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Friday, September 25, 2020

Blessed - One Year Instagram Anniversary Chart - Freebie

 One year ago today, with my knees a knocking, my stomach a quivering and my teeth a chattering I decided to join Instagram. This was my 1st social media experience, and I was scared. To be honest, I am still scared every time I post. I talked it over with my daughter and she laughingly said, " Sure join; you may find people like you". She never thought I would really join Instagram, but I did. 

I did not know what I wanted to post, but I knew I wanted to see what other stitchers were posting. I had been watching flosstube for over a year and would hear about all the fun stitchers were having sharing on Instagram.

 Could I be part of the Instagram world? Yes!!! I sent out my first post .

                                                ( My 1st post on  Instagram!- Sept 26, 2019) 

 My face turned red, and I could feel the heat rising in my body as I posted. Oh my nerves!  A little fall decor and a quilt was my first post. The next day I sent out another. Between posts I began to search for some of my favorite Flosstubers  and bloggers,  and then I would find suggestions on other stitchers  to follow. All along I was devouring all of the beautiful stitching , decorating and photographs.  By the third day or so, I had my 1st follower.  I was so ecstatic!   To be honest I ran down the stairs like a 4 year old and blissfully yelled at my  husband with glee " I have my first follower!"   ( Lol Can you tell that I have never been on any social media before?) 

 Over the last few months , I have met so many wonderful stitchers. I wish I could sit here all day and name off all of my friends.   There are several that I chat with daily even if it is with just a few words or just a click of the like button.  Some of you- I  feel like I have known for years, and I  wish that we lived closer together so we could sit, drink tea or coffee , stitch and talk the day away. How blessed I feel to have found kindred spirits. You all have helped me through ups and some downs even when I did not mention it.  Your kind words always brighten my day. Your posts provide so much inspiration, enabling,  and I learn so much from you all. This community is amazing.   I am so grateful to each and every one of you  who take just a moment of your busy day to spend with me. I truly feel blessed, honored and very humbled.

   So in celebration of my one year IG anniversary I want to post this simple little chart called "Blessed".   

 For the Blessed chart, click here 

(So sorry this is crooked. I have to scan to get this on the computer and you know I am not tech savvy.- I'm trying though. Lol)
Thank you dear friends. I can not say that enough. Big ole hugs and as always...

Happy stitching, 


I would love to see your stitch. You can always direct message me on Instagram or use #pinkernpunkinquilting


  1. Good Morning, Melisa!!
    Love your sweet stitched pillow "Blessed"!! I am on face book but do not do Instagram....With the blog and Face book, I feel that I spend even more time than I should on social media... I know a lot of bloggers also do instagram as a way to promote their blogs but I am not into blogging to make money off my blog and I would have to be pretty hard up to do so because I look at my blogs as a Journal of my life....I am just about finished now with my Fall decorating and should finish up the Dining Room this weekend with Halloween decorating....Have a great weekend!!

    1. Hi, Debbie. Thank you so much for visiting and for the nice compliment on my little pillow. I am still surprised that I am on Instagram and now a blog. I have always wanted to have a blog where I could share my crafts and a little bit of this and that but was always scared. Starting off on Instagram gave me the confidence to blog, but I am still learning. I look forward to seeing you Fall/ Halloween . I think I am fixing to move in more Halloween decor too. Hugs, Melisa

  2. Happy Anniversary. Just love all your decor, Love the little stitchery you make. I will be doing the Blessed for upcoming Thanksgiving for my friends, hopefully, that's my goal. Thank you for sharing. Rhonda

    1. Thank you so much, Rhonda for your kind words. Blessed would be a wonderful gift to give friends for Thanksgiving. I am so tickled to hear that you are going to be stitching it. It took less than an hour for me so it is a quickie. I am going to display mine in my Thanksgiving decor too. Happy stitching, Melisa

  3. Hi Melisa,
    I'm so happy you joined Instagram and congrats on your one year anniversary! You are always a bright shiny star. Love all that you make and share. Thank you!!
    Giant Hugs,

    1. How sweet of you; thank you so much for your lovely compliment. I am still in awe that I actually did join IG ,and I am so glad I did. It has been an amazing , inspiring experience. Happy stitching and hugs, Melisa

  4. Well I am glad that you took the Instagram plunge, Melisa! It has been delightful to connect with you through Instagram and then even more through email. Happy Instagram anniversary to you! Thank you for sharing your stitches, your quilting, and your décor. And thank you for sharing your designs. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. I truly feel blessed having met you and so enjoy exchanging emails and with you. I can not believe that I actually did take the plunge on IG. I hope you have a lovely upcoming week. Hugs, Melisa

  5. Sweet sweet sweet!!! I’ve been stitching today your little happy cat & Jack, the pumpkin!! I’m so glad you stayed!! You ARE a blessing also!!!

    1. Aah thank you so much for your sweetness and I am thrilled that you are stitching those little designs. They stitch up fast which is always a good thing. I hope you have a lovely week and thank you so much for all of the support and encouragement. Happy stitching, Melisa

  6. Congrats on your anniversary! And thanks so much for another sweet pattern. I just stitched up the Halloween Cat last night. So cute!

    1. Oh thank you so much for your kind words. I am so thrilled to hear that you are stitching Happy Cat. He is was so much fun to create and stitch. I like the vintage looking Halloween cats. "Blessings " stitches ups fast too. I hope you have a lovely week and thank you again, Suzanne for visiting and for being so kind. Hugs, Melisa

  7. Hi Melisa! I adore all your freebies and look forward to doing this next. I enjoy stitching smalls, so this is perfect. I am planning on doing more of your stitches, but need more hands. I'm not a quick stitcher by any means and I ebb and flow with what handwork I am doing. Thank you, you are a delight! IG has provided me some relief from all the news over the last 4 years!

    Ann (Primitive Dreaming on IG)


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