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Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Like a Bandit

A great big howdy to you! Well I have been at it again!! Scouring the thrift shops for thrifty deals.😀 

A few weeks ago, Mr. Pinker and I high tailed into Alabama to search out my favorite honey holes. At first, I thought there was going to be slim pickings, but Mr. Pinker spotted this fabulous wedding ring quilt.

Isn't it gorgeous? 

 It has a few bad spots in it. I thought about repairing them and I may in the future , but only if I decide to pull out my vintage worn feedsacks.

A wee hole in the Wedding Ring Quilt

Do you see the star design in the quilting? 

 I made out like a bandit when we went to the 2nd shop. Eeeeeh! Look at this hexie basket quilt!!! It's huge!!!! 

 I bet you can't guess what I paid. - $19 . Can you believe it? And there is not a thing wrong with it. 

 This sweet little pillow also jumped into my buggy as well.

 It was a great day to be a bandit that is for sure. 

Soon we were trucking home and we decided to stop at one more thrift shop. There I spotted this Pioneer Woman comforter with shams for only $7. 

But look the blue floral fabric is the same that I am using in my Summer Day's quilt. 

Can you imagine them being paired together.  Maybe the quilt at the bottom of the bed. I think that would look cute. Now to put my nose to the grindstone and get the Summer Days quilt complete. 

Well that's this week's thrifty haul. 

Thank you so  much for dropping by for a visit. Have an awesome day!!!

As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thrifting is more than shopping; its an adventure! 

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy who loved to thrift as much as I do  I so miss you driving up and showing me all of your thrifty finds. . I love and miss you, Amo. . 

 I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Susan at Quilt Fabrication for  Midweek Makers Wednesday

Jennifer at Inquiring Quilter for Wednesday  Wait Loss- Wednesday

Denise at For the Love of Geese for Put Your Foot Down- Thursday

Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation for Needle and Thread Thursday- Thursday

Nina at Creations, Quilts, Art , Whatever by Nina for Off the Wall Friday

Alycia's of Alycia's Quilts for Finished of Not Friday

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant - Friday

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts for Peacock Party - Friday

Sarah at  Confessions of a Fabric Addict  for Whoop! Whoop! - Friday



  1. Wow, Melisa! Love all those quilts! Can you guess from the fabrics how old they are? I especially love the Pioneer Woman Comforter - what size is that? Is it a lap quilt? What makes it a Pioneer woman’s comforter rather than being a quilt? They are all fascinating. The quilting on that Wedding Ring Quilt looks amazing! You do so well finding these quilts. Fabulous! Can’t wait to see what you find next. 😁👍🤗 Barbara @flashinscissors xxx💕🙋‍♀️

    1. Good morning, dear Barbara. I had a lucky day that is for sure. I wish all of my thrifting trips were like that. Lol. The Pioneer Woman comforter is actually a quilt. I couldn't believe it is king size too. I have it folded at the bottom of my bed right now. Those blues and the roses spoke to me. I was so happy to be able to get the Wedding Ring. I am not sure how old it is , but it has lots of feedsack fabrics. It is a full sized one. Thank you for the sweet Wednesday visit. Have a beautiful day, sweet friend. Hugs.

  2. Quelle chance de trouver de si belles courtepointes , je les trouve superbes .Je suis fan des hexagones , j'ai fait déjà plusieurs courtepointes avec ce motif . Merci pour ce partage . Bonne journée

    1. Good morning, dear. I feel very fortunate to have found these quilts and to be able to bring them home. The hexi quilt is amazing. I just have started a hexi of my own. I bet your quilts are beautiful. Thank you for the sweet visit. Have a wonderful day. Hugs.

  3. Oh girl, you were at the right place at the right time for sure. Love your new finds, you were so stinkin lucky. I love all Pioneer Woman goodies. Hope you have a great stitchy day and thanks for sharing with us. ❤️🤗

    1. It was a great day to be out thrifting! I wish I had that luck more often. LOL. You just never know what you are going to find when you go to the thrift stores. Oh, I love Pioneer Woman too especially when I get it at the Goodwill. Hee! Hee! Hope you had a fabulous day, dear Patti. Hugs.

