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Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Goodbye Summer Quilts , Hello Fall Quilts!

Good morning, Sweet friends and Happy Tuesday. 

Yesterday was rather a whirlwind with the family gathering  . The grandbabes and nephews spent the night  at our house the night before, and once they were awake they spent most of the day  outdoors doing "boy things". Luckily no snakes, lizards or bugs were brought to the house to give me a good scare.  

Later in the evening, I began to change things out- getting the house ready for autumn. 

It is time to say goodbye to some of my summer quilts.  


Here are just a few that were in the hall or hung here or there.  

My basket quilt I made in 2017. 

I enjoyed working on this one so much . It is a combination of wool and cotton fabrics. 

A basket of posies. 

This is my favorite basket. 

The Purple Coneflower  quilt is one of only a handful that I have ever machine appliqued. It is made of my daughter's clothes. I can still see her in the red floral dress which is now made into a basket. 

The Watermelon Flag quilt was an easy peasey  quilt to make. It is another quilt from years ago.  Wish I still had some of that blue border fabric. 😀💙

A few years ago, I made a series of little quilts with simple appliqued motifs. This is one of them. 

Hello Fall quilts! 

Some fall quilts have already made their way onto the thrifted shutters that I use to display them. 

Small embroidered and appliqued quilts are waiting to be put out. 

So this week's plan is to pull out more fall quilts though I will be piecing a patriotic quilt ( my flag blocks) . 

I hope to post more Fall quilts as I pull them out. 

Have you started to pull out your Fall pieces? 

Thank  you for the sweet Tuesday visit. Have a beautiful day. 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


A fallen leaf is nothing more than a summer's wave goodbye. - unknown

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my sweet baby sister, Amy. I love and miss you , Amo. 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Joy at Days Filled with Joy for This and That
Carol at Quilt Schmilt  for To Do List Tuesday 


  1. No autumn decorating here, the temperature has to be cooler before I'll admit it's fall. You do such a good job decorating, happy stitching!

    1. Lol I can understand that. It's just Autumn in my house. The weather is still too hot. We did get a short shower today which cooled things down which was so nice.  Thank you for the sweet Tuesday visit, Gretchen. Hugs. 

  2. Melisa, you have so many stinkin awesome quilts. They are all so pretty. Love looking at them. Thanks for sharing. Can’t wait to see more. Have a wonderful stitchy day. ❤️

    1. Aaah you are always so sweet, Patti. Thank you so much. I have enjoyed the summer basket quilts this season , but now I am ready for autumn quilts. I pulled out more today. Soon Fall will be here. Have a super day. Hugs.

  3. Your quilts, big and small, are so cute! I would love to be able to have a place to hang small quilts! I'm even looking around the RV as I type to see if there is a space! LOL! Thanks for the tour. Blessings!

    1. I sure hope you can find a spot even if for a wee quilt, Donna. When I am in my pull camper, I am always looking for places to tuck a few sewing supplies so I can enjoy as much as I can. I finally added a small rotary mat and cutter just in case I have fabric to cut. But in the truck camper it was a lot harder. Lol - no space there. I do have one quilt to snuggle with as a blanket though. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  4. Fun & cute summer Quilts,I've pulled out my Fall rag quilt that I made last year,I'm thinking of making another Fall themed quilt,decorating started last week as I'm having family over for Sunday dinner after church to kick off the first day of Fall

    1. Good morning, Helen. Thank you so much for the sweet compliment on my summer and fall quilts. I have really enjoyed making the change. I hope you have been enjoying decorating for fall. Speaking of rag quilts. I made on in fall colors years ago but never frayed it. I do need to do that. I bet yours is just gorgeous. A Sunday dinner with family is a perfect way to kick off autumn. Enjoy!

  5. Your summer pieces are all fabulous, Melisa. But they are being replaced by your glorious fall lovelies!

    1. I am so excited to change out the quilts, Robin. The warm fall colors speak to me. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs. 

  6. Such lovely fall quilts in your display today! Yes, I've pulled a couple fall quilts to hang and enjoy this month!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Aah thank you so much Terry. How exciting that you have pulled out your fall quilts as well. Don't they just bring get you in the fall mood. Have a wonderful day . Hugs.

  7. I thoroughly enjoyed all your summer quilts. Now it'll be fun to see how you use your fall quilts in your decorating. So many beauties and cuties.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Darlene. I have enjoyed having these out for the season, but am very excited to pull out the fall ones. I have been busy changing over the decor today. I am looking forward to sitting back and enjoying autumn. Hope you have a wonderful day. Hugs.

  8. Bye-bye summer quilts, see you next summer! Hello fall quilts, it is so fun to see pumpkins and crows, I love fall. Yesterday's Fall Parade was such a wonderful read, it took 3 cups of coffeet to get all the way to the end. I am still in love with the Autumn Stamp SAL, it is a special favorite for me. I wrote yesterday but I must of not hit "Publish" because it is missing. Loved it and I have done several of them and will be putting them out. Almost more fun than Christmas, but not quite. Hugs from sunny Arizona.

    1. Happy Tuesday, Mary. I hope your week is off to a good start and you had a wonderful Labor Day . I am so excited to pull out the fall quilts with pumpkins, crows and all things orange. Soon Halloween will be coming out too. Aah thank you so much about my freebie parade. I think blogger can be finicky sometimes. I have trouble posting my comments on blogs too . Have a beautiful week and Happy Stitching. Hugs and Blessings.

