Blog Archive

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Nifty Thrifties and a Small Trifle

Before I begin, Let me do some house keeping . I have an OOPS. Yesterday I posted Bunny Jar. If you printed the instruction page before 11:45 p.m. on that day I made some mistakes. They are all corrected now, but if you go back to the post you will see what mistake I made so you can correct it on your printed version or you can print the corrected page. I am so sorry.  Now back to the program. LOL. 

 Happy Hump Day, ya'll. Hope you are having a fine and dandy day. Well,  whatcha got on the agenda for this beautiful spring day?  I am going to be knee deep in dirt. Yep! I want to put on  my gardening boots,  plop on a big floppy hat and play in the garden. 

Dad plowed up a garden spot for me to work in. 

Mr. Pinker needs to till the dirt and  I have bean boxes to clean. 

Sunday night , I told Mr . Pinker , "I have a hankering to go to Alabama. I have got thriftin' on my mind. " 

Mr. Pinker smiled politely , "Choose a day" 

"My days are wiiiiiide open," I told him. "Let's hit the road tomorrow." And so we did.

 It was a rainy day, but boy did I find gold at the end of that rainbow. I hit all of my favorite honey holes. At  one stop I found a vintage book , a tin advertising box and a precious pepper shaker .  


We then went to  my favorite honey hole. Mr. Pinker went on his merrily way searching for fishing or manly things, but I was skipping like a kid as I went from one booth to the next looking at vintage bowls, quilts, and antiques. Right off I spied a few things that I wanted , but nothing jumped into my cart until......... Mr. Pinker came up to me and said, "I'm going to the car. Take your time. "      

 And then I was unleashed . I skipped down the aisles like a kid in a candy shop and then made a beeline  to an aisle that I knew had vintage textiles 2 months ago. Jackpot!!!! Yes! There was a quilt right in my price range ( You  know my price range - as low as you can go prices-  They do  call me Mrs. El -Cheapo" lol. ) 

Any whoo. I grabbed an old feedsack quilt. It was weathered , battered and worn- just the way I like them - well loved. 

 I then found 2 quilt tops ; they were full of scrappy goodness . I love it when a quilter uses what she has.  One went into the cart. 

Next I found this ginormous American flag for just $2. I had to have it.  (Now I know you are wondering where in the world is she going to hang that. Lol I don't know but doesn't look like the size you would see at a car dealership. )

" I think I have done good." I thought.  So I did my little happy jig in the middle of the aisle  as one elderly gentlemen looked at me like I had lost my marbles. I just shrugged my shoulders  and proceeded  merrily to the cash register. 

But guess what happened?   As the cashier rang up each item she said. "This is 1/2 off and this is 25 % off and...... "  

Wait a minute- Was my ears deceiving me?  I had to ask. "How can I figure out if something is discounted? " She told me to look at the date as to when it was put on the floor on the bar code and that determines the discount. 

"HOLD THE PHONE", I said. "This gal is not finished shopping!" 🛒

The sweet cashier said "Sure , I can hold all this back as your shop". And at that instant I took off like a bat out of you know where and as I ran I almost made a detour to   the store speaker to make an announcement that  ALL SHOPPERS NEEDED TO CLEAR AISLE 7 , but I was good and restrained myself. 🛒

Now you might  , remember there was a quilt top I left behind. Lol So I went back down the aisle and found 2 quilts tops and then .....

I rounded another aisle and I swear there was a beam of light glowing on the purtiest child's 1950's sewing machine, and I about passed out when I saw that it was going to ring up 1/2 price. 

With a hop ,skip and a jump I rushed those items up to the cash register and when I was told they were discounted too , I actually started break dancing right in the middle of the store. 🕺💃🕺💃Lol. Yes ! I was that excited.

 When I got out to the car, Mr. Pinker was on the phone, but he smiled sweetly and started to shake his head. When he got off he said ," You sure made a haul." 

"Oh yes, I did! " Lol. 

I will share other thrifty finds I found in future posts, but it was a fabulous day. 

I wanted to leave you with another little trifle. I took wee little Buford from A Basket of Spring and gave him a little bow. He will be enjoying his days on display for few weeks. Now you know how those bunnies multiply ,but I promise this will be the last bunny stitch for awhile. Lol. 🐰🐇🐰🐇


Click here for Buford Bunny Trifle. 

