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Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Winter Stamp SAL Introduction

Snow, snow coming down
Snow , snow on the ground. 
Warm and cozy by the fire inside
With needle and thread by my side.   - MV. 

Good morning , y'all and a very lovely winter's day to you. Brrrr it is getting downright cold.  I think it is the perfect time to enjoy this winter season with a stitch along.  Hmmm snowmen, snowballs, mittens and such.... Doesn't that sound delightful?  

In April of 2023, I shared the Spring Stamp Collection  all centered around a sweet bluebird. 

In August of 2022, the Autumn Stamp Collection debuted. 

Well why not kick start 2025 with a Winter Stamp Collection. 

The design is the same as the Autumn Stamp Collection in respect to the borders and header- 107 x 132.  Stitched on 14 count aida , all of the stamps along with the header will fit perfectly in an 8" x 10 " frame.  If you stitch the stamps individually , the design size is 35 x 35 which on 14 count aida would bring the size to about 2 1/2" squared. 

I was just thinking- the stamps would be darling as little ornaments , bowl fillers or whatever your sweet heart imagines. 

I will finish my newest individual stamps like my other stamps --as little pin pillows.  Sweet chenille trim embellished my  Strawberry Jam and Biscuits Stamp

For the Winter Stamp SAL, I dyed my fabric with Rit Blue Denim dye for a lovely light shade of blue.   One piece of fabric was just too dark for my liking so I dyed a 2nd and 3rd piece for a lighter look. 

Fabric is dyed for the SAL

Below is a list of the DMC FLOSS COLORS that  I will be using for the whole project .

DMC-  Blanc,  223,  301, 347, 356,   469, 646, 823, 829,  930, 3345,  3346, 3371, 3781,

 If additional colors are added , I will let you know . I will be stitching along with you, and  I sorta fly by the seat of my pants. Hee! Hee! 😁 So please don't hold me to these colors. LOL. Of course, you could choose any  floss colors that you would like if you decide to stitch along with me. 

 I am stitching my border in DMC 930. I will be making the large piece and each stamp individually. 

Below is a schedule: 


INTRODUCTION-   January 1st

BORDER `  -   January 4th ( Saturday)

 HEADER-  January 6th ( Monday)

STAMP 1 January 8th ( Wednesday)

STAMP 2- January  11th (Saturday)

STAMP 3-  January 13th ( Monday)

STAMP 4-  January 15th ( Wednesday)

STAMP 5-  January 18th ( Saturday) 

STAMP 6 - January 20 th ( Monday)

STAMP 7-  January 22 th ( Wednesday )

STAMP 8 -January 25 th ( Saturday )

STAMP 9 - January 27th ( Monday)

BONUS STAMP - January 29th ( Wednesday)

FINAL REVEAL (FFOd) -  February 1st ( Saturday) 


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


These are some print offs that you may be interested in. 

So what do you think?  I think it will be boo koos of fun. Now I may not get to post on Instagram each day or respond  to messages because Mr. Pinker and I have loaded up the old camper and are booking it down the road to a warmer destination for a few weeks. We do not always have internet service. But when I do have service , I will be sure to pop in .And speaking of popping in -  I hope you do not mind if I pop in with regular posts as well. That may mean 2 post a day. Eeeh ! 

Whether you stitch along with me or not, I sure would be overjoyed if you drop in and visit  me as my nimble fingers are stitching away because you  have a heavy task upon your shoulders-- keeping me motivated. Hee! Hee!   You know I love you don't you? 😊🤗

Alrighty , I will stop the jabbering.  I will see you in the next post. 

As Always, 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

"Winter is nature's sleep." -  H. S. Jacobs

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo. 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 

     Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday


  1. You've managed to hit another one right of the ball park. Very, very cute Mz Melisa. Have a lovely Sunday dear friend. We'll chat again very soon. Big Ole Texas sized hugs!!!! Darlene J

    1. I can not tell you how excited I am , Darlene. I have been dreaming of this SAL for some time. Thank you so much for the compliment. Big Bear Hugs from the holler!! Oh, and Happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year, Melisa!! Looking forward to a great year with you.

  3. It's a beautiful embrodery, Melisa

  4. Have a safe and wonderful getaway, Melisa--I will be following your Winter embroidery (even tho' not actually stitching it!) and wishing I could make my fingers nimble once more! But that's how it goes, right?
    Were you able to ring in the New Year at midnight?? I certainly couldn't!! Hahaha--" Early to bed, early to rise" kinda gal lately...hugs for a good journey Julierose

  5. Wow! Another SAL! Yay! I can't wait to start on this one. I have the Autumn one in my storage box know...I don't think I ever did the Spring one - HORRORS! :-) Gotta get one that one right away - spring will be here before we know it! Have a wonderful time on your trip to warmer climates! Happy New Year my friend and thank you so much for your generous spirit! Blessings!

