Blog Archive

Friday, September 29, 2023

Apples and Pinwheels - That's My Jam & Mini Apple Sampler

Rise and Shine! Sunshine! 

It is a beautiful  day! 

Doesn't Apple Blackberry Jelly sound delightful on  warm toast? ๐Ÿž   Mmm! Mmm! I sure would like to have some, but all I have is   this vintage empty  jar  to tempt me and to  remind me of my sis who gifted it to me.  We both collect vintage tins and advertising.๐Ÿค— 

 Do ya'll remember Bama jelly?  

When I was child,  my siblings and I  would beg mom to buy certain jellies not just for the ooey gooey goodness , but  because certain brands had collectible  jars with cartoon characters on them . After we gobbled up the jelly or jams on biscuits the colorful jars were washed out and used as juice glasses. I wish mom had saved those .๐Ÿฅ›


I  was so excited to post my apple hutch tour on Tuesday, that I sat down and drew up another mini sampler called Mini Apple Sampler . This is a Choose Your Own Colors chart. I will be adding this to my stitch list as soon as I dye more fabric.  I am not sure what colors I will use but I certainly will share them when I decide. 


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


Oh my! My chart is crooked! I am so sorry. 

All my blocks for Darlene's Pinwheel Quilt are pieced. This quilt is named after my sweet friend Darlene who inspired this quilt. She made a mini one with blocks that were tee tiny.  My blocks measure 8 1/2" unfinished. 

I had wanted 42 blocks, but alas I ran out of cream fabric so I have settled on 31 blocks. One will be an extra. 
Two of my favorite fabrics in these blocks is the Three Pigs and the flying bunnies. Arent' they the sweetest? 

The blocks are all laid out ready to be pieced into rows. Perhaps that will happen today.  Then I will decide on a border. Thank you so much, dear Darlene for the sweet inspiration. 

That is the Friday happenings in the holler- just a little bit of this and a little bit of that!  Enjoy your day, Sweet Peas and go do something you love!!!! 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Happiness is like jam... you can't spread even a little without getting some on yourself. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!๐Ÿค—๐Ÿงตโค

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy . I love and miss you Amo.โคโคโค
A little more country clutter in the kitchen. More treasures from my sis and lots of tins.

If you missed any of the other seasonal mini samplers , I invite you to check out the links below. 

Below are some of the previous mini samplers that I have shared. There is only 1 of the 5 that I have not shared yet. The  mini samplers shown are  Mini Sunflower Sampler ,  Mini Bee Sampler Shamrock Mini Sampler   ,  Red Heart Mini Sampler ,


 I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Susan at Quilt Fabrication for  Midweek Makers Wednesday

Jennifer at Inquiring Quilter for Wednesday  Wait Loss- Wednesday

Denise at For the Love of Geese for Put Your Foot Down- Thursday

Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation for Needle and Thread Thursday- Thursday

Nina at Creations, Quilts, Art , Whatever by Nina for Off the Wall Friday

Alycia's of Alycia's Quilts for Finished of Not Friday

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant - Friday

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts for Peacock Party - Friday

Sarah at  Confessions of a Fabric Addict  for Whoop! Whoop! - Friday


  1. I remember having my grandmother purchase specific jellies and/or jams for the jars. And, yes, I do remember Bama! Your apple sampler is so cute, Melisa. Oh, you put a huge smile on my face with your Darlene Pinwheel Quiilt. Such a fun block to make.

    1. Good morning , Darlene and Happy Friday. Aaah I am so glad this little quilt has brightened your day; it certainly has mine. I hope to piece the rows today and then decide about borders. I have enjoyed it so much. Thank you for the inspiration. Hugs.

  2. I remember jelly jars like that. We had a collection of Peanuts characters - gave them to the kids after they left home. I think they still have them and use them! Love the pinwheel quilt. I have some charm packs that have been calling my name recently - I think this pattern will fit the bill! Thank Darlene for reminding us that some of the simpler patterns can be beautiful! Starting to save those alphabet samplers for fun quick projects! Thank again for your generosity! Blessings!

    1. Oh yes, the Peanut characters and we loved the Flintstones as well. What a treasure that your girls still have them, Donna. I worked to day on my Pinwheel quilt. I am already dreaming of how to quilt it. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Hugs.

