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Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Thanksgiving House - A Thanksgiving Freebie

Good morning, punkins. Hubby and I rolled in from our camping trip Sunday evening. It was such a nice get away. While hubby enjoyed the sights and sounds of nature, I enjoyed hours and hours of uninterrupted stitching time. I was able to stitch 5 Christmas ornaments 😳😃!!! I will be  sharing these  later . I tell you my needles were on fire ! In fact I am still in awe that I was able to do that. Lol.  But I will give you a hint about my new ornaments. They go along with my Prim Winter ornies that  I posted last year. 

On Friday,  Mr. Pinker came back to camp from the woods, and we took a little ride to town. I found the best thrift shop where I found lots of goodies all for a dollar or 2.  I got this needlepoint sewing basket for just $3 ,and it was filled with goodies including some floss. 


 A sweet little rabbit and a duck planter also made their way into my buggy .  Hmm, how did that happen? lol  .I can already imagine them in future Easter displays. 


Oh lookie! A  1948 Children's dictionary- This will makes it way on to one of my school desks. 

 What luck to find such sweet vintage goodies. 

 On the way home, I made  a super quick stop at the Goodwill and eeeeh! A small patriotic quilt. It is machine pieced and quilted and for $2.99 , I was doing a jig all through the store. 

Now, as far as hubby goes, he did not come home with a deer , but that is ok. He enjoyed the hunt as well as some fishing time which is all that mattered.  

 I hope your weekend was just as enjoyable as mine. 

Well I have a little stitch to share with you. I  have officially started Thanksgiving stitching. 

Last year for Thanksgiving, I stitched Turkey Creek Manor or as my IG friend, Lisa called it Turkey on the Roof. Lol . I like that name a lot better.

 Wel,l I knew I wanted a house similar to this one. This time no  turkeys are roosting on the roof, but I do have pumpkins growing on the roof. 😳 Now who is going to get up there to pick them? Any volunteers? 


Thanksgiving House looks perfect with the sweet Gather sign from dear Shelly , and underneath my tray is a doily given to me by sweet Pat; her mama crocheted it years ago. What a treasure. 

 The turkeys are all milling about in the yard just like the turkeys do here at my little homestead.  It wouldn't surprise me one bit if I was to look out the window this  very minute  and see a dozen turkeys or more scratching and pecking. 


Now what about this house with the door off center? Lol I just wanted to give the house a little character. I like unusual houses, and I just had a hankering to stitch a quirky little house.  If an off centered door drives you nuts, you could certainly change it by placing the door where the middle window is, and it would be just as lovely. 

Did you know that on October 3, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation to make the last Thursday of November as a day of Thanksgiving? This may not have happened if it was not for the persistence of Ms Sarah Josepha Hale who launched a letter campaign for an official observance of Thanksgiving.  That is why I added the date to my little stitch.  If you would like to read more about Lincoln's proclamation, click here  where you will be directed to the National Park Services site on Lincoln and Thanksgiving. 

If you would like to stitch this little Thanksgiving house, I invite you to check out my little pdfs. 

 Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding that I  have to put each page on separate pdf downloads because of the devices I use. I apologize for that.  And I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and stitching my little designs. 

Click here for the instruction page. 

NOTE & OOPS !  I failed to mention on the instruction page that I used 1 strand of white to create panes in the small window. 

Click here for the colored chart. 

Click here for the black and white chart.

I think I am going to enjoy  this beautiful autumn day with some stitch time on the porch. So what about you? What do you have on the agenda for the day?   Oh, I hope it is something fun with needle or thread or maybe a crafty project. I certainly do wish you a fabulous day . Thank you so much for the sweet visit and as always..

Happy stitching, ya'll


Thanksgiving is a festival which will never become obsolete for it cherishes the best affections of the heart- social and domestic. Sarah Josepha Hale

Hugs and Stitches!!!

Dedicated to my sweet sister Amy who always made the best potato salad for Thanksgiving. 


  1. Love your Thanksgiving House with the off-set door!!! Glad that you had such a productive stitching time while hubby was hunting and fishing. You also made some pretty sweet purchases, I especially like the books. Have a great week stitching and I am starting Thanksgiving House, thank you, so very much. Hugs to you.

  2. Thrift shop finds are the best! And you def got some terrific ones- right up my alley. I love your Thanksgiving house. May I rug hook your design instead ??

  3. Lovely fall decorating! Since it's fall, I've switched to baking autumn desserts like apple crisp and pumpkin streusel coffeecake. Happy stitching!

  4. You just make the cutest stitchin' projects, I just want to make them all!! If only I had the time.

  5. Your newest saltbox is darling, Melisa. Glad your adventure was nice and what lovely things you came home with especially that quilt. Wow!

  6. Oh! I love your Thanksgiving House with the side door!! Going on my list! LOL At the rate I am going I may not get to stitch it until next August, but I keep plugging along. :) Have a wonderful day! And thank you for the freebie!!

  7. You truly do find the most amazing pretties at your thrift shops, Melisa! The sewing basket is lovely and those sweet little ornaments.....I can see them being integrated into one of your beautiful seasonal displays. The patriotic quilt is fabulous. I cannot believe it was only $2. Another beautifully stitched saltbox. About those pumpkins high up on the roof; I think I will pass....just a little acrophobic. =)

  8. All of that uninterrupted stitching time sounds wonderful, Melisa! And what great things you found in the thrift stores. I can just picture them in future displays :)

    As I mentioned on IG, I LOVE those turkeys--just so cute! Thank you again for you sweet and very generous charts--you are so talented! ♥

  9. I really enjoy all your posts. Always a bright spot in my day. I really like your smalls or pillows or whatever you want to call them. Could you talk a little about how you go about the finishing? They are always so cute. Thanks for all your great ideas--it really keeps us all thinking and creating.

  10. Aqui es España, donde encuentro cosas a euro o dos euros es en los Mercadillos, y compro mucho así, en mi blog lo podras ver, yo punto de cruz hago muy poco asi que me encanta ver tu blog, y tus trabajos, y la bonita historia de como se creo Accion de gracias, una fecha muy señalada para vosotros y que desde la vieja Europa hemos copiado el viernes negro, para ir a comprar barato antes de las Navidades.
    Me parece maravilloso tus diseños y que ecima lo compartas gartuitamente......
    Un beso desde Alicante, España

  11. Thank you! I love Thanksgiving too!

  12. I just love Thanksgiving House! You live the true meaning of Thanksgiving all the time as you so generously share your patterns with us! And the thrift store finds are great. I am wondering if you could highlight and tell us more about the background piece in the final picture? The handprint turkeys? It looks so adorable. Maybe some appliqué? Somehow I feel it is one of your creations! But if not, please let us know where to get the pattern. Thanks for always inspiring me to do crafting!

  13. I love your posts. Thank you for being so generous with your great cross stitch designs.

  14. If you’re looking for the best ways to host your Thanksgiving festivities virtually? Here are 7 Virtual Thanksgiving ideas to enjoy with your remote teams on Turkey Day.

  15. I love this newest house - and I've seen houses in New Jersey, just feet from the road, which had doors just like this one.


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