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Sunday, September 3, 2023

Dreaming of Camping

Aaaah, I am dreaming of camping. ⛺

Happy Sunday, sweet friends. Is your day off to a very lovely start? I sure hope so. Yes, I have been dreaming of camping. Last week at this time, Mr. Pinker and I was trucking back home from our camping trip.
We  enjoyed a lovely few days at the lake. We did not stay at our usual site at the campground because we did not want to crowd the other campers so we made our way to another loop of the campground.

We found this site to be quite peaceful and though there were other campers there we did not see a soul.  I did not work on much stitching but instead chose to take my Summer Days quilt.  Last year, I finished piecing the Summer Days quilt at this lake. 

 I began quilting the last block this past weekend.  It is called a A Bowl of Tomatoes

Last night I finished quilting the block. Eeeeh! All 12 blocks are quilted . Now it is time to work on the border. That is what I will do today. 

Later in the evening, I will pull out my Halloween cross stitch which I began for my Witchy Wednesday stitch. Hmmm, I wish I could grow a stalk of candy corn.  

Do you have any plans for Labor Day?  We will have a small family gathering and the kiddos will enjoy a dip in the  pool .  Normally, we have a cookout with hamburgers and hotdogs, but this year I am going to keep it simple for our meal. It is going to be a "Make your own Sub Sandwich Bar" . All of the fixin's will be laid out for each person to create the sandwich of their choice. I think I will also have slaw, humus, macaroni salad  and Frito corn salad. I haven't decided on the dessert  yet.  Do you have a favorite meal that you like to serve for Labor Day ?
Well I have jabbered long enough. I am off to sit back, relax in my stitching chair and enjoy working on my quilt as I dream of camping. My next camping adventure will be on Thursday, but I will tell you about it later. 
Have a beautiful day! 

As Always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗❤🧵

Peace begins with a smile. - Mother Teresa 
 Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy .I miss you , Amo . Love ya. ❤❤❤

The newest little quilt that will be going into the hoop soon. Hmm, I just noticed I have a 4 patch out of place. Isn't it amazing how you see boos boos easier in a photo? Lol😀

 I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday


  1. The camping site conveys a lot of calm.
    Today, finally after several months, it is raining in Seville so I am going to spend time embroidering a little.
    Have a blessed Sunday.
    A hug

    1. Oh, Isabel. I am so glad to hear that you received some much needed rain. I hope you had a wonderful day working on embroidery as well. Thank you so much for the sweet visit Hugs.

  2. Enjoy your quilting and time with your family. Make your own subs sounds like a winner meal! My family always got together Labor Day Sunday because my father's birthday was September 2. We still get together for a family reunion even though the group is much smaller now since most of the grandchildren are married and don't live close by anymore. Have a blessed day!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Gretchen. We had a wonderful time and I was glad that we went with the sub bar because the grandchildren spent the night before. So we were busy. I hope you had a delightful Labor Day celebration. Spending time with loved ones is a treasure. Hugs.

  3. It sounds like you had a wonderful time. Enjoy your Labor Day weekend. We have no special plans since we're so far from family. Next week tho we'll be at one of our favorite campgrounds and will have family join us for a couple of days. Your stitching looks really cute - is it one of yours? I love candy corn - in fact, I checked out your candy corn house - it's on my rotation now! Have a great weekend - Blessings!

    1. Good morning, Donna. We did have a wonderful time. It seemed like it had been forever since we had been camping though it was just a few months. Oh yes, this is one of my stitches that I am working on. I had a hankering to work on a Halloween piece rather than wait till the last minute which is usually what I do. Lol. I hope you enjoy Candy Corn House ; it stitches up pretty quickly. Have a great week. Hugs.

  4. I forgot to ask - on the candy corn house, what's the significance of 1880? Thanks and Blessings!

    1. The date 1880 is a nod at one of my great grandmothers who was born during that year. Feel free to change it if you would like. 🤗

  5. It looked like you had a wonderful time at the lake camping and quilting, Melisa. The little blue and white mini quilt at the end of your post is darling. No plans for Labor Day here! It will be quiet and mostly spent inside because the heat and humidity are back. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    1. Oh we did have a wonderful time, Robin ; it was relaxing just to get away even for a few days. Lol I had to make myself one of those mini quilts too. That blue fabric just speaks to me. It has been hot and muggy here too . Saturday was stifling. Hopefully we will have some relief soon. Hugs.

