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Friday, September 1, 2023

September is Here!


School bells ringing in the morning, 

Little girls in fresh print gowns. 

Little boys playing together

Some acting like wild circus clowns. 

From the trees the red leaves falling, 

Wild geese flying overhead, 

The squirrels hiding countless nuts

In their secret, wintery bed. 

All these signs point just one way. 

Their meaning to the world is clear. 

September, first month of autumn, 

Once again is reigning here. - Lenore Hetrick

A very Happy September to you, sweet friends! Autumn will soon be here. Have you started pulling out your Autumn decor? I slowly am. 

Yesterday the Flag quilt came down off of the quilt rack which hangs above the buffet.

 I pieced this one in 2020 knowing I was going to hang it in the living room.  36 flags sashed with 1 1/2" strips ( unfinished) 

I do believe I would like to make another.  So last night I willy  nilly pulled some fabrics and began cutting.  There was a bandana red fabric, Christmas fabrics, shirts and gowns- all cut into little strips and squares . And since this month's Rainbow Scrap Color is turquoise , I grabbed a couple of fat quarters in that color and threw it into the mix.

Within an hour I had 11 blocks completed.

This is going to be another scrappy flag quilt like my 1st one. 

A block from the original quilt with polka dot , school and winter fabrics. 

Here are the measurements for the Flag Block if you are interested. 

The FLAG BLOCK   measures:  5 1/2" x 6 1/2" unfinished  ; 5" x 6" finished  .


🧵From BLUE FABRIC-   Cut 1 - 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" square

🧵From WHITE SCRAPS - Cut  1 - 1 1/2"  x  3 1/2" strip

                      Cut 1-   1 1/2" x 6 1/2" strip

🧵From RED SCRAPS-    Cut  2-  1 1/2"  x  3 1/2" strip

                      Cut 1-   1 1/2" x 6 1/2" strip

Fabrics are cut for a scrappy flag block. 
Sew the 1 1/2" strips together. 

Easy Peasy the block is complete. 

I will be storing my cut fabrics in this vintage tin that I bought at the thrift store for a dime last week . It was made in Western Germany. Do you know what may have originally came in this tin? I am sure I will find many uses for it. 

"Caw Caw"  a  new stitch is in the works! 

It is Lizzie Kate's "Scare a crow" Halloween Rules F-105.  This was a gift from dear Joan. I already know where this crow will be going  .As soon as it is complete it will fly into the Hall of Crows which I will share later. 

 I finished my September's  doodle. A basket filled to the brim with delicious apples.  

Nine blocks completed. Three more to go. 

I am using DMC 498 to stitch my monthly doodles. 


 If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends.


My little doodles are hand drawn so they are never perfect. 

Each block is stitched  on a 7 1/2 squared piece of fabric and then trimmed it to 6 1/2" . The block is then framed  with 2" strips .


I'll keep it short and sweet today . Thank you so much for dropping by for a visit. 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


"Surely the apple is the noblest of fruits." - Henry David Thoreau

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my sweet baby sister, Amy. I love and miss you so much. 

 I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Susan at Quilt Fabrication for  Midweek Makers Wednesday

Jennifer at Inquiring Quilter for Wednesday  Wait Loss- Wednesday

Denise at For the Love of Geese for Put Your Foot Down- Thursday

Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation for Needle and Thread Thursday- Thursday

Nina at Creations, Quilts, Art , Whatever by Nina for Off the Wall Friday

Alycia's of Alycia's Quilts for Finished of Not Friday

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant - Friday

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts for Peacock Party - Friday

Sarah at  Confessions of a Fabric Addict  for Whoop! Whoop! - Friday

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

Angela of  So Scrappy  for Scrap Happy Saturday




  1. Hard to believe it is September. . .kids are back in school. . .leaves are turning color. . .Days are growing shorter. . . sigh. . . .Your doodle drawing is great! What a fun bushel of apples!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Happy September, Terry! Where has this year gone? August certainly flew right on by. We are starting to signs of fall here. It is still warm but we are seeing a few leaves change colors and fall to the ground. All of the fun fall activities will soon begin as well. Have a fabulous and blessed month. Hugs.

  2. Bonjour Mélissa ici aussi l'été est passé très vite , j'ai commencé un ouvrage d'automne .patch+ appliqué lainage . Merci pour la jolie broderie

    1. Good morning, Aline and Happy September. It is hard to believe that fall is on it's way. I bet your Autumn patch is just gorgeous. Don't you just love working on fall pieces? Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  3. September already? Actually, I'm looking forward to October and settling down for a few months - I always become weary this time of year from the traveling. But I am looking forward to see the kids in AL next week and then my other dd at the beginning of October. Another cute embroidery pattern - thanks so much for your generosity. Blessings!

    1. Good afternoon, Donna and happy Friday. I can certainly understand needing some down time after traveling through the summer. I know you are so excited to visit your daughters in the upcoming weeks. I hope ya'll can enjoy some fall activities together as well. My youngest daughter is coming home for a visit next week. I am hoping she will be in for about a week or so.Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs .

  4. Such loveliness! Your new flag quilt makes me smile with the random fabrics you pulled for it, especially the Christmas ones! But it just works, doesn't it? Love, love your monthly doodles they are so cute. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

    1. Good afternoon, Jennifer and happy September. Thank you so much for the kind words on my newest flag blocks. I was thrilled that the Christmas fabrics will sorta disappear as the blocks progress . I just received loads of Christmas fabric so it is nice to whittle the stash down and add it in small amounts to projects. Have an awesome weekend.

