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Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Hog Jowl, Quilts , and Stitching

Hog jowl   ✅

Turnip Greens ☑

Black Eyed peas ✅

and Cornbread  ☑

Yep, my year is off to a good start!  

Happy New Year's y'all.  Did you have hog jowl today? The word is it is supposed to bring good luck! 

  Every year Mom prepares Mr. Pinker's most favorite meal which includes hog jowl, candied yams , turnip greens , black eyed peas  and  I must not forget the cornbread. And this year was no exception. 

"Eat up, Sweetie, " I told Mr. Pinker . "We always can use  some good luck. "

 Most of the family gathered for Mom's special meal, but the little ones were happy just eating macaroni. LOL. They gobbled it up and ran outside to enjoy a day of play. 

Did you ring in the new year last night?

 We started to hear fireworks somewhere in the holler around 9:00 pm, but after that all was quiet. While Mr. Pinker visited slumberland , I welcomed  2025 while watching my favorite sleuth,  Columbo, on TV and working on a  couple of stitches.

 First, I finished the pinkeep from Blackbird Designs "Winter Wonderland". I hope to make it in a pinkeep like the ladies of Blackbird did. 

I then began the "Winter Wonderland" sampler  starting with the bottom border. This sampler was a gift from dear Sonja as were the threads. Thank you so much , Sonja. I am enjoying every stitch. ❤🤗


Hmmm. Should I make any resolutions? Well, I think I would like to have more pep in my step in 2025 .👠👠👠🏃  Hee! Hee!  Would it be possible for me to be better organized? Hmm, I don't know if that is achievable.😁😜 LOL.   I guess I should stick to working on making some progress on my quilts. 


🧵1. Flaming Butterflies- It is my focus quilt. I want to have it finished this year.

🧵2.  The Easter Quilt. Do you remember that one? I did not mention it in 2024 because I was just plumb embarrassed that it is hanging on like a hair in a biscuit.😜😅 I started it ages and ages ago, and I still do not have the quilting finished. Oh boy, I am a Miss Slowpoke. 

🧵3. Rainbow Sherbet- I would like to get 1/2 of it completed. It is indeed a slow stitch.  I bought this quilt top at the World's Longest Yard Sale a few years ago. 

🧵4. Mason Jar Blocks- I would also like to work on my Mason Jar blocks if I can find them. 😕😳😉🤨🔎 Hmm, where did those blocks disappear to? 

FREE BOM ALERT:   Run , Don't Walk! There is a free BOM going on! 

Jennifer at Elefantz Designs is sharing a 2025 BOM  called "The Sewing Room" which starts today. She posted the "Fact Sheet" and Block 1 today. So if you have a chance pop over to her blog for a visit. I printed my pattern and will choose fabrics this week. 


So tell me. Have you made resolutions or  goals for the new year?  This is going to be a great year . Don't you think?

I wish you a year of joy , health and happiness .  Happy New Year! Love ya'! 😘

As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, y'all


"The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all.  "- Josiyah Martin

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy who always loved family gatherings. I miss and love you so much.   ❤👼


  1. Pork roast, sauerkraut and mashed potatoes every year. A good old Pennsylvania tradition. Yum.

  2. We had ham hock and beans and cornbread for the same reason you had your meal, which looked over the top Yum. 2025 should be a great year for all of us! We had firecrackers going off for most of the evening. I didn't even try to make it to midnight. I don't think I could have concentrated enough to stitch and not end up picking it all back out this morning. Your stitching looked really nice. I found the patchwork mason jars but not those cute applique jars. Did you share a pattern for those? They are so stinkin' cute! Thank you for the link to the new BOM. Looks to be a really pretty one. I say what you have left from last year is just a head start on this year's quilts to possibly finish! Give yourself a little grace. Look what all you did complete last year!

  3. Sounds like lots of luck will happen after that New Year's dinner. Love your butterfly "focus" quilt.

  4. We had ham, fried chicken, black-eyed peas and collard greens for lunch New Year's Day. You have some nice projects to work on in 2025. I still need to do some planning.

  5. I had my BEPs today with some ham. We took the twins out for their birthday lunch yesterday. Looking forward to the butterfly quilt! Happy New Year!

  6. It's wonderful to see how different traditions exist in each country.
    I hope this new year is fantastic for you and your family.

  7. Hope your New Year's dinner brings lots of good luck to you and yours this new year. Good luck with all your goals for the year.


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