  6. I know it was a wonderful respite for you and Mr. Pinker to get away for a mini camping trip. I don't have any special plans for Labor Day other than firing up my sewing machine. I haven't done any sewing in well over three weeks. Big, big sigh! I love your blue and white mini quilt - so sweet! Enjoy the rest of the holiday week end.

    1. Darlene, it was so wonderful to be out and about. Usually this time of the year we take a camping trip or two a month, but we have not had the chance this year. Oh I am so excited to hear that the old sewing machine will be buzzing about. I am sure you will make up for lost time. Lol. Enjoy . I can not wait to see your new mini. Hugs

  7. The Summer Days quilt looks like the perfect camping project, Melisa! Looks like you're getting close to a finish there. I love the look of your Halloween stitching, too - so fun! Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday!

    1. It was the perfect quilt to work on by the lake. As I was quilting , I reminisced back to finishing the piecing last year at the same lake.   I hope to finish it very soon. Thank you for the sweet Sunday visit. Hugs. 

  8. What a beautiful and peaceful looking spot to enjoy some relaxing time! I hope you are able to make terrific progress on those borders! As for a favorite holiday food item. . .baked beans with bacon. . .although homemade hummus with veggies is a close second!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Mmmm, Terry homemade humus sounds amazing. I have never had homemade before. Oh and baked beans with bacon is a must. We had a wonderful time at the lake. it was very relaxing and yes peaceful . I wish we could have had more time there- maybe next time. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  9. I like your idea for a low labor, low stress sandwich bar for Labor Day. Our food this year is not the normal BBQ fare since half of us have to work. We sort of had the BBQ today with burgers on the grill and a couple of side salads and baked beans. No clue about food for tomorrow. LOL You are on the home stretch with the Summer Days with only the borders to go! Wahoo! A quick date with Jack (the ripper) and you will be good to go again with that sweet blue & white quilt. I hope the rest of your weekend is relaxing and you enjoy your family time together.

    1. Ginny, I am so happy that we decided to go with the sub bar because the grandbabes and nephews spent the night before. But I have to admit I did miss the cookout. I bet your burgers and sides were delicious. I can almost smell the grill now. Lol. I am hoping to make progress on Summer Days this week. Fingers crossed. Have a great week. Hugs.

  10. Looks like a wonderful place to camp. Congrats on all the hand stitching progress. Enjoy your family time today.

    1. It was such a lovely camping trip, Kate. The campground was very quiet and peaceful as well. I hope you had a fabulous Labor Day weekend and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  11. Your campsite looks awesome!! What a peaceful place to stitch even if it was hot! I could sit and enjoy that view all day! I could fish too! LOL Your quilt is gorgeous and almost completed! We used to grill a lot on Labor Day and we still do sometimes, but today we will take the kiddos out for lunch. It's even easier than make your own sandwich buffet! LOL That frito corn salad sounds interesting. Have a great week my friend! Hugs!

    1. Good morning, Brenda.  I hope you had a wonderful Labor Day weekend. Going out to eat with the kiddos sounds like a fabulous idea. You don't have to worry about all the cleanup either. Lol.    We had a fabulous time at the lake. I could sit there and quilt the day away and never get bored. Hubby loves to fish; I however, can never catch a thing. Lol. Hugs. 

  12. Oooh, what a peaceful place to rest, quilt, and enjoy life! The quilting of Summer Days is coming along nicely, cute tomatoes ;) Fun Halloween cross stitch too!
    Thank you for sharing this serene post, and linking up!

    1. It was a wonderful camp to visit, Frederique . I enjoyed sitting out , quilting the evening away as I enjoyed the view. Thank you for the sweet visit and wish you a wonderful week. Happy Quilting.

  13. I dream about camping all the time. For now, it's only a dream. That looked like a lovely camping spot.

    1. Aaah , Susan, you are a wanderlust like me. I know you miss the open road , but you will get back out there soon. Are you like me and think back about your favorite campsites ? Lol. What I wouldn't do to be out in NM right now even in the heat. Hee ! Hee! Have a blessed day, sweet friend. Hugs. 

  14. Congratulations on finishing the quilting in the blocks. Looks like you had a very nice spot for camping.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Jeanna. I am so excited to move on to the borders. I had hoped to work on it this past weekend, but time got away from me. It was nice to try out a different camping spot. I do believe we will try to get this site again . I am already dreaming of the next camping trip. Lol. Hugs and Blessings.


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