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Friday, September 22, 2023

Quilting, Stitching and a Mishap

Happy Happy Friday! Welcome , sweet friends. Well how has your week been? Have you been staying busy ? I sure hope you have had the most delightful week .  I have not had "the hustle and bustle week" like  last week, but I have had a great week. 

Monday night, Mr. Pinker and I enjoyed watching the grandbabes play baseball. They both were playing games at the same time so we had to divide up our time. 
My Sweetie  waiting for the ball to come  his way. 

Mr. Pinker watched one and I watched the other. We will switch next week. By the end of the game, the temps had dropped, and it got downright chilly . I will remember next week to take a blanket .  Oh, and both teams won! Whoo Hoo!📣⚾

This wee quilt is made form Jan Patek's Log Cabin Blockhead #34. She posted it on her blog in 2017. 

Tuesday I was able to enjoy some quilting time. 

I was on a roll working on my Happy Scrappy American Flag blocks. 

 Lots of turquoise blocks were added .   

Anything goes in this quilt. -Florals, apples,  strawberries, sunflowers and there are even some Native American bears having a Pow Wow in some of these blocks. 

 I posted the measurements for the  Happy Scrappy American Flag blocks in my September 1st post


I have been digging deep in the tote of shame which houses lots of cross stitches begging to be fully finished. As soon as I opened the bin, "Thankful" jumped out and begged for me to finish it. I  was happy to oblige. 

But oh, dear I can not remember who the designer is ? Is it Hands on Design? 

I stitched this either last year or the year before and failed to make a record of it. Any help would be greatly appreciate. I finished it into a simple pillow using some of the vintage lace that dear Pat sent me a couple of years ago. 
The little quilt underneath Thankful is made of wool and cotton and is mine and my grandson's handprints. 

Last night my nimble fingers  were stitching up a storm. I was bound and determined to finish the Mini Pumpkins Sampler which I shared in my September 16th post.
 I was doing a happy dance when I got it all finished and then FFOd it as well. 💃💃💃💃 I have to admit I was feeling quite proud of myself. 

But  HOLD THE PHONE!  OOOOPS ! BY GOLLY, I HAD A MISHAP ! 😏  Well here goes my story and I know you will be shaking your head thinking "What in the world was she thinking". 
 After FFOing the stitch into a little pillow and adding the trim which is twisted yarn, I gleefully hopped over to the ironing station  to give several of my pillows a good  press and to  flatten them. Normally, I spritz the back with a little water and then press the iron every so gently. ( I do not know if any other stitchers press their pillows- but I do whether it be right or wrong.😉 - Remember I fly by the seat of my pants. ) 
 First , I pressed Thankful - no problem. Next I pressed  Happy Jacks which I shared earlier- no problem then came time to press Mini Pumpkins SamplerAnd guess what happened? 😮😭😲

My DMC 898 melted. 😖😢I have had that happen once before . That was the only color. Not sure what is happening.  Anywhooo my  balloon was burst and my happy dance wound down to a stomp!  But I raised my chin and went back to the couch. 
"Well I am not going to restitch the whole thing, "  I thought. "Hmm what can I do?" I asked myself.
Then an idea came.    I picked out the brown the best I could and then restitched  the brown while the stitch was in pillow form. 😄😳

Yep my sweet sampler does look pitiful , but I am just going to say it is prim and not perfect. Lol.  
Ok  Lesson Learned-    I do believe I will give my iron a good cleaning for there may be some residue on it  and next time I will cover the stitch with a piece of cotton. 

Mini Pumpkins Sampler  was a Choose Your Own Colors chart , but if you are interested I used the following 
Letters- DMC 938
Big Pumpkin- 301, 898, 783, white
White Pumpkin- White, 840
Medium Pumpkin- 783, 898, 3776
Doohickeys (the little crosses) - 840 

I want to thank you so much for all of the kind compliments on my Pumpkin Stew cross stitch that I posted yesterday. She was a fun gal to work on and a joy to share.

I also want to thank Ann on Instagram @annmakesthings for hosting the Pumpkin Blossom SAL and thank all those who are participating . I am over the moon by all of ya'll's support and kindness. - Bless you.
Alrighty ya'll. I guess I have rambled long enough. I wish you fabulous day and a wonderful weekend.  Remember you are awesome and go out do something you love! You deserve it. 

