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Sunday, January 5, 2025

It's A Snowman Sunday

It is our 1st Slow Stitching Sunday of the new year and I have pulled out the perfect project to work on!☃⛄  Brrrr! 

Welcome , y'all and Happy Sunday! Are you enjoying a cozy day in your jammies ? Perhaps working on a slow stitching project yourself? 
I sure hope so. 
I seem to get so much more completed during the cold winter months.  Maybe because I am hunkered down.  How about you? 
Anywhoo, I put  this freebie from Bunny Hill Designs called A Merry  Little Christmas into the hoop. 

Some of you may remember that I changed the words on the banner to " A Very Merry Winter" so I can leave it out longer.  
I added a snowflake button for the snowman's pom pom too. 

Sassy and Hissy say hi. They are darling little  strays that have taken up residence at my sister's house. I visit them daily to make sure they are taken care of. Aren't they precious? Look at Sassy's blue eyes! Wow!

I am doing the snowman boogie for I finished Mr. McChill . This was a freebie that I shared all the way back in December of 2021. Wow what took me so long to finish this handsome fella?  Hmm , no excuses here, I guess I was just a Miss Lazy Bones.  Hee! Hee! 

I finished Mr. McChill  as a round and added some pom pom trim and a ripped gathered, cotton , gingham ruffle. I am thrilled to have him ready for the tree this year. 

 Ho! Ho! Ho!  I am still stitching Christmas. Are you? A Prairie Schooler Santa was started and finished on the 2nd of this month. Now onto the next one!

Now onto the plans for the week. 
Hmm.... What Should I do This Week? 
🌞1. Work on Flaming Butterflies quilt
🌞2.Work on Winter Stamp SAL
🌞3Work on Travel journal
🌞4. Work on Bunny Hill  A Very Merry Christmas
🌞5. Whatever Strikes My Fancy! 


I am off to put in a few stitches. Enjoy your day, Sweetie Pies and ...

 As Always, 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

"Sunday- Take it slow and give your soul a chance to catch up. "

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo. 

Sunset along I-40. 


I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Judy at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday

Carol at Quilt Schmilt  for To Do List Tuesday 

Some of the cows enjoying a roll of hay at dusk. 


  1. Howdy - I need to 'hunker down' and start stitching something. Grrrr I'm having a hard time focusing. I hate when that happens. So many projects, very little focus. LOL
    You'll have A Very Merry Winter quilted in no time. It's adorable!!!
    Since tomorrow is our first slow stitching Sunday then I need sit and stitch the day away.
    Have a wonderful Sunday - stitch, stitch, stitch. Big Hugs, Darlene J

  2. First snow this morning but it will change to rain in the afternoon and we will have icy streets. What to do? Stay in the house and stitch. Some nice Xmas patterns are there and you know, after Xmas is before Xmas.
    Your little snowman looks cute. So do the little quilt.
    Have a happy sunday,

  3. I can't say I'm still stitchin' Christmas, Melisa. =) Everything Christmas has been put away for another year. Lots of cozy stitching to keep you busy through the wintry months. Mr McChill is a lovely finish.

  4. My Christmas stitching is in storage until I can get to it next month. I'm working on your Winter saltbox right now. Love your pics - that sunset is gorgeous! Blessings!

  5. A Merry Little Winter is just so adorable--working on Christmas themes can be fun throughout the year, I feel...I am working on finding a backing for my Strawberries runner right now--searching my stash as this is a "no buy" year hopefully (?? I say year, but who knows, right?).
    Have fun quilting...hugs, Julierose

  6. Miss Sassy looks like she is part raccoon (look at that tail). Mr. Chill is adorable, Melisa. We, meaning the Mister, are prepping for the upcoming snow event. Beautiful sunset you shared! Happy Sunday!

  7. (Little Penpen) Those kitties are beautiful and you are a kind heart, to take care of them! We feed the neighborhood cats, too. I like the Merry Winter snowman. Very clever for you to change the word. I’ve been cross stitching Go, Tell it on the Mountain . I think I could stitch Christmas year round!

