Blog Archive

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Katie Anne's Saltbox - A Spring Freebie

Good morning, ya'll!!  And Happy Tuesday!  I am so happy you are visiting me today.  Please, come on in, have a seat and let's chat for a bit. 

 Yesterday was a great day for  stitching. I snuggled up on the couch, pulled out several projects and stitched away as I watched my mysteries. Come evening, it was time to head to the grandson's baseball game. I took along a little embroidery project to work on  for when I had a chance. How has your week started off?  I hope good .

 I have been working on another saltbox, and  I'm so excited to share it with you. 

 This one is called Katie Anne's Saltbox. I  know you are probably saying - "Wasn't the last house a green one too? "  Yep ! I promise you I did  not intend to stitch another green saltbox, but let me tell you what happened. 

I was looking in my Basket of Tangles( my unorganized floss basket ), and I saw 3816 Celadon Green having a play party  with 3855, Autumn Gold and 3776, Mahogany Light . They looked so pretty together, and of course, they kept calling my name saying "Pick me , Pick me !"  I just could not resist those pretties so out of the basket they came. So  that is partially how Katie Anne's Saltbox was born. Lol .  

To be honest, I was surprised that this color was called green  so I felt compelled to google "Celadon Green" . According to the Oxford dictionary, it is a "willow green" or "pale gray green" .  Hmmm interesting. I see blues. 

 This house has a little back porch with a kitty on the roof. Of course, you could leave it off, if you wanted. 

 There is a porch swing perfect for sitting and stitching the day away. I used DMC 646 to add the porch swing chains and a slat in the seat as well as the arm rests.  Sweet flowers spill from a basket and spray of flowers are overhead .  I think I would love to live here. 

This stitch is a little bigger than the previous saltboxes measuring 67 x 76 which on 14 count aida or 28 count evenweave that would be about 4 3/4" x 5 3/8" .

  I stitched mine on coffee/ tea dyed aida.   There are nine floss colors in this stitch. Of course, you do not have to have a Celadon Green house, you could change it to your favorite colors .

If you are interested in stitching Katie Anne's Saltbox , please check out the pdfs below. Because I do not have professional software, I am unable to put the pages in one pdf; I apologize for that. 

Click here for instruction page. 

Click here for colored chart. 

Click here for the black and white chart. 

I just love the delicate sweet look of this little house. 

If you missed the other saltbox houses , I would be thrilled if you took a moment to check them out.  Just click on the names and you will be directed to the post with the pdfs. They include   Crow Creek SaltboxOphelia Manor on Punkin Holler Lane ,  Willowisp Manor of Holler Lane  ,  Turkey Creek Manor ,  Winter Saltbox  , and Dorothy Mae's Spring House  and      Spring Green Saltbox 

I am so grateful that you took a little time out of your day to spend it with me. I can not tell you how much that means to me. I hope your day is filled with lots of joy and lots of stitching of course. Hope you will come back and visit. I plan to post my tiered trays tomorrow if all goes well. As always...
Happy stitching, ya'll

Blessings come in many ways and the nicest come as friends. 
Hugs and stitches, 


  1. Thank you for such a cute design

    1. You are so welcome, Ally and thank you so much for stopping by for a visit and leaving such a kind comment. I hope you enjoy this little stitch. Happy stitching.

  2. ❤️❤️❤️ I love all your designs.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Penny. It is fun creating, stitching and sharing them. I hope you are having a great day and getting in some quilting and stitching.

  3. Katie Anne's Saltbox is darling, Melisa. Love the porch swing!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Robin. I always enjoy a good porch swing. If I am outside and am not piddling in the garden , I am on the swing. Lol. Have a lovely day.

  4. Love this design. Problem is when I print it out the pattern is too small to see.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Janice and I am so sorry for that. If you would email me, I would see what I can do. I tried printing if off with the devices that I used and it came out full page, but I know it may depend on various factors ( printers, devices and such) . Sometimes on I have to enlarge the scale just before printing . Just let me know and I will try to be off what help I can. Happy stitching.

  5. Wow Melisa you did it again! Such a beautiful design! Definitely a house I would love to live in! Hugs! Christina (Roccosnonna)

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Christina. I have become obsessed with stitching houses. This one reminds me of an old family home that I have seen from afar. I have always wanted to go in it and see what it is like inside. Lol. Hope you are having a wonderful day. Big Hugs.

  6. J'adore vos maisons. Elles sont toutes si jolies que l'on a envie d'y emménager.
    Amitiés de France

    1. Thank you so much, Christel. You are so kind. It has been such a joy to share these. I hope you are doing well and I am so happy you visited me today. Have a blessed day.

  7. I see blue, too. =) All your little Saltboxes are so pretty and how fabulous they look gathered together.

    1. Oh I am so glad I am not the only one that sees blue. Thank you so much Kim. I do enjoy see them all together. Have a blessed week.

  8. Melisa,
    so cute!! love it! you are so talented!! Thanks so much for stopping by!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Deb. I always love visiting. Your post always bring me so much joy. Have a very blessed Easter , dear.

  9. I think all of your saltbox houses are so lovely. You almost tempt me to start counted cross stitching! Happy stitching!

    1. Lol thank you so much, Gretchen. I just got back into cross stitching about 2 years ago. But I have to admit it is hard to juggle several crafts. Have a lovely week and a very Happy Easter

  10. Love all your saltbox houses & the finishes. So happy I found your blog with the decor, quilting & cross stitch!

    1. Oh thank you so much for the sweet visit and comment. I have been obsessed with stitching the salt boxes and love sharing them. I hope you enjoy them. Have a lovely week and happy stitching

  11. I absolutely love your salt box homes! You are such a kind and generous person to post your lovely charts here for free. You are a blessing!!!

    1. Aah thank you so much for visiting me today and for the heart warming compliment. I truly appreciate it .I have to admit that I do feel very blessed by this wonderful community. I so hope you enjoy this little design. Have a blessed day.

  12. I have recently found your blog and just love your free saltbox houses pattern. Thanks so much for sharing all those beautiful patterns. They look so lovely together in the picture. Such a joy to visit your blog.

    1. You are so kind, Lori. Thank you so much and I am so happy that you enjoy the little designs. The houses have been some of my favorites to create. I do enjoy seeing them all grouped together and hope one day to have enough for my dough bowl. I so hope you will come back for a visit and thank you so much again for the kind words and the sweet visit. Happy stitching.

  13. I just finished my third salt box pattern you generously shared. I am making them on 11count as my eyes cannot do any higher count. They are turning out so cute and I decided to frame them (8×8" frames) and they are going above my cupboard in the dead space. My husband just rigged up rope lights with a remote control to feature them. Many more of your freebies to be stitched. So hard to decide which to do next. Thank you so much for sharing. Beautiful, fun, colorful patterns.

    1. Oh I am so very honored that you have been stitching my designs . I bet they are gorgeous especially framed. It sounds like you have the most perfect place for them and how wonderful that your dear hubby has fixed the lights so that you can enjoy them even more . Don't you just love the low lights among your stitching and collectibles; it just draws your eyes to them to enjoy. Thank you so much for the sweetest message and for bringing a smile to my day. Hugs.

  14. Love this so much, can't wait to start it


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