As Always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗❤🧵


On the other side of the clouds is a bright blue sky. 

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy .I miss you , Amo .You could always smile even when you had a bad day.  Love ya. 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.  I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Susan at Quilt Fabrication for  Midweek Makers Wednesday

Jennifer at Inquiring Quilter for Wednesday  Wait Loss- Wednesday

Denise at For the Love of Geese for Put Your Foot Down- Thursday

Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation for Needle and Thread Thursday- Thursday

Nina at Creations, Quilts, Art , Whatever by Nina for Off the Wall Friday

Alycia's of Alycia's Quilts for Finished of Not Friday

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant - Friday

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts for Peacock Party - Friday

Sarah at  Confessions of a Fabric Addict  for Whoop! Whoop! - Friday


  1. I love the Thankful chart from Hands on Design as well. Thank you for the freebies. I love them.

    1. Thankful was such a fun stitch. I was so happy to finally finish it. It will be a joy to display it come Thanksgiving. Thank you for the sweet visit, dear. Hugs.

  2. I have never quilted. Would you share a nice simple quilt to me please? Thank you Carol

    1. Oh yes, Carol. I will have to share a small easy quilt here very soon. Four patchs, Nine patches and rail fence blocks are very easy blocks to piece and make such lovely quilts. They are some of my favorites. Thank you so much, Carol for the sweet visit. I am so excited that you are interested in quilting. Just jump in with both feet. It is relaxing and forgiving. Hugs.

  3. That's such a sickening feeling to have the iron damage something. Glad you were able to salvage the piece. Hope you get in more stitching time over the weekend.

    1. Oh it was, Kate. I just got way ahead of myself and should have slowed down, checked the iron and added an ironing cloth. I guess those things happen though. Fortunately it is a quick stitch so I can always restitch it. Hugs.

  4. Lovely sticheries,I'm just learning to embroider & when I realized I stitched 2 long stems in the wrong shade of green I said nope not taking that out, took me too long to learn it 😅

    1. Lol , Helen- well you just gave it your own personal touch. I always say they are happy accidents. I hope you are enjoying working on your embroidery. It is very relaxing. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  5. I think all of us have had iron mishaps, whether due to something on the iron or just an old iron. I had something white I was ironing a while back and my iron left spots - grrrr. Fortunately they came out but still... Love the pattern for the pumpkins - I think I'll follow your choice of colors - not so good on picking my own! Blessings!

    1. So true, Donna. This is not my 1st and probably will not be my last iron mishap. This iron gets awful hot which I like for quilting, but I need to get another for stitching I guess.  Ooh I have made spots with my iron before. I am curious how you got them out.  I hope you enjoy the mini Pumpkin sampler. Hope you have a great visit with your daughter. Hugs. 

  6. So sorry you had that mishap. Interesting why that thread color melted and the other threads were unaffected. I'm glad you figured out a way to salvage your work. It definitely has a story to tell. It looks "proper" to me!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Those things happen, I am so glad the piece was a small and a quick stitch . If it had been a larger piece I would have been sick. Lol. Lesson learned though . I agree this little stitch has its own story now. Hee ! Hee! Have a great weekend , Terry and thank you. Hugs.

  7. I've never had floss do that before. I hate that happened to you. Thank you for the warning, I will be more careful in the future when I iron. Can you tell me the chart that you have at the end standing behind your pumpkin? It says Sunflowers? (By the way, that pumpkin, it really caught my eye! I love it!) Thank you for the Pumpkin Stew chart. It's great!

    1. I have only happened twice and it was with 898. I bought a new iron that gets awfully hot . I think I will trade irons for stitching and reserve this iron for quilting. Aah thank you so much for asking about the little sampler with the Sunflowers ; it was actually a thrift store find. I would love to know who the designer is too. I made that pumpkin out of an old dress year ago. It was a fun project. Thank you for the sweet visit and compliment, Lydia. Have an awesome weekend. Hugs.

  8. Wow, I never heard of a thread melting like that! I'm glad you were able to get it out and replaced, as it's a great design and pillow.

    1. I am not sure what happened Susan. I believe it got extremely hot. It is an older iron, but new to me. I am still happy with my little pillow with all its imperfections. It makes me smile. Lol. Hugs.

