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Saturday, January 4, 2025

Winter Stamp SAL BORDER

Do you have your snow boots on? And your mittens?   Eeeh ! I am so excited! It is the 1st day of the Winter Stamp Stitch Along! 

Good morning, y'all  and welcome.  No snow here yet. The grandsons are waiting on pins and needles for the first flakes though . Perhaps a flurry or two will come by the end of the winter season. 

Frosty Stamp

My fabrics are dyed and ready for the Winter Stamp SAL. I will be working on my individual stamps today. 

Dyed with Rit  Blue Denim

The border on the large sampler is stitched, and it is ready to be filled with "all things winter. "  

I stitched the border using DMC 930. Originally, I thought about stitching it in DMC 823, but at the time I could not find my floss. I do however like how the border has came out. 

DMC 930 is used in the border.

I will be stitching each design twice . Once in the sampler and the 2nd time individually. I will be making the individual stamps into small pin pillows  . These pillows will be tucked in my Christmas / Winter tree or nestled in a dough bowl for the season. 

Below is a list of the DMC FLOSS COLORS that  I will be using for the whole project . If additional colors are added , I will let you know . I will be stitching along with you and  I sorta fly by the seat of my pants. Hee! Hee!  I am stitching my border in DMC 930. I will be making the large piece and each stamp individually. 

DMC-  Blanc,  223,  301, 347, 356,   469, 646, 823, 829,  930, 3345,  3346, 3371, 3781,


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


Below is a schedule:  ( If you have missed a stamp, click the colored link, and you will magically be transported to that post. )



BORDER `  -   January 4th ( Saturday)

 HEADER-  January 6th ( Monday)

STAMP 1 January 8th ( Wednesday)

STAMP 2- January  11th (Saturday)

STAMP 3-  January 13th ( Monday)

STAMP 4-  January 15th ( Wednesday)

STAMP 5-  January 18th ( Saturday) 

STAMP 6 - January 20 th ( Monday)

STAMP 7-  January 22 th ( Wednesday )

STAMP 8 -January 25 th ( Saturday )

STAMP 9 - January 27th ( Monday)

BONUS STAMP - January 29th ( Wednesday)

FINAL REVEAL (FFOd) -  February 1st ( Saturday) 

 To make stitching time quicker, I use multiple needles so I am not always having to rethread my needle. 

I will be posting the " Winter Header " on January 6th .  

Prep your needles for the Winter Header. 

For the upcoming Winter Header, you will use the following DMC colors:   Blanc, 301,  3371, 347, 823, 829,  3345, 3346,  3781. 

Alrighty, y'all I will keep it short and sweet. Enjoy your day and...

 As Always, 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

"Today is a good day to have a good day. "

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo. 


  1. Frosty the Stamp is very, very cute. I'm glad you decided to use 930 for the borders - one of my favorites. I'm dealing with a little stress in my life and it's tiring me out, so I'll say good night. I keep telling myself "this too shall pass" I need it to pass sooner than later. Until tomorrow. Big Hugs!!! Darlene J

  2. Very pretty already and you haven't even started the stamps!

  3. It already looks beautiful with just the letters and the embroidered border!

  4. Thank you Melisa! Looking forward to this one! Blessings!

  5. Your chosen fabric you dyed looks fabulous, Melisa. We had some scattered flurries yesterday afternoon, but they didn't hang around 'cuz it was 42 degrees. Sunday into Monday is a different story. I say bring it on!

  6. I can't wait to start my winter sal I got all my colors

  7. "Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland"--great choice for words on your blocks!! Love that song--;)))
    27 degrees here with windchill of 20!! Brrr--No snow as yet though...just dern cold!!
    Take care hugs, Julierose

  8. Can't wait to see the stamps. Just wanted to let you know that you can no long click on the links in the email that goes out and get to your blog. I have to type it and search for the blog to get the patterns.

  9. Your Winter Sampler is going to be so SWEET! Love how you dyed the fabric a gorgeous pale blue. Your 932 shows up perfectly on it too. Makes it feel January-frosty! ❄️☃️❄️

  10. So looking forward to this! I love Winter. We woke up to snow this morning. Talked to my daughter this morning and it is -19 F in ND. Boy, I am NOT missing temps being that cold. Brrr! Which dyed shade did you go with of the three we see?

  11. Where can I find the stitching pattern for the small piece that says in the winter you can build a snowman? Thank you

  12. Happy New Year Melisa!! The follow it email list stopped sending me your posts by email sometime in December so I've missed your last few wonderful posts :( I can't figure out any other way to get notifications when you have a new post. The Mail Chimp one at the bottom no longer works either. I wish Blogger had an app to keep up with these things.

    Anyway, glad you are doing well and had a great Christmas! This winter series is adorable! I will have to see if I can join along. I'm impressed you have a WHOLE CONE of DMC 930! It must be your favorite blue :-) Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful stitching in 2025!

  13. Happy New Year Melissa i haven’t had any problems yet with follow it i can still click on the text in the email and it goes to the blog, anyway I’m excited for this new winter s a l can’t wait to get started, you are a blessing to our community.

  14. Comment above was from me ha ha Susan

  15. Oh what fun. I printed out the pattern and will be hunting down the flosses. Thank you sweet friend for a Winter SAL. Happy New Year! :)

  16. Thank you, Melisa! I will be stitching tonight!! :-)

  17. I am so excited. I did autumn and spring. I also bought two extra frames so I can hang them all together. Only need you to do summer and I’ll have all 4. You are so awesome.

  18. So looking forward to this stitch along Melisa! I've followed you for a few years now, and have searched your site for the snowman design in your header picture. The one on the far left with 3 cardinals and the black gingham frame. Can you point me in the right direction please? Thanks for all you do! Cathy in Ontario basaran (dot) family (at) rogers (dot) com

  19. Thanks so much for putting this together, it's going to be so sweet! And we're getting snow tomorrow, perfect timing!❄☃

  20. Such a great little stitch to join. I've only been actively cross stitching since November 2020 (after a 25 yr recess from it) and finally decided to do the WIPGO....well after sorting and organizing all of my wips (starts only) I have EXACTLY 25! but twice as many kitted up😮 what's ONE MORE? lol

  21. AL FIN!!!!!! Hola mi dulce amiga ! que pena pero No fue hasta ahora que logre dejarte un mensaje aquí en tu blog pues antes No podía! y quiero FELICITARTE nuevamente por este nuevo año 2025 que llegue a ti y a tu bella familia ..
    Por otra parte estaba emocionada con este nuevo SAL que recién comienza y hoy mismo me ´pongo a prepararlo!" que ilusión!!! gracias corazón un abrazo enorme de tu amiga Dianet de Cuba en Panamá y de Parchesdeamor

  22. Voilà qui est drôlement bien préparé, pour chaque semaine et déjà prévu pour les mois suivants !
    J'aime beaucoup les motifs en cadre, ou en timbres, mais mon agenda est trop rempli pour vous suivre autrement que par les blogs amis


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