  9. You are welcoming Fall (Autumn) in your neck of the woods, and Spring has officially arrived here in New Zealand. Although it's rather damp and rainy today. Its always nice to change the quilts with the seasons, I always think.

    1. Happy Spring, Jenny. I bet you are looking forward to warmer weather and being out and about and of course more caravanning. Both seasons are full of color. I agree ; it is always nice to change out the quilts. Have a wonderful day, Jenny and thank you for the sweet visit.

  10. Love and enjoy seeing your quilts Melisa! Fall is almost here!!

    1. Aaah thank you so much , Diana. I am enjoying changing out the quilts for the season. I am looking forward to all that Autumn has to offer. Have a great week . Hugs.

  11. The basket quilt is just so bright and happy! Thank you for sharing the small wallhanging with the smiley face sun! Love that one, too! The coneflower wallhanging is such a sweet memory and reminder of your daughter. I have a few things like that, too. Isn't it nice to have those little triggers that give us such a "feel good" moment?

    1. That is one of my favorite basket quilts. It sorta gets me in the mood to work on wool applique again. The smiley face quilt was a fun one too. Oh yes, quilts with family clothing in them are my favorite. Such sweet memories. Hope you had a very lovely day, Ginny . Thank you for the sweet Tuesday visit. Hugs.

  12. I can't get my fall things out fast enough! Looks like you're getting a start :o). Fall colors are the best!

    1. I am so ready for fall, Cheree. I have been pulling fall quilts today. Now I just need a bit of cooler weather. Lol. Have a great week and thank you for the sweet visit.

  13. I love looking at all your pretty things! You are my inspiration to get more sewing done!!

    1. Aaah that just makes my day!!! Thank you so much , dear from bringing a big smile to my day. I enjoy using my cross stitch and quilts throughout the house. They bring me a lot of joy. Happy stitching. Hugs.

  14. Your quilts are always inspiring!
    Is there a pattern for the Basket of Posies quilt?
    My favorite!!

    1. Aaah your are the sweetest. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Quilting is my all time favorite hobby to work on . I will have to draw a pattern out for that quilt sometime. It was a joy to work on . I used a lot of wool clothing that I bought at the thrift stores and loads of scraps .Have a beautiful day, dear and Happy quilting.

  15. I haven't pulled out anything yet. I've been too sick, but I did buy a couple of wool pumpkin patterns, and picked up a couple of free ones, too. It's the most I can do right now. =)

    1. I sure hope that you are able to enjoy working on the wool pumpkins here soon, Susan. Sending you a big virtual hug. You are in my prayers, sweet friend. Hugs.

  16. Melisa you are a prolific quilter and stitcher. I'm sure I'm not alone in wondering how and where do you store all your art work? That is my biggest problem and I give many away so I can justify to keep stitching. Also, you have been super generous with your talent and given so many terrific patterns to us. You could easily get a publisher to put those patterns in several books and sell them! Bless you.

    1. Aah , Patty. You made my day! I have been quilting for over 30 years now and cross stitching for years as well and I have to admit I have a house full of stuff. Lol. I struggle with storing my collections but I enjoy them so. I have several armoires with quilts in them and there are stacks of quilts in just about every room. I do have one room dedicated to storage. We call it the "Junk Room" . Lol. I am trying to get it organized. It has been a joy to share my humble designs and I feel very blessed by this community. Thank you so much for brightening my day and for giving me encouragement. That means so much. Hugs. Have a Blessed day!

  17. It's time to prepare for the new season!!
    A hug

    1. Oh, I am so ready , Isabel. All of the fall colors , pumpkins and falling leaves. I can not wait for autumn. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  18. What beautiful, colorful quilts! I've hung my Autumn Jubilee 2022 hand-quilted wall hanging and will trade that out in October for the 2021 one.

    1. Aaah Autumn Jubilee - sounds like the most beautiful quilt to have on display to welcome in Fall. Don't you just love changing out the quilts for the season? I do need to work on an autumn quilt for this year. Thank you for the sweet visit and kind words on my quilts. I hope you have a fabulous day. Hugs.

  19. I love that you change out your quilts with the season! I would like to do that too one day... but first I'm working on enough Christmas ones to have out at Christmas... almost there! Thanks for joining in on Monday This and That! xx

    1. The quilts are usually the first things I pull out when I change out my decor. That's a great idea to work on getting a collection for one holiday or season first. I enjoyed working on your most recent Christmas QAL so much. I just need to add the border to the top and then it will be ready to quilt. Thank you so much for the sweet visit, Joy. Hugs.

  20. All your quilts are wonderful, Melisa! I really love the look of the wool and cotton together! I have often thought about appliqueing some wool onto cotton, but have yet to do it! Thanks for sharing all your beautiful quilts with us on Monday Musings!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Brenda. Appliqueing the wool to cotton certainly helps me extend my wool stash since wool is so expensive. I would love to be able to work on another wool applique quilts-. I just need more hours in the day. Lol. Happy Monday. Hugs.

  21. You have some really pretty quilts, Melisa. I am swapping out quilts today. I actually found one that still needs binding LOL!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Jeanna. Lol. I have been known to pack a quilt away before finishing the binding too. I am sure you will have it bound and on display in two shakes of a lamb's tail. Have a very lovely day fall decorating. Hugs.


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