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Sunday, September 24, 2023

Sweet Sunday Stitching

It is time for some sweet Sunday stitching. 

Happy Sunday, dear friends and welcome. 💓

I will be working on Butterfly Kisses today.  It is such a nice day , I do believe I will enjoy my stitching time on the porch.  Please join me. 🤗

Six butterflies to go, but today I will enjoy working on the blue one. 

I have been diligent this week about  keeping up with my stitching time- 15 minutes a day at a minimum. And I am happy to say I achieved my goal each day. 

This is the view from my front  porch.  Lots and lots of trees.  Soon they will be losing their leaves. 

On the other side of the porch is more trees and the well house. Hmm that door needs a good painting. 

Oh, I better be  very quiet . Someone is fixing to come into view beyond the pear tree. 

There she is -skinny baby deer!!! 🦌  My how she has grown. She has come for an afternoon snack . Her spots are slowly fading. 

Isn't she the sweetest? 

As I pulled out of my driveway , yesterday, she and Mama crossed the road over to the river for a drink of water.   On my return 5 minutes later, the two crossed back into my yard for their evening snack. I do enjoy watching all of the wildlife. 

Now back to quilting. 

Kathleen Tracy of A Sentimental Quilter is generously sharing an Autumn Leaves SAL. She will share the steps each Friday through mid October. If you are interested , visit, Kathleens's  blog and get Step 1 before the end of the week.   She posted Step one on September 22, 2023.

Fabrics are pulled for Step 1 of the Autumn Leaves SAL

That's what is going on in the holler this  sunny September Sunday. I am so delighted that you joined me. It made the day even sweeter.  Have a blessed day, Sweeties! 🤗

 As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Autumn is a second spring when every falling  leaf is a fluttering butterfly. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

 Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy . I love and miss you Amo. I miss our Sunday visits.

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday


  1. Lovely butterflies, Melisa!
    Have a nice Sunday!

    1. Good morning, Isabel. I am so excited to be nearing a finish on this quilt. I hope to get at least one butterfly quilted today. It is always a joy when you visit. Thank you. Have a very lovely day. Hugs.

  2. Good morning! Is the "Harvest" house one of your designs? It's so sweet!

    1. Happy Monday, dear. Oh yes, Harvest Home is one of mine. I do not believe I have posted it yet though. I stitched it a couple of years ago. I hope to post it in the future , if not this year than next . Have a blessed day.

  3. Congrats on all the stitching time last week. You've got some fun projects in the works. It's always fun to start a new project, enjoy the quilt along.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Kate. It was a good stitching week. It is hard for me to resist the small quilt SAL. Lol Have a great week . Hugs.

  4. I love seeing the wildlife out an about. Your butterfly is looking good and well done on getting in your 15 minutes daily on it. Go Melisa! Happy Sunday!

    1. Oh I do too, Robin. It has been nice to watch this little baby grow this summer. I bet you enjoy a lot of wildlife in your holler as well. Have a great week. Hugs.

  5. What a beautiful view you have there, Melisa - the perfect spot for some stitching! I'll have to check out the Autumn Leaves SAL, too. I'm definitely in the mood for fall colors in my sewing. Have a lovely Sunday, quilting that pretty butterfly!

    1. I had a very relaxing evening stitching on the porch and watching for mama and baby deer. I hope you do participate in the SAL . I pieced my leaves today. I am anxious for Step 2 on Friday. Have a great week. Hugs.

  6. Good for you to meet a daily stitching goal! The baby dear is adorable! How fun to catch glimpses of baby and mama! Enjoy your butterfly quilting!

    1. I had a fabulous stitching week, Kathy. It is always a joy to be able to enjoy time out on the porch and watch for wildlife . It was a treat to see the baby deer. I look for it every day. Thank you for the sweet visit. Have a great week. Hugs.

  7. Well done on achieving your 15 minutes goal each day! You did way better than me ;)) Love this blue and green butterfly, enjoy stitching outside on the porch!
    Thank you for sharing and linking up!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Frederique. Well I certainly wish you a very productive week. Some days I meet my goal ; other days I am not so lucky. Have a blessed week.

  8. Lovely work on the butterflies. The only wildlife we see around here in the city are the turkeys that wander over from the park across the street from me. They have a routine, and visit one house after another until they wander back to the park. There are a couple of males that stand in the middle of the street all puffed up like a crossing guard until everyone gets back together.

    1. Oh how interesting, Karrin. Your area must have a very good turkey population. I had never seen a turkey in the wild until about 20 years ago and now they are all over, but they are quite spooky around here. I think the gobblers are my favorite. I bet it is a sight to see them strutting back and forth to the park.

  9. These butterflies are so pretty! And I loved being out on the porch with you. The deer is so cute!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Shasta. It has been such a joy to work on the butterfly quilt. I am looking forward to working on another one very soon. I am so grateful you dropped by for a Sunday visit. Hugs and Blessings.

  10. That anonymous post above was by me.

  11. I believe you have a perfect Sunday planned. The butterflies are lovely, Melisa.

    1. Darlene , it was a wonderful day. I was able to get a lot accomplished- quilting, cross stitching and a bit of cleaning too. Lol . I hope you had a wonderful day as well. Happy quilting and stitching. Hugs.

  12. It's fun to watch wild life around our houses. We don't see deer here but we do get bunnies, a fox or two, and wonderful birds. I enjoy "narrating" their flights into the bird feeder. They are great fun to watch. Keep making progress on your butterflies. The quilt looks great.

    1. Oh how wonderful that you are able to enjoy the wildlife in your area too. Every now and then we will see a bunny , but it has been awhile since we have seen a fox though I know they are around. I believe watching the birds are my favorite too. Thank you for the sweet visit, Bonnie . Have a very lovely week. 

  13. You have a beautiful spot to stitch, Melisa. Hope you had a lovely Sunday.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Jeanna.It is very peaceful here in the holler and it is a treat to watch the birds and the occasional deer or squirrel that comes through. I wish you a wonderful week.

  14. What a beautiful setting and view you have for porch stitching and sitting. <3 Thanks for letting me sit and enjoy for a few minutes with you. Thanks too for joining the Sew & Tell party.

  15. We should all be so dedicated. Good for you to stick to your goals and accomplish so much! Your butterfly quilt will be finished very soon. Oh, sweet baby...what a perfect place you have to have such views as you stitch. Can you hear the water, too, from the porch? Just heavenly! Thanks for the heads up on the SAL. We are having dinner guests on the patio this evening. It will probably be the last as the weather is turning. Enjoy the rest of your day.


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