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Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Late Summertime on the Farm - Wordless Wednesday

 Good morning , Sweet Peas. It has been awhile since I have shared a  Not So Wordless Wednesday post about the farm. So let's go up to the barns and down into the pastures to see what we can see. Shall we? I hope you enjoy. 

Cows enjoying the shade on a hot summer day. 
"Excuse the drool". This gal is hungry. 
One of the barn cats standing guard on the tobacco sticks.
This handsome fellow may look gruff, but he is as gentle as a lamb.  His name is Brad. 
We have 11 new calves . It is feeding time for this sweetie. 
This is our newest addition. How cute is he? 

By golly, Elmer is giving us the cold shoulder. Hmm. He can be a moody fellow.  

Well that's all from the farm today. I may go out to visit the bees here later and perhaps get a few good photos of them and maybe just maybe Edna the donkey will come say howdy. Have a beautiful day. 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

Every day is a good day to be on the farm. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy.  The farm is not the same without you. Love and miss you, Amo 

                      Ya'll come back now , ya hear! 


  1. Baby calves are such cute critters. When they buck and play, I chuckle. When they run crazily around with their tails stuck up, I laugh! Thanks for taking me back to my memory lane! I enjoyed visiting via your walk about. You have some sweet babies. . .especially Brad!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Good morning, Terry. I agree - the baby calves are my favorites to watch. They all have their own personality too. Usually when the calves start to running in the field, we have one cow that thinks she is as young as they are and starts to do the same. Lol. Thank you for dropping by for a visit. Hugs.

  2. I'm sure the cows are glad to see some cooler temps. You've got some fun photos.

    1. Oh yes, I am sure they are too. They usually enjoy the shade on hot summer days. Thank you for the sweet visit, Kate.

  3. Love seeing the farm critters, Melisa! The newest calf is a cutie. How is Edna? Is she happier? Has Bev returned? Brad is a handsome fella.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. I was excited to get a photo of the new calf. Edna seemed in a better mood the other day, but Bev hasn't returned yet. Lol. I think in about another month she will return and I am sure Edna and the cows will be happy. I get a kick out of watching them. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  4. I do love your tours of your farm. Makes me wish I had one but I'd have to say I'm just a bit too old for it. Guess I'll have to settle for a small garden with some veggie plants and live vicariously through you! :-) Have a great day!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Donna. Farm life is all I have ever known. Aah but a small garden and veggies sounds nice. Of course I am dreaming of doing like you and travel. Hee ! Hee! Hopefully in the near future. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  5. Look at those cows! To a city girl like me, that Brad does look a bit ferocious! But the calves are sweet as can be. I didn't know it was calving time again. Here in Colorado, it seems like they're mostly calving in Feb and March!

    1. I think the cows are my favorite on the farm. I agree Brad does look a might gruff, but he is one of the gentlest bulls we have ever had. Hope you are having a great vacation. Hugs. 

  6. The farm universe is full of stars but Elmer is my favorite!!!
    A hug

    1. Lol , I think Elmer takes center stage. He is always in the middle of anything that goes on. Thank you for the sweet visit, Isabel. Hugs.

  7. Replies
    1. Lol he is a character, Darlene. He and Edna who is another section of the farm have their own personalities. Thank you for the sweet visit to the farm. Hugs.

  8. Thanks for the fun stroll through the pastures! Elmer is quite handsome :)

    1. Aaah you are so welcome, Jeanna and thank you for dropping by the farm for a visit. Have a blessed weekend. Hugs

  9. Its always so pleasant to have a walk around your farm.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Jenny. Farm life is all I have ever known and I enjoy sharing the farm animals. Have a blessed weekend.Hugs.

  10. I love strolling around your farm with you! So peaceful... xx

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Joy. It was a lovely day to be walking about and enjoying the farm critters on that day. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  11. Just curious. What happens to that cute new baby calf down the road?

    1. We try to keep as many of the calves as possible. Some get moved to other sections of the farm . We have raised many generations here. They are like part of the family. I was excited to get a photo of the newest babe. Thank you for the sweet visit, Karen.

    2. If I understand you, they are slaughtered once grown or you keep them? This little one maybe sold for meat? No judgement I have always wanted to live and work on a farm, but I couldn’t send them off to be killed. I couldn’t say they are so cute or family, then send them off to be killed so I could eat them. Guess I’d have to be a flower farmer! 🤣

  12. Your cattle are a healthy looking bunch. I don't think I would want to upset Brad. He's a big guy! Such sweet little babies. I can just imagine the frolicking in the pasture. Your barn kitty looks like my Jezebel from when I was little.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Ginny. We have a good group of livestock. Lol this is Brad No. 2. You should have seen Brad #1 . He was even a bigger bull. Oh , I love watching the babies especially when they start to run from field to field. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  13. I'm new to your blog and appreciate your free patterns. Thank you for sharing. I'd love to know where you live. I just moved from CO to America's Dairlyland. Lots of farms, farmhouses and rolling hills. It will be a slower pace of life for me I think. Thanks for sharing your farmlife too.

    1. Aaah welcome, Jennifer. I am so grateful that you are visiting me and I hope you enjoy the little freebies. I enjoy sharing them. There is nothing like farm life; it is a lot slower pace than the city. I hope you enjoy your new home. I live in the hollers of TN. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

  14. Love the cow (and donkey) pics but my favorite was the cat, with your caption. =)

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Susan. It is hard to get photos of the barn cats. Every now and then we might see one come down to the house, but for the most part they enjoy the barns. Hugs.

  15. Lol Elmer usually loves the attention. Thank you for the sweet visit, Nancy.


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