  6. Have a wonderful trip! I stitched all of the Autumn stamps and used them as a bowl filler on my dining room table this fall. Can't wait to start the Winter stamps and soon the Strawberry stamps. Working on all of the snowman patterns you have shared and excited to get those displayed for winter. And of course checking off each and every Saltbox pattern which is what got me hooked on your blog!! Here in Kansas they are predicting 5-8 inches of snow this weekend - yikes!! Safe travels and looking forward to hearing all about the wonderful places you travel to. Carrie

  7. Thanks for mystery winter E.Pratt

  8. You know me, I'm always behind with your SALs and this one will be no different. LOL I will be collecting the parts though. I hope you and Mr. Pinker have safe travels and wonderful adventures. Happy New Year, dear Melisa!

  9. I knew I should have brought all my thread along and the cloth, but I didn't listen to that part of my brain, haha. Well there is always time later on to come back and stitch it:) Safe travels!

  10. Love this idea!!!

  11. You are amazing, Melisa! This looks to be another of your wonderful SAL's. Happy Travels to you both as well...warmer climes sounds wonderful!

  12. I am really excited about this SAL and though I have less time with my working hours since September, I'm going to push myself to do this one, I know I'm going to love it! Can't wait to see the reveal of each stamp and what a wonderful way to start the new year. Happy New Year Melisa!!

  13. Happy New Year!! Looks like a fun stitch along! Stay safe and warm. I don't think anywhere in the southeast from Texas to Florida is going to be warm the next two least from what I saw last night! This S-word has even been mentioned for the south! Happy and safe travels. Hugs!

  14. I have enjoyed seeing all your stitching projects. I think I'll jump in on this one. To keep up, is another matter. Thanks a bunch. May we all have a safe and productive year ahead!

  15. You really do make me want to go find my Aida cloth, but I'm going to resist as I already have too many stitching projects on the go. But it will be fun to see this one come together.

  16. Oh, Fun!! The little peeks show some really pretty things to come! Safe travels, my friend.

  17. Melisa, enjoy your trip with Mr. Pinker to warmer parts!! I am so excited about this stitch-along with you, I can hardly wait!! Off to tint some fabric...... Hoping to get this project finished before my scheduled Cataract surgeries in February. Looking forward to being able to stitch and see patterns with ease. Have the best time traveling and let us know when you can where you are in your trek. Sending you warm and tons of hugs from sunny Arizona.

  18. I wish you and you family a very happy and healthy 2025 !

  19. I’m so excited! I found the perfect display piece in a thrift store and now I’ll have three seasons to display!!!! Overjoyed! I would love to do your strawberry stamps in a picture portrait such as this as well. A gingerbread theme would also make me do cartwheels! Oh the possibilities! Thank you for your kindness! Enjoy your trip and saying prayers for health in the coming new year!!!

  20. Happy New Year! I hope 2025 brings you all that you need. Your stitch a long sounds like a lot of fun!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  21. Can you estimate how many stitches you get with DMC on 14 ct using 2 strands? I need help knowing how many skeins of each color I may need. Thanks

  22. I would love to stitch along with you, Melisa! I've made individual stamps from several of the little designs in Summer and Autumn, but maybe I'm ready for something bigger now. Looking forward to getting started! Have a wonderful trip!

  23. Melisa, I am so excited about this upcoming SAL. I have completed and framed the two previous projects and have been hoping you would have time to create a Winter sampler. Thanks so much for taking the time with your busy schedule to create this project. Looking forward to the upcoming weeks to see what you have planned!

  24. Oh Melisa, I’m so excited about the new Sal. I have the Summer and Autumn and was waiting for the Winter one. Tomorrow, I’ll pull all the thread and cut my fabric and then I will I be ready to go. Hope you and hubby have a great trip and enjoy the warm weather. Loved seeing all your posts of your pretties. Happy NewYear my friend. 🤗♥️

  25. I am so excited! Thank you!!

  26. Both the SAL and the road trip sound like so much fun! I am in the middle a large x stitch project in an SAL right now but I'll be following along as this just might be my next project. Time to hit the road and start the new year off right (nwpaintedlady)

  27. This looks like it will be great fun Melisa. ☺️ Now to find Aida and some dye. Safe travels my friend. 🙋‍♀️ Warm wishes, Barbara @flashinscissors 🥰👍xxx🙋‍♀️💜💜💜 PS re Let it snow - definitely patchwork, still searching for just the right colours. 😆🙋‍♀️👋xxx

  28. Very excited for this project.

  29. oh yay another sal. this one will be fun. I did notice your papers say Winter Stamp Sal 2024. Not 2025. I'm excited to see the little stamps. I love your other season stamp series too! Have a great trip. I just bought some blue rit today so i'm going to have to get to dyeing..


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