  4. All of the quilts are beautiful! I can't imagine how long it took to make the hexie baskets and the double wedding ring quilt, is gorgeous! You'll have a new display set up soon with these quilts, happy stitching!

    1. I can not imagine how long it took either, Gretchen. The hexi quilt is a king size quilt. I about fell over when I saw the price. It sorta makes me sad knowing how much work went into it, but I am happy I get to give it a good home. Thank you for the sweet visit, Gretchen.

  5. Replies
    1. Helen , we had such a great day visiting the thrift stores. Whenever I can come home with something sewing related, I am over the moon. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  6. What beautiful finds!! I love the hexi basket and always wanted to make one. I have enjoyed catching up on your blog as I am recovering from covid. No sewing lately but will get back to it soon. Have a blessed week.

    1. Joy, I am so sorry to hear that you have been under the weather. I sure hope you feel better soon. It has been going around here too. I am sure you will back at your machine sewing up a storm soon. I was elated with what I was able to find at the thrift stores. I think it was just my lucky day. Lol. Have a Blessed day and take care. Hugs.

  7. Wow - $19 - even my dh Mike was surprised at that! He even said they hadn't a clue about quilts. LOL! And the first one is just as gorgeous! You're so talented - it would be an easy fix for you!
    May I ask where in AL? We'll be traveling through there soon.
    Have a great day. Blessings!

    1. I agree, Donna. Whoever priced it did not realize how much work went into that quilt. I couldn't believe it and couldn't snatch it up quick enough. Jackson, Marshall and Madison counties all have great thrift stores. We start in the early morning and hit as many as we can. If you google the area you will find a list of them ; the smaller mom and pop ones are where I find a lot of my finds. Hope you get to visit some. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  8. Oh Melisa, you scored big time on your quilty finds. Simply incredible!

    1. I was over the moon, Robin. I think it was a good day to be thrifting and I was very lucky. Lol. I hope you had a wonderful day. It is hard to believe this week is 1/2 way over. Hugs.

  9. What a haul indeed! The wedding ring is so pretty. . .it was the one pattern I wanted to make when I started quilting. I haven't made one though! The hexagon quilt was a total steal! What an amazing layout. As for the Pioneer comforter. . .of course it has to be paired with your Summer Days quilt! --TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Terry, it was just a fabulous day all around. I think it was my lucky day for sure. I have always wanted to make a wedding ring too, but have yet to try my hand at it. I am still too intimidated. Lol. Have a beautiful day and thank you for the sweet visit. . Hugs.

  10. What wonderful finds! A day that didn't start out too hopeful became wonderful. The basket quilt is as amazing as the wedding ring. I really love the little girl on the pillow, so elegant looking!

    1. It was a wonderful day to be out and about. Finding the quilts was the icing on the cake. Isn't that little girl the cutest. ? Love those vintage fabrics. Thank you for the sweet Wednesday visit. Hugs.

  11. Oh my goodness that is amazing what you found! Really gorgeous treasures! I love that wedding ring quilt design, how the reds pop out, and the quilting design------total swoon!

    1. I have always wanted to piece a wedding ring, but have yet to do so, Kathy. I was doing the happy dance when hubby spotted that quilt. It is my 1st wedding ring. Thank you for the sweet Wednesday visit. Happy quilting.

  12. Wow, wow and wow! You scored some beauties. You were definitely in the right place at the right time.

    1. It was my lucky day, Darlene and I was over the moon. Wish all my thrifty adventures were filled with "quilt finds" . Lol. Hope you had a super day. Thank you for dropping by for a visit. Hugs.

  13. The quilts are very beautiful and I also love the pillow with the Sunbonnet Sue.
    What a treasures !
    Enjoy your day !

    1. I have an affection for Sunbonnet Sue and her friends. The little pillow was just too precious in its vintage fabrics. Thank you so much, Annelies for the sweet visit. . Have a beautiful day. Hugs.

