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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Edna Viola's Saltbox- Happy Tomato Tuesday

Good morning, happy Tomato Tuesday, ya'll. I have to admit our tomato vines are not doing great. I have gotten one tomato so far, but there are lots of green ones; I am hoping they will ripen soon. 

  Yesterday, I worked on finishing this new little salt box into a pillow.

 My village of saltboxes are growing, and I am still obsessed with stitching them. I hope I do not need an intervention . 😆 

I have been dreaming of a sewing themed saltbox for awhile and finally decided to stitch one up. Let me introduce " Edna Viola's Saltbox". 

Little spools of thread flank each side of the house ,and one has a tomato vine which is full of teeny maters. I had to add a teeny crow only because it is one of my favorite birds, but it could easily be left off.   The other spool of thread has a pair of scissors ready for use to snip threads or cut fabrics.  (Oh, don't get me going on my scissor obsession. Lol). A big tomato pincushion is at the bottom. 

 This one is named after my grandmother who was a doll maker. She had a humble sewing room which was the spare bedroom ( She called it the junk room, but I thought is was a magical place. ) Her sewing machine sat on a little dresser and she would create beautiful Raggedy Anns ,and Andys. I always loved peeking in just to see what precious little dolls might be coming my way. I always marveled at the pretty calicoes and crisp white cotton fabrics that would be used for Annie's apron and bloomers. Such sweet memories.  

This is a small with a design size of 60 x 60 ; on 14 count aida that would measure about 4 1/4" x 4 1/4". I used 11 floss colors - all DMC. They include 3371, 816, 838, 3345, 3346, 783 310, 798, 931, 535, 738. 

 If you would like to stitch this little saltbox , please check out the little pdfs below. 

Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding that I  have to put each page on separate pdf downloads because of the devices I use. I apologize for that.  And I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and stitching my little designs. 

Click here for the instruction page.

Click here for the colored chart. 

Click here for the black and white chart. 

I think this would look great with the little pincushion called, Needle and Thread that I shared on Sunday. 


 Another Tomato freebie I have shared is  Tommy Toe Snatcher

If you have not  seen my other saltboxes or homes, I invite you to visit them in a previous post. Just click on the names and you will be directed right back to the post. 

They include   Crow Creek SaltboxOphelia Manor on Punkin Holler Lane ,  Willowisp Manor of Holler Lane  ,  Turkey Creek Manor ,  Winter Saltbox  , and Dorothy Mae's Spring House   ,  Spring Green Saltbox  ,  Katie Anne's Saltbox , Sarah Jane's 1776 Saltbox , Aunt Bea's Summer Home  , and Christmas Eve Saltbox   .

Well I am off to the Quilt Nest to do a little piecing - a little blue quilt is calling.  No Tuesday thrift store visits this week, but look out next week ! Lol. Here I come! Have a wonderful day and thank you for visiting me today.  As always...

Happy stitching, ya'll


When I make with my hands, I give with my heart.

Hugs and Stitches! 


  1. Oh my goodness! These houses get sweeter and sweeter!! Love the sewing theme!

    1. Thank you so much, Penny. I have had this little house on my mind for awhile and it was such a joy to finally stitch it up. I hope you have a blessed day and happy quilting and stitching.

  2. Thank you for another wonderful set of cross stitch patterns. I told my daughter I was collecting these to be stitched at a later date - she'd been looking at your blog and loves the chicken patterns.
    Oh, and her tomatoes aren't doing so well either. ;-)
    Blessings, Donna

    1. Aah thank you so much, Donna. I am chicken crazy too and am so touched that your daughter likes my chicken stitches. We used to have chickens and would love to have some now, but living in the woods we have lots of critters that come visit too. Have a blessed day and thank you for the sweet visit.

  3. Thanks so much for creating and sharing these adorable, charming little houses. I just love them and your generosity. ❤️

    1. You are so kind; thank you so much for the sweet visit. It has been a joy to create and share these little houses. Happy stitching,dear.

  4. This is a darling addition to your saltbox house series, Melisa! Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much, Robin. I really enjoyed creating and stitching it. I have been dreaming of a house with a big tomato pincushion for some time. I hope you are having a great week and big hugs.

  5. This is sewwwwww cute! What a lovely heart you have to offer your patterns for free. I'm looking forward to stitching quite a few of them 😊. Have an amazing day!

