Blog Archive

Thursday, February 29, 2024

A Blooming Parade- A Look at Spring & Easter Previous Freebies

Hip Hip Hooray! It's time for a parade! 

Good afternoon, Sweeties .   I hope you do  not mind that I pop in for a 2nd visit. Are you up for a Spring parade of stitches and doodles? I sure am.  If you see any of the stitches or doodles that you are interested in, just click on the colored text and you will be taken back to the post with the chart and information. I hope you enjoy! This is a photo heavy post.) 

A Bouquet For Amy

 Mary's Basket  Strawberry Pinkeep

May Berry Basket 

Spring Stamp Sampler 

Sweet Berry Pickers Quilt

Farm Luv Doodles

Mini Bunny Sampler

Spring Checklist 



Mini Tulip Sampler

Miss Flopsy  and Bunny Jar 

Miss Flopsy and Bunny Jar 

Spring Green Saltbox 


Love Trifle ,   St. Patty's Day Trifle ,   Sheep Trifle ,   Bunny Trifle ,     Strawberry  Picker  , May Basket ,  Love Bird Trifle ,       ,Bunny Trifle , Carrot Trifle ,  

Bee Skep Trifle ,  

Nesting Bluebird

Buford Bunny Trifle

A Basket of Spring

Pictured here are A Basket of Spring1869 Bunny HopBunny TrifleSheep Jar and of course Bunny Jar 

Beatrice Bunny 

Beatrice Bunny's Carrot Haul Stamp

Spring Stamp

Love Jar from the Mason Jar Series

Love Basket and Doodle

   Strawberry Jam Jar 

Amy Lou the Berry Picker 

 Farm Sweet Farm

Spring Pasture

Spring Farmhouse   which is modeled after my Nanny's home and Spring on the Farm

Life is Better on the Farm

Life is Better on a Farm and Little House Needleworks "Hen Party"

 1869 Spring Chick Crock.

 Bunnies, Baskets and Chickens 

This piece finished on foam board with 2 layers of batting. 

I want to thank y'all for being so kind , supportive, and encouraging . You bring me so much joy and to think that you come to my humble little home in blogland - well that means the world to me!❤🤗

In the near future, I will be posting a St. Patrick's Day Parade, a Bee Parade and a Parade of Spring Doodles and quilts.  In the meantime, if you want to see last year's parades, I will leave a list of them below. Have a great evening and..

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all

Spring is a time of plans and projects- Leo Tolstoy
Warm Spring Wishes and Bunny kisses! 
Hugs and Stitches!!!
Dedicated to my sweet Baby sister, Amy . I love you, Amo.  ❤

Other Posts That Might Strike Your Fancy!
Putting On The Green St. Patrick's Day Parade - 2023's parade of St. Patrick's Day freebies. 
Parade of Homes- Early 2024 parade of home freebies. 
Buzzin Bee Parade 2023-  An early 2023 bee freebie parade. 


  1. Spring cuteness overload today Mz Melisa! Spring is my favorite season so I've thoroughly enjoy today's post. I'm crazy about you mini samplers.

  2. That's me - DarleneJ in Anonymous post at 105PM teehee!

  3. I keep looking at all your pictures. What a lovely parade !

  4. Happy Leap Day! What a fun Parade. Thank you so much for sharing!!

  5. Ich schaue es mir immer wieder gerne an. Hab dank für die Fülle an Bildern.
    Herzliche Grüße aus Deutschland

  6. All of your doodles look so pretty! Happy Leap Year!

  7. Wonderful parade and reminder of all my WIPs that I have to finish! You are a talented lady, Miss Melisa!

  8. What an amazing parade! And to think you created each and every one of those designs, Melisa! Thank you so much for your wonderful charts ♥

  9. WOW! Every time I see one of these parades, I think of how busy you are and then - more so - how thankful and blessed we are that you are so generous! Love them all! Blessings!

  10. Happy March, Melisa! What a wonderful spring parade you took us on.

  11. Another lovely parade! You are so talented, Melisa!! Thanks for sharing your talent with us! Have a great weekend! Hugs!

  12. So many adorable designs!! You are amazing!! Thank you for all you do. Have a great day!!

  13. Each one is amazing, beautiful, lovely and fun!!! Very inspiring for Spring!!! Happy stitching, Melisa!!!

  14. You have so many cute and fun cross stitch designs. The sheep is a favorite, so are the spring postage stamps. You are so creative!

  15. Thank you for your beautiful work. I made the Spring smalls sampler, and I love it. Your gift is a gift to all of us. We appreciate you and your talents.


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