Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

1803 Autumn Home - A Fall Freebie

Good afternoon, ya'll and welcome. I have been searching the trees for my sweet squirrels this morning. But they are a no show. 

 Living smack dab in the middle of the woods means that the squirrels only visit when there is a sure meal in the bird feeders and  Oops ! They are not filled today.  There are plenty of acorns , pinecones and walnuts about  though. 

Sandy is one of my favorites . Usually I can sit on the couch and watch her and her friend circle around the tree trunk  outside my window. 

I know. I know . Some have a love hate relationship with squirrels. I just think they are just plumb cute though and have fed them for years along with the birds and many other critters.  

Ok.  Sandy recently gave  me some advice-  so here it is .


    * Plan ahead. 

    * Stay active. 

    * Spend time in the woods. 

    * Go out on a limb.

     * And it is ok to be a little NUTS! 


Aaah , Great advice , Sandy.  I think I can do that especially the last one . How about you? 

Today's stitch is called 1803 Autumn Home. A fine home sits in a colander . Lol.  When I 1st shared a sneak peek on IG , my friend Cindy said it looked like a colander and she is right. 😃.   Hey, I have been known to decorate with pumpkins in a colander so why not a house .Right? 


Two little squirrels sit above with their acorns for their munching pleasure - or maybe they are going to store them for the winter. 


I stitched this piece on 14 count aida that I coffee/ tea dyed, but I added a lot of cinnamon and the fabric came out so pretty- well at least in my eyes. 


There are 6 DMC colors in this design which are 301, 469, 610, 434, 898, 3371, but of course you could use whatever colors strike your fancy. 

It's design size  is  112 x 112 and on 14 count aida that is about 8 inches square. 

If you are interested in this prim autumn house, I invite you to check out my pdfs below and don't forget to look at my disclaimer. 

Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding that I  have to put each page on separate pdf downloads because of the devices I use. I apologize for that.  And I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and stitching my little designs.

Click here for instruction page.

Click here for colored chart.

Click here for black and white chart. 

Since this is a large chart, I also have included enlarged versions. Now many of you know I have very little tech ability so again each page has been put on separate pdfs. I am so sorry about that. 

Click  here for page 1 of the  ENLARGED colored chart

Click here for page 2 of the ENLARGED colored chart. 

Click here for page 1 of the ENLARGED black and white chart.

Click here for page 2 of the ENLARGE black and white chart. 

So before you leave, please tell me. Are you a squirrel lover? Lol 

Thank you so much for visiting today and hope you have a smile on your face , a song in your heart and a skip in your step. Have a beautiful day, my friends and as always...

Happy stitching. 


Oh, and don't forget to search those trees for squirrels today! 😄

Amy's special tree. Today was your special day.   

It is sharing the small things in life that make the biggest memories. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!

Dedicated to my sweet baby sister, Amy who was once nipped by a squirrel and laughed about it. .  Lol. sweet memories. RIP Amo.  I love ya. 

                                        🍃🍂🍁🌳❤❤❤  🍃🍂🍁🌳


  1. I am a squirrel lover. I'm always happy to see them in the yard. Great advice from a squirrel. Your new design is wonderful and the fabric is just perfect. There's a real warmth to this piece. Amy's special tree is beautiful.

    1. Oh I am too, Sue. They provide me much entertainment when the squirrels begin to play - the frisky ones always grab my heart. Thank you so much, Sue for the sweet visit and the kind words about Amy's tree. She was married there in a little country wedding just 2 years ago today. I hope you enjoy this little design and have a beautiful week my dear.

  2. Thanks for another great chart. Squirrels don't bother me but I don't have a garden that they want to eat in either. City girl here.

    1. Aah thank you so much for the sweet visit and comment. Though I think they are cute ; they can be little dickens in getting in feeders and gardens , but I'm ok with that. Lol I hope you enjoy this little design and thank you again my dear. Happy stitching.

  3. I enjoy watching their antics - they are comedians for sure !!! Thank you once again for such a cute fall design. So very generous!!!

    1. Aah you are so welcome. I agree they are comical. I miss them when they are not playing around. My daughter and I used to count the squirrels we would see in the neighborhood close to her school . They were everywhere in the mornings. Lol. I so hope you enjoy this chart and happy stitching.

  4. Hello Melisa! Thank you for the sweet chart and darling embroidery pattern squirrel. I am always delighted by squirrels, and have many grey ones in my back yard. Blessings and Hugs, Shari

    1. Aah you are so welcome, Shari and thank you for the sweet visit. I am so glad to hear that you are a fellow squirrel lover. Lol. We have a grey ones around here too. Occasionally, a fox squirrel can be spotted down the road on the farm, but they are a rare sighting. I hope you enjoy the little charts. Hugs.

  5. Your squirrel/acorn house is lovely, Melisa. I do like squirrels as long as they leave my house alone. We haven't seen many around the house lately which usually means there is a hawk around.

  6. I love squirrels, they are a little dickens though, if you have a garden! I always plan on extra treats nearby when they appear. Not so many squirrels in Phoenix but up in the mountains, oh boy!! A sweet remembrance for your sister, the tree is truly magnificent. I am loving this stitchery piece, the squirrels are perfect! Good advice from Sandy Squirrel. Hugs to you and your family.

  7. I LOVE squirrels. My hubby has even made them their own picnic bench with a tray in the center to put their food. Thank you for all of your lovely designs.

  8. Thanks for another lovely design.we have squirrels that we feed along with the birds. We enjoy watching their antics.

  9. Another adorable stitch! Thank you so much! I know some people find squirrels to be pests, but I do love them. I have one that comes up on my deck frequently, and that always makes me happy. :D

  10. Thank you for another sweet cross stich, Melisa! The addition of the squirrel couple is perfect! I have been feeding the birds and squirrels here in Oregon for decades. Most of the year I use suet cakes so at least everyone gets something!
    Warm regards, Lisa

  11. I have spent a lot of time the last year staring out my bedroom door at squirrels on the little deck, and running across the yard and in the woods. I'd say yes, I like them. They've kept me company and often amused me during dark days. One likes to lie flat on his tummy with his chin on the newel post of the deck corner. It looks so funny!


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