  5. I'm a summer girl, so September is usually bittersweet - but it's been such a brutal summer in Texas (and not over yet!) that I am looking forward to the cooler fall weather :-) About the tin from Germany: it's possible it held cookies or something like that. Our commissary (husband is retired Army) gets tins of holiday goodies from Germany every fall. They're pricey, but I always buy at least one because the tins are so beautiful, lol. I love the scrappy flag quilt - it will be so fun when finished, kind of an 'I spy' with the different fabrics.

    1. Good afternoon, dear . I am with you in respect to enjoying summer. I love the sunshine and everything being green. Ya'll have had a hot summer this year. I wonder how many days over a 100 it has been in your area. Hopefully, it will cool down soon. I had wondered if cookies came in the tin. It is the perfect size to store quilt blocks in. Thank you so much for the sweet Friday visit and kind words. Enjoy the Labor Day weekend. Hugs.

  6. The embroidery is absolutely wonderful, Melisa I wish you a happy month of September. Hugs

    1. Good evening, dear Isabel. I hope your 1st day of September was a wonderful one. Thank you so much for the kind words on my newest embroidery. I am looking forward to putting this quilt together in the coming months. I wish you the most blessed month as well. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs.

  7. Happy September, Melisa. Your scrappy flags are just perfect. Hope you have a nice long weekend ahead.

    1. Happy happy Friday, Jeanna. I am so excited for the long weekend. The grandbabes will be coming over for a visit so they will be keeping us entertained. Thank you so much for the kind words on my scrappy flags. I am looking forward to working on more this weekend. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend. Hugs.

  8. Happy September to you! Yay for the start of the '-ber' months! Your new flag blocks are looking good, Melisa! The patriotic decor will come down on Monday or maybe Tuesday. Have a relaxing and lovely Labor Day weekend!

    1. Happy September, Robin! The busy months are approaching aren't they? I had a ball working on the flag blocks. I cut more fabric out today to piece a few tonight.  I look forward to seeing your fall tree and stove display. You always have so many pretties. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend. Hugs. 

  9. Beautiful work sweet friend. Happy Sept to you as well. Wishing you a day full of many blessings. :)

    1. Good afternoon, dear friend and Happy Friday. Thank you so much for the kind words on my latest projects. I have had an enjoyable week working on them. I wish you the most blessed and joyous month. Enjoy the Labor Day weekend. Hugs and Blessings.

  10. Thank you for September's Doodle! I've fallen behind, being really sick last two weeks. Have a great September.

    1. Oh I am so sorry, Susan. I hope that you start feeling better real soon. I certainly have missed your posts and seeing what all you have been up to. You take time for yourself and take it easy though. So you can build up your strength. Sending you a big hug.

  11. It's shocking that 2023 is 2/3 over! I'm mourning the loss of summer even though I do like fall... Winter not so much. Your new scrappy flag quilt will be so cute, Melisa. I bet that tin was a fancy candy holder at one time :) Hope you have a fun and relaxing Labor Day weekend--Happy September ♥

    1. I agree, Carol. This year has flown by. I wish it would slow down a bit though. I am looking forward to working on more flag blocks this week. They are a lot of fun to work on. Have a great week. Hugs.

  12. Yes, I am definitely ready for September, even it if it was 95 degrees here, today! I love your flags and your September doodle. You are always tempting me with more projects, Melisa!

    1. September is always an exciting month around here. Fall festivals begin and there are so many activities going on. I am just hoping for slightly cooler weather too. I think ya'll are a little hotter than we are. Hopefully we will enjoy some crisp cool days soon. Thank you for the sweet visit and LOL I can not tell you how many times you have tempted me into projects. Hee! Hee!

  13. Can you believe that it is Sept. already?! Simply baffles me sometimes how fast the months are passing. Great September doodle! Thank you so much for the flag quilt instructions. I really like that quilt so much.

    1. I can not believe it either, Ginny. August just flew by. Oh I am so glad you saw the instructions on the flag block. I keep going back and forth on what size I want my new one to be. They are quick blocks to make. I hope you enjoy . Hugs.

  14. Melisa,
    What a sweet little poem!! And your quilts and stitchery never cease to amaze me...All so pretty!! Thanks for sharing!! I hope you have a great Holiday weekend!!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Deb. You are always the sweetest. I hope your September is off to a very lovely start. It is going to be a busy month changing over decor isn't it?. I started pulling out fall stuff today. Hugs.

  15. Yes, our year is slipping away!! Thanks for the new doodle and the instructions for the flag quilt! I really love it. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend! Hugs.

    1. Aah you are so welcome and thank you for the sweet visit. Brenda. I have been having a ball working on the flag blocks. I hope you have a very lovely week . Hugs.

  16. Love your fall colors, hard to be in mood for fall when its 98+ and in drought--everything is the wrong brown. For now your page is my fall

    1. Happy Wednesday, Suzie. Oh I understand ; it doesn't feel like fall is approaching with those temps. I hope you get some much needed rain soon. It has finally cooled to the high 80's here but it is still muggy. We were hoping for some rain today, but it passed us on by. Thank you for the sweet visit . hugs.

  17. Thank you for sharing in Put your foot down and for the inspiration. I need to make a qov and these little flags will be perfect, thanks again. Oh, great finish my the way.

    1. Happy Wednesday, dear . The little flag blocks are so fun and relaxing to work on. Using the scraps makes them "happy blocks" - well at least for me. I hope you have a wonderful week. Hugs.

  18. Good idea to throw some AQUA in the mix for your flag blocks! Thanks for including the cutting instructions, Melisa. I can't tell you the number of times I've thought about making a flag quilt... but it still hasn't happened.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Joy. I never considered using aqua in a flag quilt until a few years ago . It gives it a whimsical punch of color that I enjoy . Have a wonderful day. Hugs.


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