Saturday, June 24, 2023

Buzzin Bee Parade- Bee Freebies of the Past

Good morning, my beautiful friends!!!! Let's start the day with a bee poem shall we.  

Bees, bees, bees, bees

Buzzin in bushes, buzzin  in trees

Buzzin around whereever they please

There is nothing so sweet as a honey bee. 

I so agree! I do love my bees!  Not many people know this but I am allergic to them, but that does not stop me from enjoying their beauty and all that they do. 


Well the bees are staying busy. They are taking care of the flowers and tending to their hives. On warm days , you might see a number of them on the outside of the boxes. 

Now, grab you a cup of tea or whatever strikes your fancy and join me as I share a bee parade of past bee stitches. I am sure more will come in the future for one can not just have one or even two bee stitches. Don't tell Mr. Pinker but  I need a swarm of bee stitches !!!! Ssssh he thinks I am  on the verge of going "bee crazy".  


If you see any stitches that you would like to learn more about, click the colored text and you will buzz right over to the post.  I hope you enjoy!!!


Aunt Bea's Summer Home

 Hive Sweet Hive

Honey Jar- From the Mason Jar Series

Bee Trifle

 Summer Stamp 

A Basket of Honeysuckle 

NOTE OOOPS- CORRECTION. If any of ya'll have copied A Basket of Honeysuckle freebie. I made a mistake in the directions. Please refer back to the post so that you can correct it on your instruction page. I do apologize. 

Though this is not officially a bee stitch, Mary's Basket Strawberry Pinkeep sports 3 buzzing bees. 

Buzz Buzz Doodle 


So are bees buzzing in your head yet? The most popular of these bee stitches seems to be Aunt Bea's Summer House. 
As of right now , my favorite is a Basket of Honeysuckle , but I do have to admit that I enjoy them all. 

 I better buzz on off here ! Ya'll have a beautiful day  and as always...

Happy stitching and quilting, ya'll, 


A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey inside. -Winnie the Pooh

Hugs and Stitches!!!πŸ€—πŸ§΅❤

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I love and miss you. 


  1. Wowzer! The bees are buzzing in this post! I've always loved Aunt Bea's Summer House - why haven't I stitched it? Who knows but soon, very soon it'll be in my hoop. Have a beautiful Saturday, Melisa.

    1. I do believe I have gone bee crazy, Darlene. Lol. Aunt Bea's is one of my favorites too. I hope you enjoy it when you have the chance to stitch it. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  2. Thank you for all the bee stitching. I have stitched 7 of them and plan on doing a few more. So happy your bee's are doing well. Have a blessed and stitch filled weekend.

    1. Aaaw thank you so much, Joy . I am so honored that you have stitched so many of my bee stitches. I hope you enjoyed them. I hope you have a very blessed weekend too. Hugs.

  3. Good to hear your bees are buzzing about the flowers again. Soon there'll be honey! Have a great weekend, Melisa.

    1. Oh I can not wait for the sweet honey , Susie. But watching them buzz about makes my heart sing. I visited them today and they were very busy. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  4. (Little Penpen) you have the cutest collections!!! I saw quite a few bees that I’d like to have. You are so talented and generous to all of us. You make us to 🐝 bee happy!!

    1. Aaaah thank you so much, Penny. Lol I am a collector and now it seems I am on a bee kick. It has been a lot of fun working on the bee stitches. My bee collection is slowly growing. Hugs and blessings.

  5. WOW, you have me hooked on your bee patterns. I thought I had stitched quite a few but apparently I have many, many more to complete! Thanks for providing your blog friends with these fun patterns. Enjoy your weekend ☺️

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Cindy. I did not realize I had stitched so many until I pulled the post together. And to think it was just a couple of years ago that I started stitching them. I have indeed gone bee crazy. I hope you enjoy these little bee stitches. Happy Saturday. Hugs.

  6. I hadn't realized how many bee patterns you had until now! Wow! Thank you so much for offering these to us! Blessings

    1. Lol my bee stitches have certainly grown. I think my obsession with bees is competing with my love for chickens. Hee Hee! Thank you so much for the Saturday visit, Donna. Hope you are enjoying your weekend. Hugs.

  7. Another sweet post! You'll be happy to know about two weeks ago we had a good sized honey bee swarm stop off in our tree in our front yard. While I enjoyed their visit I admit I was relieved when after about an hour they moved on towards the woods behind us. So neat to see!

    1. Oooh I bet that was a wonderful sight to see, Maureen. It is nice to hear that you have bees nearby tending to the flowers and that they have found a home in the woods where all is safe. We was hoping to catch one more swarm , but haven't - maybe next years. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  8. A beautiful collection of bees!
    Kisses from Spain,

    1. Aaw you are so very kind, Pilarin; thank you so  much. I certainly enjoy working on the bee stitches. Have a beautiful day. Hugs. 

  9. Thank you! Love all of the bees.

    1. Aaah you are so very kind, Carol and thank you for the sweet visit . I haven't enjoyed stitching and sharing all of these bee pieces. Have a very lovely weekend. Hugs.

  10. So many sweet offerings to all of us, we are very blessed with your talent, and sweet giving heart, Thank you so much. Very warm hugs from sunny Arizona.

    1. Aaah thank you so much , dear Mary and I have enjoyed sharing each and every one of them and feel so blessed by everyone's kindness. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Hugs and blessings.

  11. Melisa,
    O MY!! I simply adore all your BEEautiful Bees!! Everything is so pretty!! I recently bought the Bee mugs, dishes and bowls from Dollar Tree...And I added a few Bees to my wreath on the front door and a few other things on the front porch.....They really do brighten up things and just bring a smile to your face....Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  12. They're all so cute, but It's especially like the farm ones. I might do them next. Thanks for your generosity with your talents.

    1. Aaah I sure hope you enjoy them and thank you so much. I hope to add some more to the bee collection very soon. Have a very lovely day and happy stitching. Hugs.

  13. I am always newly amazed at the creativity and generosity of you every time you do a parade. All of your stitching is wonderful and I am happy for you that your bees are doing so well. I couldn't pick a favorite if I tried!

    1. Aaw Ginny. You are so very kind. Thank you so much for such a touching compliment. It is hard for me to choose a favorite too, but Aunt Bea's and Honeysuckle sure rank high in my eyes. Lol. Have a beautiful day. Hugs.

  14. There are not enough years in my life to make all these wonderful sweet projects - I love them all! Thank you for all the inspiration!

    1. Aaaaw you are the sweetest, Kathy. Thank you so much. I don't know- you are pretty prolific in quilting and stitching . I bet you could whip out quite a few:) Have a fabulous weekend. Hugs.

  15. What a wonderful collection of smalls that you have shared with us! Thank you! 🧡🧡

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Donna. I can not believe how much my bee collection has grown in such a short time. I have enjoyed sharing each and every one. Have a great weekend.

  16. Lots of beautiful bees! Thanks for the embroidered and appliquΓ©d ones, especially. Work to be done around here on a lot of stitching!

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Susan. I have enjoyed working on all of the bee projects. I have another bee embroidery that I hope to post soon. Have a geat weekend. Hugs. 

  17. So many bee-autiful bees, thank you so much for sharing your patterns. Now to pick one and start it!

    1. Aaaw you are so very welcome and thank you for the sweet visit and kind compliment. I sure hope you enjoy my humble design.  Have a blessed day and Happy stitching. 


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