  8. Snowed in today and possibly tomorrow here in Kansas - supposed to get up to 12" (or possibly more). I am stitching lots of Saltbox houses and going to stitch up a few snowman patterns. I keep the "& Chickens" on my sewing table and I am working on the "Roses, Hearts & Chickens" right now. I do have a question for everyone here - does anyone have a Michaels where they are? I have been for the last couple of years putting DMC thread in my shopping cart and then ordering with a coupon for Store Pickup and went to order some and it says that DMC is no longer carried in their stores. I have noticed that Hobby Lobby has less and less but since their never have coupons I don't buy it there anymore. Joann still has DMC but wondering how long that will be available. Where do all of the other lovely ladies here purchase their embroidery thread? Thanks in advance - Carrie - stay warm out there!!

  9. Mr. McChill looks pretty cozy in that round setting, and we know he will not be melting no matter the temps! I see you got to somewhere warmer;)

  10. LovEly desing,Melisa!
    Have a great day!

  11. Such a sweet finish on Mr. McChill. Nobody is keeping track of how long it takes to finish anything we start. I would be in serious trouble, if they did! LOL Genius idea to change the wording on your snowman to be able to enjoy him more during the year. The snowflake pom pom is perfect. Such precious little kitties. Sassy looks to have some Siamese in her. Will they let you pet them? I also did a set of Prairie Schooler ornaments this year as gifts. Love "end of the day" pictures. What a glorious sunset.

  12. Happy New year to you and yours. Thank you for your generosity and sharing your beautiful art.

  13. I have been stitching on some snowmen this week, too! Your Mr. McChill is a sweet finish, Melisa. I'm hoping to start the Winter SAL border today. Just need to find the right size piece of cloth for it! Have a wonderful Sunday!

  14. I like your slow stitching project!! and your kitties - of course you have to visit daily !!! Enjoy your hunkering down!! we did get some cold today - so it sounds like a good idea!

  15. Aww such cute kitties! I hope you are staying warm! That cold is coming south!

  16. Sassy & Hissy are hilarious names for those sweet kitties! Lol! Glad to see you getting a few stitches on your Very Merry Winter quilt. I don't know if I get more done in the winter or not. I'm just grateful to get in some sewing whenever I can! Enjoy that Slow Stitching!

  17. You've been stitching away with much success. Your little snowman is wonderful. Have a fun week.

  18. I’m stitching winter too! Cute snowman ornament! I keep my snowmen out after Christmas for a while. A very merry winter —will it be a pillow or a table topper or a wall hanging? It’s cold outside so I am hunkering down too. Happy stitching. Gail at the cozy quilter

  19. Your work is just beautiful thank you for sharing! I hope all of you in the way of this storm are safe and stay safe. Stay home if you can. I know some of you can’t broke my wrist, so I’m not quite sure how much stitching I’m gonna be able to do, but I’m gonna give it a try. Have a great day.

  20. Very wintery in your part of the world. Here we are in the midst of summer, recently up to 40 degrees. With the air conditioning going I have a problem with my blue marking lines disappearing from the moisture in the air from the air conditioner. Had to stitch the other day at some speed to counter act the fading of my lines. Winter definitely easier to stitch for me. Lovely projects you are working on.

  21. Your snowmen projects are really cute. It does seem easier to get more done once we get to winter. I'm certainly not partial to leaving the house when the temps hit the 20's for highs!

  22. Your needles are flying, Melisa. McChill is adorable, I love the finish.

  23. No snow yet but you are reminding me to pick out some projects now for when the time comes so I am ready to hunker down in the stitching chair when the storms blow through. Your "Merry Little.." was too cute starting this off! I'm still relatively new to CS and finishing techniques so love the idea of the ripped and gathered gingham ruffle edging -- will be noting that down for the future!

  24. I love the little snowmen. I don't like the cold winter temps, though. I am already dreaming of camping where the weather is milder. Beautiful sunset photo.

  25. I tend to get most of my quilting done in the fall and then after Christmas for sure. I love to be snuggled in (esp with snow around!) and just go at it! It's a great break from all the yard and garden work (we have a big one!). I always wish fall and winter were a little longer! LOL.
    Such cute snowmen!

  26. It's always good to have more than one project. Your mood may change day-by-day and it makes it easier to decide how you feel at the time.


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