Thank you so much for stopping by and listening to my little thrifty tale. I sure did enjoy sharing it with you. Well, ya'll have a fabulous day and as always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll


Thrifting is more than shopping; it is an adventure. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!❤🤗🧵

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Pat at  Life in  the Scrapatch for Stitch , Sew and Show- Wednesday

Jennifer at Inquiring Quilter for Wednesday  Wait Loss- Wednesday

Denise at For the Love of Geese for Put Your Foot Down- Thursday

Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation for Needle and Thread Thursday- Thursday

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I would like to think you are my thrifting angel, Amo. I will forever miss you pulling into my driveway excited about your thrifty finds, and I sure miss your thrifting tales. Love ya! 


  1. This post really tickled me. I was smiling all the way through it. I would have been the same in the thrift store. They're all great finds. The Trifle is adorable. We've been out working in the yard, too.

    1. Lol Sue I had a fabulous time. We go every so often since we found all of the thrift stores. It is like a treasure hunt for me. Have a great evening. Hugs.

  2. Oh my, you did have fun! Love that little sewing machine!
    I just love the Bunny Trifle! Thank you for the pattern!
    Barbara xx 😁👍🙋‍♀️♥️

    1. I sure did, Barbara. You put me in a thrift shop and I feel like I am in heaven especially when there are linens and knick knacks. Lol Thank you so much for the sweet visit , my friend.

  3. I can just see you dancing around your favorite vintage stores as you grabbed all those goodies, Melisa! You sure did well... Love your little bunny trifle, too--spring stitching is such fun. Thank you, as always! ♥

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Carol. I was over the moon. I am looking forward to one day quilting the tops, but they are in a long line waiting for a free hoop. Lol. Have a wonderful evening. Hugs.

  4. Too. Much. Fun!!! I was dancing the aisles along with you! Love that first scrappy quilt! And the junior sewing machine!!!

  5. Lol thank you so much, Nancy. I love pouring over the feedsack quilt looking at the fabrics. You can see where the quilter patched later on. I am quite pleased with my finds. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. Happy quilting.

  6. God was smiling down on you!!! Terrific finds!

  7. What great finds - lucky you! I have a daughter that lives in AL - I bet she'd love to go there!

  8. Thrift shops and antique stores are two of my most favorite places. Last Friday I shopped at Vintage Rose for the first time in two years--it was fabulous! And I found treasures

  9. Sounds like great fun. I like to shop at consignment shops and thrift shops. You are right - it is much more fun than shopping!

  10. Awesome haul, Melisa! Buford Trifle is adorable!

  11. What a wonderful fun filled post. My face and my heart is smiling along with you. Gardening, thrifting and a new trifle!! Thank you so much. Hugs from Arizona.

  12. You are a hoot! What a fun post to read. What a haul, indeed.

  13. Oh my goodness that was a lucky day! You should've run out to get a lottery ticket too since your luck was so good! I smiled the whole time I read about your happy adventure, so thanks for sharing it :)

  14. Ohhh what awesome treasures. You always find the best things! Thank you for sweet little Buford. You truly do spoil all of us. Thank you sweet friend. Blessings always ((hugs))

  15. OMG Melissa you had me chuckling all the way through your post, what a good story teller you are. And wonderful finds you plucked out of the sellers hands!

  16. Amazing day out for you! I could hear how tickled you were! Your posts always put a smile on my face. Thank you for another cute freebie!

  17. Sounds like you had a great time thrifing. And Buford is darling. Hum, do I need to try cross stitch again. Maybe.

  18. You found a toy sewing machine! Brilliant. I love your husband's response. He seems very loving. You are one lucky girl. Thank you for the free charts. The sheep especially appeal to me. ...prone to wander Lord I feel it prone to leave the God I love. Thank you for the patterns.

  19. No worries, Melisa... I would have been doing a happy dance, too!! :o))

  20. All I can say is wow...good job...your happiness is contagious! I have that same little red sewing machine. Got it about 25 years ago in an antique shop in upstate NY- Rhinebeck to be exact. It was before I knew any better and paid $ 75 for it! Now I think twice when something is even $ 10 or $ 5. Congrats on your treasures!

  21. The sewing machine is so adorable, now I need to go antiquing. Great finds!

  22. You found some great finds! Thanks for taking us along with you as you thrift-shopped. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  23. I want to go shopping with you just to watch you skipping and dancing. LOL I promise to buy only things you reject first. LOL


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