  14. Ohhh--what beautiful quilt finds--lucky you!!! and that Sunbonnet Sue pillow makes me jealous!--hugs, di

    1. Di, it was a great day to be out thrifting and it was my lucky day for sure. Isn't the pillow just darling? I love the colors the quilter chose for the pillow. Have a wonderful day and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs. 

  15. That is an incredible hexie quilt. Makes me want to grab my hexie papers and get started on one for myself! The wedding ring quilt is beautiful as well. You made out quite well, for sure!

    1. Isn't it amazing, Susie? I do not think whoever priced it knew how special that quilt was. I feel very fortunate that I was able to give it a new home as well as the wedding ring. Thank you for the sweet visit . Hugs.

  16. Replies
    1. It was a fabulous day to be out thrifting, Isabel. I was one lucky gal to find those quilts. Have a beautiful day, sweet friend. Hugs.

  17. Didn't you do well, such fabulous bargains. It's so nice to know that these old quilts are going to someone who will love and cherish them.

    1. Jenny, I was over the moon. I feel very honored to have these beauties in my collection. They certainly will be loved. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hope you have a wonderful day. Hugs.

  18. You made some wonderful finds!! The quilts are beautiful. Hugs,

    1. Good morning, dear. I sure was excited when I found each of the quilts and feel very fortunate. It was definitely a good day to be thrifting. Thank you for the sweet day. Have a Blessed day. Hugs.

  19. Oh Melisa,this was your lucky day! What a beautiful finds! And that Wedding ring is really gorgeous!!! Hugs from the Netherlands,Marianne

    1. Good afternoon, dear Marianne. Oh , I had a fabulous day out and about and the quilts were the icing on the cake. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hope you are having a wonderful day. Hugs.

  20. OMGoodness! What treasures you found! And at such amazing prices! I am so impressed with hexie quilts. The dedication in making them is mind boggling to me. Beautiful Double Wedding Ring. An easy fix for you, for sure. Your Summer Days quilt will fit perfectly with the Pioneer Woman set you found and the little pillow fits right in, too! What a great day you had!

    1. Ginny , I could not believe my luck and it is unbelievable that the hexie quilt was priced so low. I do not think the person who priced it knew how special it was. I am still plugging away on my Summer Days quilt. Fingers crossed it will be completed soon.Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  21. Wow what a wonderful shopping trip! You found a lot of treasures. It makes my heart so happy to know you'll be taking good care of them. Love the idea of your Summer Days quilt displayed with the Pioneer Woman quilt you found. They would be so cute together! Better get crackin' on it! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

    1. It was certainly my lucky day, Jennifer. I can not believe I found those treasures. Lol I had high hopes to have my Summer Days quilt complete by now, but I am still plugging away. Now I am ready to quilt the borders. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  22. Wow!! What awesome finds. I love wedding ring quilts and I'm sure you will get it repaired. The hexie basket quilt is gorgeous too! You had a very productive trip. Summer Days and Pioneer Woman were made for each other!

    1. I had a great day being out and about, Brenda. I feel like it was certainly my lucky day to find those quilts. The hexie basket quilt is a big one too- perfect for my king sized bed. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  23. Amazing finds Melisa! I love the quilts, I am sure you will be able to repair the wedding ring quilt! And the Thanksgiving cross stitch already looks amazing! Hugs!

    1. Happy Monday, dear Christina. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I had a great time searching out thrifty finds and feel fortunate to have found the quilts. I am looking forward to using them in the future. Thank you so much for the sweet visit and kind words. Have a beautiful day, sweet friend. Hugs.

  24. You always find the best things. I love your sunbonnet Sue! I wish they had great shops where I live. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Carol. Lol I do love to go thrift shopping ; sometimes there are good shopping trips ; sometimes not. Isn't that Sunbonnet Sue as cute as a button and love the vintage fabrics in it too. We have one good thrift shop where I live, but otherwise I have to travel to go to a number of them. You never know what you will find . Have a fabulous week, dear. Hugs.

  25. That hexie basket quilt is an amazing find!

    1. I couldn't snatch the hexie quilt up fast enough, Jeanna. I was jumping with glee . It was a great day to be thrift store shopping . Thank you for the sweet visit . Hugs.


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