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Monday, September 18, 2023

Down the Rabbit Hole, I Go!

 Does Pinterest get you in trouble? 

Good morning sweet friends and Happy Monday! 

I have pulled out my fall mugs.  Do you have a mug obsession . I do . Lol

So how about it ? Do  you find yourself falling down rabbit holes when you visit, Pinterest. I sure do.  

The other day I was searching for primitive cupboards when low and behold I spotted an antique quilt behind a cupboard and there I went falling way, way, way down the rabbit hole. "Oh, I just have to replicate this quilt, " I thought.  Soon I was running like a very furry white rabbit to my quilt nest. 

Mr. Pinker  turned and asked "What race are you running?"  

"I'm late ! I'm late for a very important date! " , I said as I began to scramble out the door. 

Graphic from the Graphic Fairy

 Mr. Pinker  just rolled his eyes as he saw me high tail it to the quilt nest ;  he knew what was going on. 

Soon I came out holding a pile of fabrics in arm, and I skipped and jumped  all the way back to the house and straight to the cutting  table. 

With a swish and a swoosh, I was soon cutting fabrics up a storm into  3 1/2" and 3 7/8" squares.  

My intentions were to wait until the next day to piece a block or two, but of course I could not contain my excitement and soon  my sewing machine was buzzing along . 

Several Shoo Fly blocks were pieced. 

 I am using what fabrics that I have on hand, but the quilt that I saw was composed of sweet Shoo Fly blocks in reds and greens. They were set on the diagonal with mustard yellow squares as the secondary blocks. 

Aaah Swoon! 🤗❤💚💛 So today, I will continue down the rabbit hole and work on more Shoo Fly blocks. 

Now onto the plans for the week. 

 Did I Get'r Done... Well   -  Last Week's Goals were... 

❌🌞1. Quilt on border in the  Summer Days Quilt.

❌🌞2. Quilt at least 1 block in my Butterfly Kisses quilt.

❌🌞3. Start a new cross stitch saltbox house.

✅🌞4. Post a new cross stitch. 

✅🌞5. Enjoy time with my daughter. We had a great time with my daughter. We spent time at the lake, went to the kiddos ballgames  and enjoyed family time together. 

Yikes! I give myself a great big F on this past week's goal. Oh well, I enjoyed every minute with my kiddos and I can always try to make up for it this week. 
 Hmm.... What Should I do This Week? 

🌞1. Quilt on border in the  Summer Days Quilt.

🌞2. Quilt at least 1 block in my Butterfly Kisses quilt.

🌞3. Start a new cross stitch saltbox house.

🌞4. Finish the quilting on a small quilt that I will  post soon. 

🌞5. Piece more flag blocks. 

6. Create a new Halloween stamp.


Well, I better get busy if I want to get some of these Shoo Fly blocks completed. I sure do wish you were here then this quilt would be whipped up in no time flat.  Have a beautiful day, sweet friends. 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

Memories at the lake will last a lifetime. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

This little fox reminds me of my sister.  So sweet. 

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy . Love and miss you, Amo 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Joy at Days Filled with Joy for This and That

Carol at Quilt Schmilt  for To Do List Tuesday 


  1. Spending time with your daughter. . .how super special! Sounds like you both had a great time! I love that you listened to your squirrel. . .does your squirrel have a name? Mine used to do that; but, I haven't heard from her much in the past year. Perhaps, Gertie will come for a visit soon! Your shoofly blocks are so happy!!!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. It was a joy to have my daughter home for the week, Terry. She left for her home today as soon as she stepped out the door , I missed her. Oh I love the name Gertie. My squirrel is Sandy. Hee ! Hee! I am always chasing squirrels. Lol. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  2. your quilt is going to be beautiful. love the old fashioned pics

    1. I am so excited to start a new project. It is not like I needed one, but I just couldn't resist. Lol Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs and Blessings.

  3. You-Tube is my rabbit hole🤣 I'll even watch quilting tutorials while I sew🤣a beautiful start to your quilt!

    1. Lol Helen. Don't get me started on Youtube. 😂🤣😍Hee! Hee! That is a rabbit hole for me too. I love quilting tutorials. I feel like I have someone to quilt with when I watch them. I would rather watch Youtube than TV . How about you? Have an awesome day and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  4. Pinterest a rabbit hole? You bet! My dd and I have often talked about that. In fact, while I was sitting stitching, she was on Pinterest and kept saying, "look at this one". LOL! She and I are like 2 peas in a pod - add the grand daughters and we had a whole pod! :-) I can't wait to see that quilt - it sounds terrific! Glad you had such fun with your dd. We're leaving my dd and fam today :-( for Summerdale AL, and soon to be with my other dd in FL. Have a wonderful day!

