Blog Archive

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Spring Stamp SAL Reveal and a Spring Buffet Tour

Happy Saturday, ya'll.  That's  all she wrote. The Spring Stamp SAL has come to an end. 

Spring Stamp and STAMP 4-The Hatchlings 

What a wonderful time I had sharing my  sweet bluebird on its grand adventure in the gardens. We saw flowers, bees, butterflies and even a birdbath.  I can not thank you enough for following along. 

I finished my Spring Stamp Collection in an 8" x 10" thrifted frame. It was originally painted gold, but I dry brushed white paint on it to lighten it up. I added 1 layer of batting behind my stitching. 

I also made 10 pin pillows  to fill my dough bowl. 

I bought this wooden bowl at the Dollar General for $6.00 last year. I used it for my Autumn Stamps

 It is made up of a very light weight wood. I would love to purchase another one and paint it white for spring and summer stamps.  Don't you think that would look cute?  

A Sweet visitor to my garden

If you missed any of the stamps, I have left the schedule with the links and date they were published down below. 



Please  use #springstampsal and #pinkernpunkinquilting   so I can follow along or you can direct message or email me so I do not miss your stitch.  Let me apologize beforehand if it takes me a few days to reply. 

   Below is a schedule: 


Introduction- April 1st

Border & Header - April 3rd

Stamp  1 Spring Watering Can - April 7th

STAMP 2- Spring Planting - April  8th

STAMP 3- Bluebird and Bees April 10th

STAMP 4-The Hatchlings April  12th

STAMP 5-  Spring Birdbath -April 14th

STAMP 6 - The Early Bird - April 15th

STAMP 7- Blooms, Bees and the BluebirdApril 17th

STAMP 8  A Spring Day-April- 19th

STAMP 9 The Birdhouse -April 21st

FINAL REVEAL (FFOd) -  April 22nd


After completing the SAL, I decided to  redecorate my buffet in the garden theme with sweet birdies as an accent. 

I even included a fluffle of bunnies in the garden buffet display. 

Shown here are Stamp  1 Spring Watering Can ,A Basket of Spring1869 Bunny Hop   Bunny & Tulip Trifle Bunny Trifle, as well " Emily's Strawberry"  from Blackbird Designs from the book In Friendship's Way

And I could not leave out a house and mason jar stitch. 

Love Jar from the Mason Jar Series and  Katie Anne's Saltbox 

Have a beautiful day and ...

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo. Twenty months- How can this be? 

If you are interested in the  Autumn Stamp Collection . Click the colored text and you will be transported back to the final post with the links to all of the stamps. 


  1. Beautiful displays, Melisa! Thank you again for the Bluebirds in the Spring Stamp SAL. Happy Saturday!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Robin. It is hard to believe the SAL has come to end, but it was a fun one. Have a great week. Hugs.

  2. Melisa your pretties are so pleasant to look at. Thank you for this sal

    1. Aah you are so very kind. I had a wonderful time working on all of the little stamps . Thank you for the sweet visit and words, my dear.

  3. You are such a sweetie! Thank you for again sharing your talents with us. I can't wait to open my email or blog from you. Just awesome!

    1. Oh , Helen. You just brightened my day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I can not tell you how much that means to me. Hugs. Have a beautiful week.

  4. thanks much for sharing your talent the spring stamps SAL was beautiful and summer is also coming out looking forward for that Yaaaaaaa

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear Chitra. I am so touched that you enjoyed the Spring Stamps. That really means so much to me. Lol I better get in gear for summer. Have a great week. Hugs.

  5. That turned out even cuter than I imagined, and that was pretty darn cute!!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Vicki. I enjoyed every minute of creating and sharing the stamps. Thank you so much for following along and for all of the encouraging words. Hugs.

  6. What a wonderful work you have done on those stamps! I have enjoyed every reveal and promise that I will finish mine. I need to pop over the Dollar General too, I only visit the Dollar Tree and I see that you find so many treasures, I love that wooden bowl and I think it would look great in white too! Thank you for sharing this beautiful SAL!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Diana. I enjoyed sharing each and every stamp. We have about 5 Dollar Generals in a 10 mile radius. When I go visit , I usually hit several stores at one time. They each have different things. I do enjoy shopping there . Though Dollar Tree is one of my favorites as well. I hope you find some finishing treasures when you visit. Hugs.

  7. Such a beautiful group of cross stitched pillows and a sampler. Your work is amazing. Thank you for sharing your talents!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear Terry. I had so much fun sharing these little stamps. I hope to work on more in the near future. Have a lovely week.

  8. merci pour ces jolis oiseaux bleus, bonne journée, isabelle L

    1. Aaah you are so welcome, Isabelle and thank you for the sweet visit and kind compliment. Have a blessed week, dear.

  9. It's wonderful to see it finally finished.
    I really like how these images look both framed together and separately, Melisa!
    Hugs and good weekend

    1. Oh thank you so much, Isabel. I was fortunate to find the perfect frame while thrifting. The little pillows are fun to tuck in different spots when decorating. Hugs. 

  10. Everything is so lovely. You always do a great job. Thank you for sharing so much.

    1. Aah you are so sweet. Thank you so much , dear for the sweet visit and kind words. Have a wonderful week.

  11. Très joli ce sal ,merci pour ce partage !
    Bon dimanche

    1. You are always so kind, Monique. Thank you so much for following along on my Spring SAL. Have a blessed week.

  12. What a lucky find with that frame - such a pretty finish too. Thank you for your spring sal. And I love that mason jar stitch! Blessings

    1. I always keep my eyes peeled for great frames when I go to the thrift stores. Fortunately ours usually has a good selection to choose from. Thank you , Donna for the sweet encouragement during the SAL that means so much. Hugs.

  13. Thank you again for sharing such a beautiful Spring stitch. Spring sunshine is busting out all over your buffet and such a pretty sight! I visited Dollar Gen while visiting my kids in ND and agree. So many great things to find. Traveling by rail or air can limit a person's luggage, tho, so no treasures came home with me.

    1. Aah you are so welcome, Ginny and thank you . I enjoyed every stitch and especially sharing them. Oh bummer- no treasures came home with you. Well I hope you will be able to go to a Dollar General nearby soon. Usually when you have no room for treasures is when you see a great find. Lol. Have a great week, dear Ginny

  14. Is it possible to get last autumn’s stamp collection patterns? I just love them.

    1. Oh yes, Pat . It is still available on my blog. I will place a link at the end of this post for it. I hope you enjoy it and thank you. Happy stitching.

  15. I love the way you've used so many cute bird houses to decorate your home. I need some decorative bird houses. When I grow up I want to be you!!!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Darlene. I have not had the birdhouses out in years. I was looking at them and I think most date back to the 90's. It was fun for me to go down memory lane as I looked at them. Lol. Hugs.

  16. "fluffle of bunnies" I love it!

    1. Isn't that cute? I just learned that was what a group of bunnies is called. I learn something new every day. Lol. Hugs.

  17. Your Spring Stamp sampler turned out beautifully, Melisa! I always enjoy your hutch tours! You are so talented!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Brenda. This was a joy for me to work on and to share. Finishing  it motivated me to pull out some old birdhouses to enjoy. The haven't seen the light of day in years. Lol

  18. I loved doing this design! Such beautiful patterns!!! Any chance to see the final reveal on the Spring Stamp set soon? I'm chomping at the bit to finish it out, didn't know what you had in store for that page. Keep up the beautiful work, i had so much fun with this one!


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