo knows a good cookie. It has been awhile since I have had them. Lol I remember As the World Turns- miss it. Big hugs and blessings.

  12. Ah... such a sweet design, Melisa and so perfect for spring! I've always loved yellow houses so much--they're so cheerful looking. I'm sure it makes you so proud to see the many designs you've created (and I know there are many more!) all lined up. I especially like the robins in your latest design--I finally saw my first one the other day so I know spring is definitely arriving soon. Take care now and thank you again for your generosity ♥

    1. Happy Tuesday, Carol. Thank you so much for the kind words and sweet visit. I have always had an affection for yellow houses. In fact I always wanted to live in one, but alas I never will. But that's ok - I can stitch them. Eeh I bet you was excited to see your first robin for this year. Warm weather is on the way. Happy stitching, my friend. Hugs

  13. merci pour ce très joli modèle. J'aime beaucoup les tulipes, bonne soirée

    1. Aaaah you are so welcome and thank you . I love tulips too. Mine have not bloomed yet , but I can certainly enjoy them stitched. Have a very lovely week, my dear and again thank you for the sweet visit. Happy stitching.

  14. Thank you for this beatiuful design! ❤

    1. Oh you are so welcome, Jess and thank you for stopping by to visit . I certainly appreciate your kindness. I had a ball stitching this house and I over the moon that you like it. Happy stitching, my friend.

  15. Oh yah!! Thank you so much, Sandra. Yellow is one of my favorite colors. I didn't know if this one would be too bright or not, but I do love it. I am going to tuck this one in my Easter decor too. I so hope you enjoy it. Have a wonderful day, my dear. Hugs.

  16. OH my goodness the saltbox collection made me squeal out loud... it would take me a long time to go through the collection and admire each one!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Kathy . I started the year before last in hopes of eventually getting enough to fill up my grandpa's big dough bowl. I think I am getting close. Lol. Have a great weekend. Happy quilting.

  17. Love, love the Saltbox collection. Thank you for your beautiful charts. The "bees", have to have them, I am making a wall dedicated to my "bee" cross stitch collection. I quilt during the day and cross stitch in the evenings. It definitely has been a life savior during these last few years. Sending happy wishes for you and yours, from Ohio.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Sharon. I have enjoyed creating and sharing the saltboxes. Your bee wall sounds fabulous. Of course I have an obsession with bees as well. I quilt during the day and stitch at night too. Thank goodness for hobbies. Lol. Have a wonderful weekend, my dear and happy quilting and stitching.

  18. I love all your designs, and they are getting more sophisticated and elaborate, which I love! Keep the beauty coming! Kathy

    1. Aah thank you so much, Kathy. That is the sweetest compliment. Learning to chart and interpret my drawings in stitches has been a very rewarding experience. I learn something new everyday. Thank you so much for the encouragement. That means so much to me. Happy stitching.

  19. Thank you so much for such lovely free designs. I love all of them and so appreciate them! Love your country decorating you have inspired me so much!

    1. Aaah Lori. Thank you so much. You brought a smile to my day. I have to admit that I still get scared to post photos of all my country clutter, but everyone has been so kind. I so appreciate that. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Hugs

  20. Love this! Think it is going to be my weekend stitching! Thanks Melisa.

    1. Aaah I am so excited, Liz. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. Have a wonderful weekend and hope you get a lot accomplished. Happy stitching.

  21. Thank you, Melisa, for yet another cheerful saltboxhouse.
    This will be number four in my basket!
    Your blog and designs are so cheerful and so much fun to stitch. Happy weekend! Over here my first tulips are peeping above the ground: and a difficult choice to be made: gardening or making your Tulip House ;-) ;-)


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