    1. Oh how fun that you and your daughter have been enjoying Pinterest together! Lol I can just imagine all of the cute projects and ya'll getting excited to create something. It makes me smile that you have a whole pea pod- how cute!!!. Safe travels as you make your way toward your 2nd daughter's home. I am so happy that you are enjoying your time with them. Hugs.

  5. Oh Melisa, I am chuckling over your going down the rabbit's hole. Your blocks look great and I can't wait to see what you come up with. I wouldn't give you an 'F' on your goals. Your projects will still be there waiting patiently, but time spent with family (or friends) is fleeting. You picked well! Have a wonderful week!

    1. Aah you gave me that warm fuzzy feeling , Robin. You are so right, time with the family was well spent. I missed my daughter just as soon as she headed back to her home.  Have a blessed day. Hugs. 

  6. So glad you were able to spend time with your daughter this past week, Melisa! I love your squirrel project, too. Can't wait to see it with the cheddar squares. That will be a pretty color combination!

    1. Spending time with my daughter was the best. I am already counting down the days till when she will be back which will be a few months. Lol. I am excited by the new quilt project. I do believe I have enough cheddar fabric for it too. I was hoping not to have to buy anything. Hope you are having a great week. Hugs.

  7. Some weeks the To Do list just doesn't work out. You still made good progress. It's always such fun to start a new project. Enjoy!

    1. That is so true, Kate. Fortunately it was a great week visiting with my daughter so I do not regret not getting much completed. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs. 

  8. Alice looks great, and to be doing what I'd like to on this cool fall day! I like your start on the rabbit quilt and can hardly wait to see it all together. God and Family first, that's my motto. =)

    1. Oh , Susan wouldn't it be so nice to sit outside on a fall day and enjoy working on some quilting or stitching? It wasn't too hot today , but I had chores to do and did not get to enjoy the outdoors or stitching time. I agree- God and family first. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  9. I love falling down a rabbit hole and I believe you enjoyed yourself, as well. Sweet story.

    1. Lol rabbit holes can be a lot of fun can't they , Darlene? I am having a ball working on this quilt and it is a plus that the Shoo Fly block is one of my favorites. Have a blessed day and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  10. It's wonderful to spend time with loved ones.
    And you also had time for sewing.
    A hug

    1. It was such a wonderful week to be able to have my daughter come home for a visit. I cherished every moment with her. Thank you for the sweet visit, Isabel. Have a blessed week. Hugs.

  11. Spending quality family time far makes up for not completing other items. You still get an A++

    1. Aah thank you so much, Jeanna. It had been a few months since we had seen my daughter so we enjoyed every minute of our visit. Now I am counting down till the next visit. Hugs and blessings.

  12. Spending time with family is always a priority and never should involve any guilty feelings for putting other "things" on hold. The Shoo Fly blocks are looking very good and you got a great start on them. I love Alice in Wonderland. Going down Rabbit holes is right up there with "Squirrel!" Pinterest is a dangerous place. LOL

    1. We had a wonderful visit with my daughter, Ginny and got to do a lot of things. It just seemed too short. I think I will be able to whip up the Shoo Fly blocks quickly. They are one of my favorite blocks. Lol Don't you just love Pinterest? Hee ! Hee. Have a great evening. Hugs.

  13. I'm so glad you had such a great week with your daughter. I'm thankful mine only lives a couple of miles from me. Shoo Fly is another of my favorite blocks. Yours are coming together quickly!! Your Alice in Wonderland memes remind me of a quilt I made along that theme (favorite childhood story) for a guild challenge pre-convid. I digitized some cute embroideries from photos I found on the internet and had won some Tula Pink fabric which I combined with some Moda grunge and one of those nova burst panels for the center. It was a fun quilt! Thanks for linking up with Monday Musings! Have fun with your goals this week!

    1. We had an awesome visit, Brenda. Time with my youngest daughter was way too short though. You are so fortunate to have your daughter nearby. Oooh  your quilt sounds amazing. Do you still have it? You should do a blog post on it or have you already done that? I would love to see it. Have a great week. Hugs. 


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