  9. How upsetting go see the thread melt before your eyes. Strang - Guess it had some nylon in it?

    1. I was so disappointed at first, Jenny, but I was glad I was able to rescue it and I can always restitch it. But I did learn a lesson to slow down and take my time. Hope you are having a great weekend. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  10. I've never pressed my pillows with an iron to flatten them but I think it is a great idea. Sorry that the one color melted but I think your new PRIM version looks just fine.

    1. Happy Friday, Jeanna. I cannot remember what prompted me to start pressing my pillows, but I enjoy the look of them. This little mini has its own special story that I will always remember. Lol. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  11. Oh No!! Ironing mishap, happened to me and now I always use a cloth on my stitching. Glad that you selvaged it. Looks like some fun nights are coming your way watching Baseball Games. Maybe Fall is on the horizon, it has been cooler here but next week Watch Out, back up in the 100+. Hugs to you from sunny Arizona.

    1. Oh no not back up to 100- well that is not fall weather. Bummer. I am glad you have enjoyed a few days of cooler weather though. Hubby and I are looking forward to one day wintering in AZ where it is warmer. Fingers crossed. Oh yes, it is a joy to watch the youngin's playing ball; it is something we look forward too each week. Mary, I am so sorry you have experienced a ironing mishap. Well we always learn from those mishaps don't we? But they are still frustrating. Have a wonderful weekend, sweet friend. Hugs.

  12. I never had a melting floss, thank you for the warning, knowing me it's a wonder it hasn't happened. I'm happy you were able to solve it, it's so pretty!

    1. I have just had it happen twice and it is with this new to me iron that gets hot as the devil. After thinking about it, I am going to change irons. I am still happy with my little mini sampler though. Thank you , dear Diana. Hugs. 

  13. Melted stitches is a total disappointment! Glad you found a relatively painless solution.

    1. Thankfully there were just a few stitches and I was able to restitch the best I could. I can always restitch it in the future since it is a small. I guess those things happen though. Thank you so much, Claire for the sweet Friday visit. Hugs.

  14. Oh my, Melisa! So sorry for your mishap but glad you found a solution. It's strange how some colors of thread melt or run really badly. Have a great Saturday! Hugs.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Brenda. I guess those things happen , but it sure is frustrating at the time, but I am glad I was able to salvage it . I still love it. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  15. Welcome autumn to this corner that is filled with pumpkins, witches and brown colors!!!
    Some fantastic work, Melisa!
    I usually iron the work before assembling it and putting a cotton cloth on it.
    A hug

    1. I am so excited that Fall is officially here, Isabel. Though I do enjoy the summer months as well. Thank you so much for the tip. I will definitely be using a cotton cloth the next time I iron. Hugs.

  16. Oh the intensity of baseball players - I love that concertation !!!
    And your scrappy quilt - so cute!!!

    1. Oh we love baseball season, Alycia. The boys really get into it ! Lol. Thank you so much for the sweet visit.

  17. Such sweet goodness! Your cross stitch patterns are so great. Love them. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

    1. Happy Fall , Jennifer. I have had a great week working on these little projects. Thank you so much for dropping by for a visit. Hugs.

  18. Oh my gosh! Love all your Fall stitches!. I need to make a plan to get some done for fall ‘24! I’ll be really careful pressing from now on. I use 898 often!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Judy. I hope you enjoy the little fall stitches. It is fun to add a new one or two to the fall decor each year. I went back and cleaned my iron . I think it is heating up too hot. And this last time I used a pressing cloth. All went well with my last cross stitch thankfully. Have a great week. Hugs. 

  19. I have never heard of that before! Yikes! Amazing that you could restitch a finished pillow - good save!

    1. Lol Kathy it was not easy to restitch those small stitches but I persevered, I just hated the thought of taking all of it apart. I may restitch it in the future, but right now I am happy with it. Have a great week. Hugs.

  20. I feel like I have entered some sort of alter-universe. So many posts I've never seen before. I keep hitting older post and finding more. Very Strange! I'm so glad you figured out a remedy to the ironing mishap. We all have them, don't we? Your scrappy flags are looking really good. The turquoise adds sparkle. Your little log cabin block of Jan Patek's is adorable. I wasn't able to get the link to work. Is it from the first Blockheads QAL?

  21. Thanks so much! Such a sweet chart. : ) ~jeni


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