Blog Archive

Monday, September 18, 2023

A Few Chickens and a Duck or Two

 Hey all you chicken lovers,  come on in and see some of my  hens and roosters pecking about on the hutch.  
Welcome, ya'll and good afternoon. Two posts in a day- what's wrong with me. 😀  
Last month , I shared my  "Gettin ' Corny " hutch  tour  where my hutch was all decked out in all things corny.  
Well before completely cleared the hutch away for the fall season, I pulled out some of my nesting chickens. 

The nesting chicken candy dishes always remind me of my Nanny who had a green one on her desk filled with candy. I do wish I had hers. Such sweet memories. 

These grand roosters are a few yeas old. 

Two of my favorites are the Jadeite and red glass hens. 

I never can turn down a milk glass nesting chicken. 

The yellow nesting chicken feels the oddest. I think it is vaseline glass. 

I have 2 nesting ducks . Both purchased for less than a dollar.  I couldn't resist them. 

The glass one is heavy. 

Thank you so much taking time out of your busy day to see some of the poultry pieces. They have all flown the coop and made room for the fall display which I will post soon. 
Have a wonderful day. 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Life is better with chickens! 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy who was a Crazy  Chicken Lady herself. . I love and miss you so much.❤❤👼  



  1. How pretty your hutch turned out decorated with those chickens!!
    It has an autumnal look and is very cozy.
    Thanks for sharing
    A hug

    1. Oh thank you so much, Isabel. It was nice to pull out all of the chickens together. It has been awhile since I have used them all. Hugs.

  2. Chickens and ducks, what could be nicer than that!

    1. Lol , Jenny. I have never met a chicken or duck that I did not like. Hee! Hee! Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  3. Love the chickens and ducks! Have a great day.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Deb. These nesting hens bring back fond memories. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  4. The hutch looks great! I have quite a few nesting chickens that I've collected through the years

    1. It is so fun to hear that you collect nesting chickens as well. I rarely see them around here, but when I do I will snatch them up if they are cheap. Thank you so much for the sweet visit, Helen. Hugs.

  5. I love your chickens! Those roosters sure are pretty too!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Susie. I have built up a collection over the years. Of course I am a sucker for any chicken. Hee ! Hee! Have a great evening . Hugs.

  6. I've never heard of Vaseline glass before. What is it?

    1. I am not sure if the yellow chicken is vaseline glass or not but it does have that oily feeling to it like vaseline glass. Vaseline glass was made with uranium and has an oily sheen to it. I have never put candy or anything in this glass hen. Thank you so much for the sweet visit, dear . Hugs.

  7. OMGosh! All of your hens, roosters, and ducks are just so lovely. This is a beautiful display! I have to look for a milk glass nesting hen to go with my good dishes of my mother's. I will have to watch for these when I go thrifting or garage "sailing". I am sure you have been collecting them for years to have such a wonderful assortment.

    1. Aah thank you so much , Ginny for the kind words on my collection. Oh yes, I have been collecting for years. It is just luck whenever I find one at the thrift stores. I hope you find a milk glass one. I adore milk glass and bought a small bowl today for $1. How wonderful that you have your mom's collection to treasure. Hugs.

  8. When I was a kid, my grandma had a milk glass bowl that I thought was super cool! Your duck and chicken display is wonderful. I hadn't heard of Vaseline glass. . . so interesting!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Isn't it funny how little things like that bring back fond memories . My grandmother and mom collected milk glass and now I have their collection. I was over the moon to find the nesting hens at the thrift stores. Thank you for the sweet visit, Terry.

  9. You have a nice collection of nesting chickens and ducks. I don't think I've seen a nesting duck before.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Jeanna. I have been collecting for years. I had never seen a nesting duck either until about 2 yeas ago when I found one at a yard sale. I have some nesting rabbit candy dishes too - which is odd. Lol. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  10. Replies
    1. Aaah thank you so much , Brenda. It was fun to round up all of the poultry. Hugs.

  11. What a fun chicken and duck tour! Who knew there were so many different nesting chickens and ducks? Thanks for sharing!

    1. Lol it has been a fun search for them over the years. Now to find one like my Nanny's . Hee! Hee! Thank you so much, Robin. Hugs.

  12. Thank you so much for sharing your sweet and wonderful "nesting chickens(and ducks)". I love all of them but especially the red glass hen and the jadeite are the best! These are the ones I look for when I am out thrifting, but they are as scarce as "hen's teeth" here in Arizona, lol. Have a great wonderful week. Hugs from sunny Arizona.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Mary. Lol I love that - "scarce as hen's teeth" I will have to remember that. It has just been luck over the many years that I have these. I did purchase the red hen years ago from the Cracker Barrell. It is one of my favorites as well. And I love anything Jadeite. Thank you for the sweet visit, Have a wonderful week, dear Mary. Hugs.

  13. I love checking out your hutch displays and always feel a little smug when I see "everything" you put out the first time through. Since I check out the comments in between your posts, I look at everything two or three extra times as well. So, what happens? Tonight, the candy corn-colored bottle brush trees just jumped right off the screen and into my lap! I swear they weren't there on Monday! Nope, nothing wrong with me except maybe a wee bit too much pride. I'm deserving this dose of humble pie. Not exactly biscuits and gravy, but better than castor oil! Thanks for the great hens & roosters display, Melisa. So much fun---Every Time! Kris
    P.S. Uranium glass will glow under black light. Check out your big jar of old marbles. Some of them will glow, too. Just a thought. Kris

    1. Aaah thank you , Kris. I throw everything but the kitchen sink out on my hutch . Lol. I guess it is a good thing I do not have a bigger hutch. Hee ! Hee! Oh, Kris. I was over the moon to find those candy corn bottle brush trees at the Dollar Tree. I wish I had bought more. They are so stinking cute. Ooh great tip on the glassware and I had not even thought about the marbles. I have got to check them out. Have an awesome weekend. Hugs.

  14. You have such fun displays. The sitting hens are really cute. I had to look up Vaseline glass, I'd never heard of it.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Kate. I enjoyed pulling out the hens for a short time . I have been collecting them for many years. It is always a joy to find one if I can get them at a thrifty price. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  15. I always enjoy reading your blog. You are so creative and so generous to share your designs with us. Thank you so much!

    1. Oh, Rita, I can not tell you how much your sweet visits and kind words mean to me. You certainly made my day. I am so very grateful. I wish you a wonderful weekend. Blessings.


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