Blog Archive

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Priscilla Ewe - a Thanksgiving Freebie

Good afternoon, sweetie pies.  Today's crazy question is- What is a Pilgrim's hat called?   I had to go look it up .Are you curious?  Well, I learned that it is called a capotain, capatain, or copotain. 

Oh I found more interesting trivia too

* Men and women both wore the capotains.

* It is also called a flat topped hat or Pilgrim's hat. 

* Contrary to popular belief, capotains did not have buckles. ( Hmm I didn't know that) 

Well a capotain is perfect for Priscilla Ewe to nestle in. Nope,  she decided not to sport the bonnet this time.  Priscilla is the newest little stitch to join my sheep series - all which are sitting in hats. If you haven't met them, let me introduce 
Erin Ewe  , Betsy Ewe,  Summer Ewe and Hazel Ewe- all sisters to Priscilla. 



Of course being an ewe, Priscilla is naturally a sweetie.

 She has a little quilt on her back . This quilt has a turkey track design on it. But I have to admit I am not totally satisfied with her. Below is a change I would make. In fact, you may want to make the change too. 


1.  I would probably change the quilt colors on Priscilla's back. What colors do you think would work?  I just might have to restitch that quilt block. I had a brain freeze on the colors when working on it. Lol. 


Priscilla is another small measuring just 35 x37  which on 14 count aida that is about  2 1/2" x 2  5/8" . See she is not too big.  She is such a fast stitch that you can have her joining your Thanksgiving  turkey in no time! 


I finished Priscilla on a Dollar General $1.00 pumpkin that I found   a couple of weekends ago while camping. Our DG did not have these. I sure wish I got some more. Isn't the little tag on it perfect?

Priscilla  with Thanksgiving House and Blessed.. My Thanksgiving stitches are slowly growing. 

If you are interested , check out the pdf's below . 

Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding that I  have to put each page on separate pdf downloads because of the devices I use. I apologize for that.  And I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and stitching my little designs. 

Click here for the instruction page. 

Click here for the colored chart. 

Click here for the black / white chart. 

Now before you leave,let me ask you. When you was little did you dress up like Pilgrims or Indians in school  using paper grocery bags?  I just loved doing this as a child. I always wanted to dress up like the Indian - that way I could fringe my bag and make a headband made of paper feathers. Lol .  How about you? 

Well anyway, thank you so much for stopping by, friends. And as always... 

Happy stitching, ya'll


"By the goodness of God...we are far from want" -Pilgrim Edward Winslow

Hugs and Stitches!!!

Dedicated to my sweet sister, Amy who looked awesome in hats. Love ya.

P. S.  Life is full of ups and downs as I know you all understand. I hope to get back into blogging and IG as some things settle down .   I so appreciate how kind and supportive everyone has been and that you take the time to stop by for  a visit. It truly means so much to me. Hugs. 


  1. So happy to see you here today, I was a little concerned. You take as much time as you need, time and God will heal all of our wounds.
    Love your newest little Lamb in a Hat!!! Your finishing is the best, love the pumpkin and the Thankful. I was always an Indian (princess, if you please) because of the same type of fringes and feathers, LOL. Had not thought of that in decades~~~Hugs to you and all

  2. Me encanta¡¡¡, es precioso.....tomate tu tiempo, todos tenemos altibajos¡¡¡

  3. Oh Priscilla is so cute!!! You are so sweet to share your wonderful creations with us! Thank you!!

  4. Why, no-one has called me sweetie pie for a very time. Good afternoon to you Melissa. Priscilla Ewe is so sweet. As ever, you are very generous to share the pattern; thank you.

  5. Good to know about those pilgrim hats, who knew. It was great traveling down memory lane with creating costumes and decor in the fall season. I too was an Indian princess despite the blond hair. Lol. Seemed to start at school around Columbus Day through Thanksgiving. As you proceed through this Holiday season and more great memories, remember the love your sister and God has for you. You are a beacon of light in this world despite your hurt and loss but shine on through. Take your time, let you light shine and share the love. Hugs

  6. Priscilla Ewe is really cute - thank you.
    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Again, I am so sorry for the loss of your sister. She's not really gone when you keep her in your heart and treasured memories.

  7. Yes!!! I remember the Indian costumes with fringe from paper grocery bags! So much fun!! Kids today are missing out! Thanks for a cute little Priscilla pattern.

  8. Priscilla is darling, Melisa! We did in kindergarten and in first grade. Have a good day!

  9. What a sweet treat, a lovely Ewe! We didn't do that in school. I loved watching the one Addams family movie where I believe Wednesday is Pocahontas. It is so hilarious! I loved that show and Munsters as a kid. I still do. I watch a lot of reruns from the old days like Gunsmoke, Perry Mason, etc. Today's shows just don't interest me or they are repulsive. Thank you for the patterns. I like the buckle-give the hat a little interest.

  10. *If* I were to change the quilt block, I think I'd try the dark brown and white and keep the green. I'm not sure I would change it though. I don't recall costumes from paper bags. Thanks for the chart!

  11. Thank Ewe So Much! Thanks, Melissa, for the wonderful free cross-stitch charts and instructions. You are s-ewe very generous with your creativity. I have a new set of cross stitch charts on my list to stitch ... :) Pat

  12. Yes, I loved that dressing up! Today, I doubt there are many, if any, classrooms doing that in our PC world. I love Priscilla!


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