Blog Archive

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Winter Samp SAL Stamp 1- Snow Friends

Cock- a - doodle Doo!   Up and Adam! 

Good morning, y'all. Are you feeling chipper this morning? I sure hope so. πŸ€— It is a beautiful day so why not enjoy every minute of it. 

First, I want to thank everyone for all of the sweet compliments so far on my Winter SAL. But Ooops I made a Boo Boo in the header. I will list it below . If you see any boo boos as we stitch, please let me know. I was working feverishly to complete the charts before we left so I may have made a boo boo or two.  I truly appreciate it if you let me know , Sweeties. πŸ€—

HEADER- OOOPS- CORRECTION-   Silly me😌.  I forgot to chart the snow on top of the letters in the header in the last post. Please forgive me. I will correct the charts when I return from my camping trip. But  if you look at my photo, I just sprinkled white stitches on top of the letters. 

Mr. Pinker and I are having a super time so far, but you know if something is going to go wrong it happens when you are away from home.

 Wah! Wah! 😒😒😒 Uggh my computer went down!😩😭πŸ–₯ Actually,  some of the keys are not typing when using the keyboard.  And it all happened just as we added Starlink so I could have internet access. I am hoping to buy a bottle of compressed air duster cleaner and maybe that will solve the problem.   Oh bother!  Soooo, I have been getting on Mr. Pinker's computer at night .πŸ’» Unfortunately, I have not been able to respond to comments nor to emails.

 And to my blogging friends, I am visiting you but for some reason  my comments or messages are not going through when using hubby's computer. Please forgive me (Remember, I am plumb tech dumb so I am sure I am doing something wrong😏).

  There are so many beginning of the year projects going on in blogland.  And  some of you are working on UFOs and WIPS . It sure is exciting to see the projects so many of you are enjoying these first few days of the month! 

I hope to share so of my UFOs and WIPS that are am working in the coming days. 

Today I am sharing the 1st Winter Stamp which is called "Snow Friends." 

A winter stitch is not complete unless  it has a cardinal in it. And this little fella has made quick friends with  Mr. Chill the Snowman. 

This stamp was actually inspired by a doodle that I shared last year during the Mr. Snow SAL called Block 2 Winter Friends There were 12 blocks in the Mr. Snow SAL so if you are interested in them click on the colored link for information. 


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


Below is a schedule:  ( If you have missed a stamp, click the colored link, and you will magically be transported to that post. )



BORDER `  -   January 4th ( Saturday)

 HEADER-  January 6th ( Monday)

STAMP 1 January 8th ( Wednesday)

STAMP 2- January  11th (Saturday)

STAMP 3-  January 13th ( Monday)

STAMP 4-  January 15th ( Wednesday)

STAMP 5-  January 18th ( Saturday) 

STAMP 6 - January 20 th ( Monday)

STAMP 7-  January 22 th ( Wednesday )

STAMP 8 -January 25 th ( Saturday )

STAMP 9 - January 27th ( Monday)

BONUS STAMP - January 29th ( Wednesday)

FINAL REVEAL (FFOd) -  February 1st ( Saturday) 




223, 301, 347, 930,  3346, 3371, 3781, Blanc


Can you guess what will be in Stamp 2? 

 The snow is falling to the ground. Nary does it make a sound.  It's time to grab a  spoon and bowl.  To gather up the winter snow. 

A sweet treat- a winter's dream

Soon we will have enjoy a bowl of _____. 

I wish you a wonderful day and thank you for dropping by to see my 1st stamp .

 As Always, 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

"Winter is nature's sleep." -  H. S. Jacobs

Hugs and Stitches!!!!πŸ€—πŸ§΅❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo. 


  1. Thank you for sharing ! I really enjoy stitching along πŸͺ‘πŸ§΅πŸ˜€

  2. It’s looking great Melisa! ☺️ Really love this stamp with Mr Chill and the Cardinal. πŸ’œπŸ’œ☃️πŸ‘ Can’t guess what’s coming next …. creamed snow? πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ πŸ‘‹πŸ™‹‍♀️ Warmest hugs, Barbara @flashinscissors. PS it’s frosty here today in the UK. With a possibility of snow later! ☺️πŸ™‹‍♀️xx

  3. Darling first stamp - thank you. Have fun on your trip - in spite of the boo-boos and computer woes! Blessings!

  4. I love your embroidery and this first stamp is beautiful.
    Enjoy the travel!!
    A big hug

  5. Cute first stamp! Your replies are reaching me. Sometimes that error message you receive means nothing. . .who knows why it is triggered in Blogger. --TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  6. With a little cardinal. Love love love

  7. Everything you design is just so cute, Melisa! I spotted a cardinal underneath the feeder just yesterday. Good luck with the computer I hate those too.

  8. Love your cardinal and snowman stamp. The 2nd stamp will be a bowl of ice cream. Yum yum. Stay warm my friend.

  9. Perfect to add the cardinal with the sweet little snowman.

  10. Super cute stamp. We just had a red cardinal at the feeder for the first time in a while.

  11. I'm looking forward to stitching Mr. Snow! I'm still working on the border and header, but getting closer to being ready for the stamps. Hope you're having a great time on your trip!

  12. Very, very snowman!! I need to get busy!! Wish I could decide on a whole piece or individual ornament type blocks. I hope you and the Mister are enjoying yourselves. Take care and have fun. Darlene J

  13. Aww... what a cutie that first stamp is, Melisa! So sorry about the computer issues--I admire you for trying to keep up with your blog while traveling. Take care now! ♥

  14. I'm sure you are having a wonderful wintry camping trip. Keep warm, wont you, and I know you will be busy stitching merrily away.

  15. Ice cream! Yum! Sorry you are having computer woes, hopefully a good shot of air will do the trick! Happy camping!!

  16. Hola Meli que alegrΓ­a recibir este sello ! ya lo tengo todo listo para empezar esta aventura!!! esperando tu regreso pero deseando que lo estΓ©s pasando muy feliz en familia y disfrutando de muchas y bellas puntadas! a que si?
    besitos de tu amiga cubana
    Dianet de Parchesdeamor

  17. I handed my Aida and it looks so good. I finished the words wi Ted most of first. Stamp. Loving this

  18. Merci Melisa pour ce joli sal d'hiver et pour ce mignon premier bloc .
    Belle journΓ©e

  19. I love block one can't wait for block 2 tomm

  20. Snow cute! I picked up the floss colors I needed the other day. I’m planning on stitching them individually.
    Hope your computer issue is an easy fix❤️

  21. Computer problems are never fun. Love the new stamp for the stitch along.

  22. Thank you, Melisa. A perfect pairing to start this sweet stitch.


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