  3. Darling mini apple sampler! I remember using the jelly jars as glasses at my grandmother's house. Your quilt blocks look awesome, Melisa.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. I am looking forward to starting the apple sampler soon. It has been years since I have seen the small jelly jars with the cartoon characters on them. I still have some of my grandmother's large jelly jars that we drank sweet tea from. Such fond memories. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  4. The pinwheel quilt looks great in those fabrics. Do you have plans for the extra block? Maybe in a pieced backing? Just guessing LOL. The mini apple sampler is perfect for this time of year!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Jeanna. I thought about appliqueing the extra block to the backing unless it finds its way into another project. Lol. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  5. Oh dear, now I'm in trouble, lol! I've just started your little pumpkin sampler, and her you are with the apples! I love these, Melisa - they're so fun to stitch. I do love apples - especially freshly picked off the tree!

    1. Oh I am so excited that you are working on the Mini pumpkin sampler, Diann. I can not wait to see it. It warms my heart to hear that you are enjoying them. Happy stitching. Hugs.

  6. What adorable fabrics you have for your quilt, Melisa! Love the little apple sampler, too! And yes, I, too remember the jelly jars very fondly :)

    1. Oh thank you so much, Carol. I truly enjoy the reproduction Depression era fabrics; they are always so whimsical and cheerful. Hugs and Blessings.

  7. What a wonderful surprise!
    Another beautiful mini sampler for the collection!!!
    Thanks for sharing and very Happy weekend, Melisa!
    A hug

    1. Aaaw thank you so much, Isabel. I am excited to start the new mini sampler soon. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

  8. Quilt is looking great! Thanks for sharing all your goodies and the stitchy charts!

    1. Oh thank you so much, dear. I am so very excited to be nearing a finish on the quilt. The sweet fabrics have been a joy to work with. Enjoy your weekend. Hugs.

  9. We had decorated peanut butter jars/glasses here, I remember, that's going back many years now.

    1. Oh how interesting, Jenny. I wish companies still created little promotional glasses like that. Growing up , we always used the recycled jars for drinking glasses. Hope you have a very lovely weekend. Hugs.

  10. I remember a group of jelly jars with cartoon characters, and we saved them, too. It didn't take much to make us happy, did it? =) Great new chart! I sent your apple hutch tour to my friend who loves to collect, because I knew she'd enjoy the post. I surely did!

    1. Oh that is so true, Susan. Little things like decorated jam jars made us kids happy as clams. Lol. I sure miss those simpler times. Thank you so much for sharing my hutch tour. I can not tell you how much that means to me. Have a lovely weekend Hugs.

  11. Great post! We had jelly jar glasses at home too. I still have one with Jerry the mouse on a skateboard. You are so kind to share the cross stitch charts, they are very tempting!

    1. Aah you are so kind, Sylvia. Thank you so much. Oh, I think I remember the Jerry jar. What a treasure to still have it . I am not sure what happened to our jars. Lol. Have a wonderful weekend and happy quilting.

  12. Those pinwheel blocks are looking just great! Love the 30's Repro prints. With being 11 blocks shy of what you intended to make, why not choose another neutral, make the remaining blocks you had wanted and mix them all together. It will look intentional with so many. I did that with a pale yellow in a Spiderweb quilt and it all read the same and still looked good, The Apple Sampler is wonderful! Thank you for sharing with us. We don't have that brand of jelly/jam here, but I remember getting dishes and cups in our dog food and powdered laundry soap. Some I still have and use!

    1. That is a great idea ,Ginny. I wish I had seen your comment earlier. I worked yesterday on the quilt and pieced it all up. I still have loads of 30's fabric for another quilt. I bet your Spiderweb quilt is amazing. I have always wanted to try one of those, but I am still intimidated .Lol. Well how interesting that dishes and cups used to come in dog food. Don't you wish companies did promotional things like that now? Aah the good ole' days. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  13. Oh, I remember those jelly jar glasses! I wish I had ours too. Love your pinwheel quilt. Thanks for the new mini sampler, it's really cute! Have a great weekend! Hugs!

    1. Weren't they the cutest? I never see the jelly juice jars in the thrift stores. I guess people have kept them or thrown them away. Lol. Thank you for the sweet visit, Brenda. Hugs.

  14. I love your apple mini sampler so cute!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Diana. You are so kind. Have a beautiful day, sweet friend. Hugs

  15. So loving your pinwheel blocks! Are those vintage fabrics? They are adorable. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Jennifer. They are a lot of fun to work on especially with the reproduction fabrics. Have a great week and Happy quilting.


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