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Monday, September 4, 2023

Time for a Parade ! A Fall Freebie Parade

 Good morning, ya'll! Well it is that time of the year! Time for a parade! No not a Labor Day parade, but an Autumn parade of past freebies that I have shared. So grab you a glass of sweet ice tea and join me . I am sure we will see squirrels, pumpkins and crows and who knows what all. Hope you enjoy!   

If you would like to know more about a piece or get the chart, just click on the colored text and you will be whisked away to that post. 

Hello Fall 


Cornstalks, Pumpkins and Chickens 

Crow Creek Saltbox 

Turkey Creek Manor 

Ophelia Manor on Punkin Holler Lane 

Willowisp Manor of Holler Lane 

Fall 1869 Crock 

Rosie's Pumpkins



Prim Pumpkin House an Itty Bitty Freebie

Crow Creek Doodles 


From the alphabet from the Ole Crow Saltbox, I stitched a little sampler. 

Autumn Stamp Collection -  which can be stitched as one piece or each individually.  This will be a link  to all a post that gives the links to all of the stamps which were posted on different day. 



Happy Jack Quilt and Doodle

Squirreling Around

Sunflower Mason Jar

Lookie at my little bears gifted to me from, sweet Joan. Aren't they the cutest? Thank you , Joan. Oh how I love these guys. 

1821 Pumpkin Saltbox 

Well that certainly gets me into the fall mood. How about you? I  hope you enjoyed the little parade of stitches and doodles.  Though there were some of my Halloween pieces included, I will have a Halloween Parade in the near future which will include other pieces that I have shared. . 
Hopefully, more fall freebies are on the way in the next few weeks . 
Thank you for the sweet visit and have a very lovely day. 

 AS always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the  other seasons. - JIm Bishop

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy who loved all of the fall activities. . Love and miss you, Amo.


  1. Thank you Melisa for a beautiful Fall parade this early monday morning 11 C in September ! I reallly enjoyed watching them scroll by :)

    1. Aah you are so very welcome, Joanne. Ooh what a nice chilly morning. Fall is on its way. It is still warm and very muggy here with no rain in sight. Hoping for cooler weather very soon. I am so glad you enjoyed the fall parade. Have a fabulous week. Hugs.

  2. Un très grand merci. C’est vraiment formidable. Cela me remonte vraiment le moral. Merci Anne

    1. Aaah you are so welcome and thank you , Anne for the kind words and the sweet visit. .You brought a smile to my day. Hugs

  3. Maintenant j’ai de quoi broder 🤗 Anne

    1. Oh, Anne that makes me so happy that you found a piece that you would like to stitch. I sure hope you enjoy each and every stitch. Have a beautiful and blessed day. Hugs

  4. Thank you so much for the beautiful parade on your blog! I love it. With love, Ann

    1. Aaah you are so very kind, Ann and thank you for dropping by for a visit and for the sweet words. I have slowly built up a collection of fall stitches. I am looking forward to pulling them out and getting ready for fall. Have a beautiful day.Hugs.

  5. You certainly have a lovely collection of autumn delights! We're still hanging onto summer here, today the temp is in the 90's. Maybe when it's cooler I'll get in the fall mood. Happy stitching!

    1. Good evening, Gretchen. I hope you had a very lovely Labor Day weekend. It sounds like we are enjoying the same kind of weather. It was a muggy day, but still nice. Surely, we will receive some cooler temps soon. Fingers crossed. Thank you for the sweet visit. Have a wonderful week. Hugs.

  6. Beautiful Fall cross-stitchings! Nights are starting to get a little cooler but the days let us know that Summer is still here handing on😅

    1. Good evening, Helen . I hope you had a very lovely weekend. We enjoyed a mild summer up to a few weeks ago and now wheew! It is hot and muggy. Hoping for some cooler weather soon. Lol. Aaah thank you so much for the sweet compliment on my stitchings. I am getting quite a collection. Have a wonderful week. Hugs and Blessings. 

  7. I love them! So many to chose from - thank you so much for your generosity! After this truly hot summer, fall can't come too quickly! Blessings!

    1. Good evening, Donna. Oh I am so ready for Fall! The cool crisp weather can not get here soon enough! Lol. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. I hope you had a great Labor Day and enjoy your week with your daughter and family. Hugs.

  8. What a fun fall parade! Thank you for sharing it with us, Melisa! And thank you for your generous heart in sharing your designs.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Robin. I had a ball looking back at previous posts and seeing all that I have stitched. My fall stitch collection is slowly growing and it has been a blessing to share them. Have a super week. Hugs.

  9. What a wonderful parade! I have all the things for that autumn sampler.... since Frosty's are almost done, I think I'll have to finally start it. But then I saw the Thanksgiving one..... and that looks fun! Have a wonderful week and thank you so much for sharing your treasures.

    1. Happy Monday, Deb. Oh I am so excited that you are about to start working on fall stitching and am so touched that you are considering the Autumn Sampler . I just pulled it out today. I hope you enjoy which ever piece you decide to stitch. Happy stitching and quilting. Hugs.

  10. You have lots of stitching fun to share, Melisa! I've been stitching some sunflowers recently, but now I might be ready for pumpkins. Thanks for all the inspiration!