    1. Aah thank you so much for the sweet visit and compliment. It really warms my heart. It has been a blessing to be able to create and share these little humble designs and I can not tell you how much it means to me that they bring someone else joy. I hope you have an amazing day too, dear and happy stitching.

  6. Thank you for another wonderful freebie. I appreciate you sharing them. As far as the charts, I think you do a fantastic job. I bought some and the symbols are done by hand and that is very hard to stitch by! The weather has been so whack-a-doodle I think a lot of people will have less or inferior harvests. A mother cat brought SIX kittens over here. They were under foot, she was nursing them at the back door so I neglected my garden some while putting up a pet playpen, etc for them so I can walk in and out my own door! Now I'll have to find someone to take them off my hands-just a headache I didn't need. I did get about 5 Better Boy tomatoes but they are SMALL. The Brandywine is very slow and I don't get much where it's a good year. I'm in zone 5 and beefsteaks don't do as well. My cucumber vines look like they're drying up. I'm growing collard greens for the first time. I covered them in tulle but something is inside eating holes in some leaves so I will have to open up the tulle & check them but right now I have a shade cloth over the tulle because it's darn near 100 for several days in a row. I got a few green peppers but the last one was rotten or ate or something. The last veggie I WAS growing was two zucchini and got about 8 from them. Then I got squash vine borer's in both. They were pretty much gone so I cut them down and split them open. One had 7 grubs and the other 5 grubs. I made a note for next summer not to forget wrapping the lower stalks with foil. The one year I didn't they got attacked. Have a great day.

    1. Aah thank you so much for the sweet visit. You have had been keeping busy. So glad you was able to take care of the momma cat and her babies. Your garden has been hit hard by the elements and sounds about like our meager one. Hubby ended up picking the green Cherokee purple tomatoes yesterday and making fried green tomatoes. Something is taking a nibble off of our tomatoes so we salvaged what we could. With us going on a trip a few weeks ago and then one last week, our garden just couldn't take it. I will have to remember the foil trick . I have never tried that before. Thank you for the tip. Hope you have a blessed day and stay cool and out of the heat. Hugs.

  7. Oh merci beaucoup pour cette nouvelle maison. Elle est très belle.
    Pas de tomates au potager cette année, il a beaucoup plu au mois de juin en France et les pieds sont tous malades... C'est une véritable hécatombe. Il n'y a que le pied de tomates cerises qui a résisté pour le plus grand bonheur de ma petite-fille Lara. Nous avons quelques fraises et quelques framboises. Après 1 semaine de très beau temps la pluie est revenue... L'été n'est pas terminé et j'espère que le soleil reviendra et durera.
    Amitiés de France,

    1. Good morning, Christel. I hope you are doing well and thank you for the sweet visit. It has been a rainy season for us too the weather has been strange to say the least. I am so sorry your tomatoes did not fair well , but so glad you and your granddaughter enjoy some cherry tomatoes. Our cherry tomatoes which usually is the best producer did not produce anything this year. So unfortunate. Oh strawberries and raspberries sound so delightful. Have a blessed day and thank you again for the sweet visit, Christel

  8. Thank you so much for another wonderful chart and pattern. Your generosity is amazing and so appreciated.

    1. Aah I appreciate your kind words and your sweet visit to my blog. Thank you so much. I so hope you enjoy this little design. Happy stitching, dear.

  9. This is such an adorable new saltbox design, Melisa! I love how you make them extra special by naming them after family members. Your grandmother's room does sound magical! Did you live nearby? I was lucky enough to have both grandmother's on the next street behind me and so enjoyed just walking through the backyards to visit with them :) Enjoy your evening! ♥

    1. Aah thank you so much, Carol for the sweet visit. I just lived 2 miles down the road from my Nanny and I visited her at least once a day every day. She was an amazing lady and of course spoiled me rotten with love. There is nothing like a grandmother. I bet yours was the same and how wonderful you could just cross the yards and be there in no time. Big hugs.

  10. This one is earmarked for my sewing room shelves, so sweet and the crow is staying! You are definitely my cross-stitch smalls enabler, thank you so much. I may not get my Chatelaine finished in the 3 year allotment, LOL.

    1. Lol thank you , Mary. I do what I can to enable ( hee hee). This one would look so cute in the sewing room and I am so honored that you will be stitching it. Aah I have confidence, you will get your Chatelaine completed. Big hugs and enjoy your day.

  11. I love Edna's house! Yes, keep the crow.


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