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Friday, November 6, 2020

Gobble , Gobble - Turkey Creek Manor- A Fall Freebie

Gobble Gobble! Are you getting ready for that big day of eating? I can not wait. Mom always fixes the best turkey and dressing; it is so moist. My daughter has already put in her requests for a big batch of macaroni and cheese  and rolls .  Of course we have mashed potatoes, deviled eggs, green bean casserole and so much more. To be honest , we eat till our bellies pop. 

Usually, the family gathers at moms to eat and watch the kiddos play. Later in the evening we are  off to Mr. Pinker n' Punkin's parents where we will gobble up some more. 

Well I have been buzzing all around trying to get the Thanksgiving decor up in the kitchen and foyer and Christmas in all the other rooms. 

I still have some tweaking to do. But it is coming along. 

Yes ! I decorate for two holidays at the same time but hey, at least they are in separate rooms. Lol. 

For the last couple of years ,I have been trying to build up my Thanksgiving stitching. I do not have a lot , but I am working on it. I love turkeys.  I had never seen a wild turkey in person until I met my hubby. Now I see them all the time in the fields across from the road.  They are fun to see. Of course we always try to count how many there are.  Well anyway, I decided my next house was going to have a turkey on top. This little stitch is called Turkey Creek Manor.

 Now, I have to admit I like my stitches sometimes to be a little "off" . Yep "off" .- See the house is not centered and the quilt blocks are falling of the edges on the top and right sides. Lol. That just makes me happy.    

This is a small stitch measuring 59 x 63. I stitched mine on 14 count aida which gives it a size of 4 1/4" x 4 1/2". 

I stitched Turkey Creek Manor using 9 DMC floss colors. They are 435, 310, 3033, 975, 355, 898, 3371, 3345, & 356.

I finished mine into a simple pillow just like I did the other houses that I have been working on. I am  working on house stitches for a big ole' dough bowl display in the future. 

If you would like to stitch Turkey Creek Manor, check out the pdf's below.  You could have it stitched up and out on display before Thanksgiving. Each page is on a separate pdf because of the devices that I use ( Remember I am not a professional designer; I am doing this for fun. )

For the instruction page,  click  here  .

For the color chart pdf , click here .

For the black and white  chart pdf, click here

If you missed the other houses ,click on the names to visit the posts. They are Crow Creek Saltbox, Willowisp Manor of Holler Lane, and Ophelia Manor of Punkin Holler Lane


Now how about a pumpkin recipe. Like I have said before, when it turns fall, I get in the mood to bake. Well this is a vintage  recipe from Libby's in 1982. It  is called Libby's Pumpkin Nut Bread. Yum Yum!



2 cups of sifted flour

2 t of baking powder

1/2 t. of baking soda

1 t of salt

1 t of ground cinnamon

1/2 t ground nutmeg

1 c of Libby's Solid Pack Pumpkin 

1 c of sugar

1/2 c of milk

2 eggs

1/4 c of butter or margarine softened

1 c of chopped walnuts or pecans

Directions:  Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Sift together first 6 ingredients. Combine pumpkin, milk , sugar and eggs in a mixing bowl. Add dry ingredients and butter.  Mix only until flour is softened. Stir in nuts. Bake in a well greased 9 x 5 x 3 " loaf pan for 65 minutes or until when a toothpick is inserted into the center that it comes out clean.  Cool for 10 minutes and remove from loaf pan. 

And now I am off to do a little baking myself and hopefully settle into a  little stitching . Hope you have a blessed day and thank you for visiting and as always...

Happy stitching, ya'll



  1. Melisa,
    Love your sweet Thanksgiving display...I stopped decorating for Thanksgiving many years ago when I started to take my so long to get all my Christmas decorations up especially with working full time... I have cooked Thanksgiving Day dinner here for our own little family for the past 33 years...And working night shift in a hospital , I either had to work Thanksgiving Eve or Thanksgiving Day night...I a thrilled that since I am now retired that i finally get the entire Holiday off after 37 years!! Can't wait to see your Christmas decorations....
    Sty safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. Hi, Debbie. How wonderful you are able to celebrate Thanksgiving fully this year. I know you and your family are so excited and that leaves you a lot more time to prepare too which I am sure you are thankful for. I look forward to seeing your Christmas displays this year. Hugs, Melisa

  2. Beautiful Thanksgiving decor, Melisa! Thank you for sharing your Turkey Creek Manor design. It is darling. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Robin. I have been busy all week working on taking down Halloween and putting up Thanksgiving and Christmas. All of this has cut into my stitching time, but at least when it is done, I can sit and relax and stitch while enjoying the turkeys and lights. Lol. I hope you have a had a great weekend too. Hugs, Melisa

  3. Une décoration merveilleuse... Merci pour cette nouvelle grille, c'est très généreux de votre part. Vous nous gâtez énormément. Pardon pour ce commentaire en français, mon anglais est très médiocre (je n'ai pas assez écouté en classe.....). J'utilise le traducteur pour comprendre tout ce que vous écrivez dans vos articles car il n'y a pas le widget translation sur votre blog. J'eeaye avant de comprendre au maximum mais certains mots et certaines tournures de phrases m'échappent complètement... ! :) Mais ça ne fait rien car je peux admirer tous vos trésors, c'est un bonheur pour nos yeux..
    Amitiés de France,

    1. Thank you so much, Christel for visiting my blog and for leaving the sweetest comment. I will have to look into putting a translation widget on my blog; thank you for the wonderful idea. It has been a joy to share these last few months and to be able to connect. I can not tell you how thrilled I am that you visited me all the way from France. I hope you have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Melisa

  4. It's so fun to see all your decorations for fall. It gives me ideas and gets me in the mood. This will be a very different Thanksgiving for us. I've cooked the big dinner for the past 48 years but this year we are scattered. One family in Salt Lake City and another in New Hampshire. We also have one family about a 4 hour drive north but, with this 'covid', there won't be any flying or gathering.....just good memories and video chats. Thank you for another great design. Patty McDonald

  5. Hi Patty. It sounds like your Thanksgiving is going to be very different this year with family not being able to travel. I am so glad that you will be able to at least video chat though it is never the same as being in person. Thank you so much for the sweet compliment on my decor. I sort of go over the top .Lol , but it is a joy. I love to look a blogs too and get ideas for decorating. It is a lot of fun and helps me get in the decorating, stitching or quilting mood too. I hope you have a lovely weekend and upcoming Thanksgiving. Hugs, Melisa

  6. I guess everyone's Thanksgiving may be a bit different this year. Thanks so much for the free chart and the recipe. It looks delicious. Take care!

  7. Aah thank you so much, Suzanne for visiting. I agree our Thanksgiving is going to be a little different, but hopefully it will be a good one nonetheless. I hope you enjoy this little chart. I had so much fun creating it . Have a lovely week. Hugs, Melisa

  8. Thank you for sharing Turkey Manor. Can't wait to stitch it.

  9. This Turkey Manor design is darling, Melisa--thank you for sharing it :) The bread sounds wonderful, too. I make a pumpkin-cranberry bread (also from Libby's) that I can't get enough of. It makes a lot and I freeze some for Christmas after we have eaten it at Thanksgiving :)

  10. Thank you for your generosity!


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