    1. Happy Monday, Diann. I hope you had a fabulous Labor Day weekend with the family. I have been dipping back and forth between sunflowers and pumpkins. This week I am pulling out my pumpkins though. Lol. Have a great week and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  11. You are so generous with your freebies Melisa, thank you so much. Just yesterday I was pulling out some fall decorations and found two that I had stitched from you. And I know I stitched a couple more that I didn't finish-I just have to find the special place I hid them in!!!

    1. Happy Monday, Vicki. Aah you are so welcome. I have enjoyed sharing each and every piece. That just makes me smile to hear that you have stitched a few of my pieces . I am so very honored. Lol I got tickled when you said you have to find them. I  have the tendency to put things in a "special place " too and then have to remember where they are.  In fact, a few of those on this parade are in hiding. Lol. Hope you find yours. Have an wonderful week and thank you, dear Hugs. 

  12. Loved your parade, Melisa. So many delightful projects, etc.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Darlene. I enjoyed pulling this parade together and sharing all of these humble designs. I hope you had a blessed day . Hugs.

  13. Fall can't come soon enough if you ask me. So many lovely pieces, Melisa. Thanks for compiling them all together!

    1. Oh I agree, Susie. I am ready for cool crisp days and autumn colors and let's not forget pumpkin pie. Lol. Thank you so much for the sweet Monday visit and the kind words. Have a beautiful week. Hugs.

  14. I love the time of year when everything is filled with pumpkins, ocher colors and blessings!!!
    Your embroidery parade has taken me directly to my desired autumn, Melisa!
    A hug

    1. Good morning, Isabel. Oh I agree; I love this time of the year as well. We are starting to see a few leaves turn color and fall though I am not sure if it is from the heat at this point. But Autumn will be here soon. Thank you so much for the sweet visit and I wish you the most delightful week. Hugs.

  15. I can’t thank you enough for all the fall themed stitches! Something for everyone! I need to frame my fall stamps! Now where is that frame I’ve been saving? ??

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Judy. You brought a big smile to my day. Lol. I have been known to misplace a frame or two . It seems like only yesterday when I shared Autumn Stamps. My how this year has flown. Have a wonderful week and happy stitching and quilting. Hugs.

  16. Thank you for the round up of fall inspired patterns. Now I have easy access to your lovely patterns. Not so easy deciding what to stitch next. I may have to spin the wheel and see what it stops on 🤣. Cindyls5462

    1. Happy Monday, dear Cindy. I hope you had the most lovely day. Aaah you are so welcome. It was fun to look back at previous posts and round this fall stitches up. I can not believe I have stitched so many. I hope you enjoy your stitch whichever one the wheel stops on . Lol. Hugs.

  17. LOVE hello fall!!! I have written you before about my affinity for acorns...this is for me... especially the finish! Thanks, this made my day.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, MJ . I can not tell you how much that means to me. I was thinking the other day that I need to make another finish similar to "Hello Fall". Oh , I am an acorn lover too. Have your seen the darling acorn picks that Dollar Tree has? I will have to post them just in case you haven't. Have a wonderful week, dear and happy stitching . Hugs

  18. Thanks for the stitchery show today, Melisa! And the fun reminder: time to get out the autumn stuff!!!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Nancy. I am ready to pull out all of my fall decor. Autumn will be here in no time. I hope you have a blessed week. Happy quilting.

  19. I'm ready for fall! This was a great introduction to the themes.

    1. Oh gosh, Susan. I am too. These last few days have been hot ones haven't they. Lol. Hope you are doing well. Have a wonderful week. Hugs and Blessings.

  20. Such a great Autumn parade and so much stitching inspiration and motivation!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Ginny. Pulling out the fall stitches and quilts certainly has got me excited that Autumn will be here soon. Have a beautiful day, sweet friend. Hugs.

  21. Thank you for sharing so much of your talent with us, Melisa! You're a doll!! I'm definitely ready for fall and saw a few of these I haven't downloaded yet! I just love all your saltboxes - especially these autumn ones!! Thanks again! Have a great week. Hugs!!

    1. Aaah you are so welcome, dear Brenda and thank you. I hope you enjoy these little fall stitches. The saltboxes are some of my favorites to work on. I can not wait for you to see my newest one. Have a wonderful day. Hugs.

  22. Oh my goodness what a feast!! I'm already starting to stitch a fall design from this parade, I hope I can finish it soon. I won't tell you which one until I do though!

    1. Oh I am so excited to hear that you found a fall stitch to work on , Diana. I am so very honored as well. I can not wait to see which one you chose. Have a wonderful time stitching. Hugs. 

  23. What a funtastic fall parade! There are so many I'd like to stitch, but choosing which ones are the hard part.

    1. Aaah I am so happy that you stopped by for the Fall Parade, Astrid and your sweet words just brought the biggest smile to my day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Hugs.

  24. That was a super fun parade! Thank you for being so generous with your wonderful designs, Melisa!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Jeanna. Fall stitching ranks right there on top as far as my favorite season to stitch well along with the Christmas and 4th of July holidays. Lol. Have a wonderful afternoon. Hugs.

  25. Fabulous! So much fun! 🍁🍂


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