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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Stitching Kindness, Summer Days and a Bee Trifle

Good evening, ya'll  and Happy Thursday. Mr. Pinker and I made it to our camping spot on the lake. Same spot as before. 

Yep, there is the big ole' log right below our site.

 Today I spent a few hours going to some of my favorite thrift stores. I will show you my wee haul in a future post when I get home. Afterwards, we have been lounging at the campsite. It is a lot quieter than it was in May when we were here. 

Well anywhoo! I thought I would share some of the projects that I brought along to keep my busy.

My Summer Days Quilt is coming along. 

Before you look at my quilt photo, get on your galloping horse as you view it. 🐎🏇👀🙫  . I am hoping that if you are riding ole' Trixie that you will miss that points are cut off , or seams do not meet. But hey, I am ok with that. 

All the blocks are pieced, and now to find border fabric. 

This quilt will get a good pressing when I get home.  

It was a bit windy for photos, but I thought I would try. 

I will certainly take better photos when  I am home.


 If you missed these blocks, I shared them over several weeks on for my Embroidery Thursday projects. 

Click here and you will be taken back to the last Summer Days post that I posted and  within that post you will find links to all of the blocks for your viewing or stitching pleasure . 👀😀  You can also search for Summer Days Quilt in the sidebar which will provide a link to all of the posts.

Now that I have the blocks pieced , I regret that I did not add a camper to the mix. Well I guess that means that in the future there needs to be a Summer Days Quilt #2 . Don't you? Lol. 

Weeks ago,   dear Barbara told me about Susan Ache's free Stitching Kindness SAL. I had to hop over to the Auribuzz website to get a gander.

  I became quite smitten as soon as I saw Susan's quilt which is  in pretty reds and whites . 

Before Mr. Pinker and I left on our June vacation, I printed off weeks' 1 & 2 patterns.  One evening while camping at Big Ridge State Park, I traced out the cutting lines and words and made an afternoon of stitching as Mr. Pinker fished. Over the last few weeks, I have been finishing up the embroidery.  I am using 2 strands of DMC 498 using the back stitch. Stitching on this fabric is like stitching through butter. 

So Sorry for the poor photo . This was taken in the evening. 

If you hop over to the Auribuzz website, you will also see other stitchers' progress. I have seen these lovely words stitched in blues and other colors. So pretty! 

The Schedule for Susan's SAL is below .Just click on the date and the link will take you to that week's stitching pattern.  The link I provided above takes you to the May 26th Introduction post .   I hope you hop over and take a look at her quilt for  it is so pretty. 

5/26 | Introduction 
6/9 | Week 1: words 1-3 + blank templates
6/16 | Week 2: words 4-6
6/23 | Week 3: words 7-9
6/30 | Week 4: words 10-12
7/7 | Week 5: words 13-15
7/14 | Week 6: words 15-18
7/21 | Week 7: finale + quilt pattern release!

Before you leave, I would love to leave you with a teeny trifle of a stitch. This is Bee Skep Trifle. I have it hanging on my Summer Sunflower tree which I shared last week.  

 Do any of ya'll remember those vintage silk Christmas balls? The yellow ones were perfect for my sunflower tree. 

Ok,  I digress. Back to the stitch. I had to add a bee skep to my trifle collection.  Now this trifle is teeny with a design size around 19 x 21. Not big at all, but that does make for a quick stitch. 

Click here for the Bee Skep Trifle. 

This is a "Choose your Own Colors" chart , but if you are interested  I used DMC 975  ( for the bench) , 781, 433, 3371 , 3346. 
Have you seen my other trifles? I have a lot and hope to add more in the future. These are great to use up teeny scraps of fabric and bits of floss. 
 Other trifles I have posted. 

I  showed how to finish a trifle in  a previous post . Click FINISHING A TRIFLE to find my humble instructions. 

Some previous trifles. 

If you missed any of the previous trifles, click on the names to go to the post with the charts. They are  Love Trifle ,   St. Patty's Day Trifle ,   Sheep Trifle ,   Bunny Trifle ,     Strawberry  Picker  , May Basket ,  Love Bird Trifle ,    Nesting Bluebird   ,Bunny Trifle , Carrot Trifle , Patriotic Ewe Trifle Chicken & Watermelon Trifle

I am so sorry that I chatted your head off and boy, did I provide a lot of links today. You may be clicking up a storm. 🌪⛈ Anyway thank you, my friends for stopping by for a visit.  I know I tell you this often, but it truly means so much that you take the time to visit me. 

Have a beautiful and fun filled day, my dears and as always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

Kindness is lighting a light in someone for no reason other than to watch them glow. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Pat at  Life in  the Scrapatch for Stitch , Sew and Show- Wednesday

Jennifer at Inquiring Quilter for Wednesday  Wait Loss- Wednesday

Denise at For the Love of Geese for Put Your Foot Down- Thursday

Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation for Needle and Thread Thursday- Thursday

Alycia's of Alycia's Quilts for Finished of Not Friday

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant - Friday

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts for Peacock Party - Friday

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. Love and miss you more and more each day. 


  1. What a beautiful place to camp! Where is this? Have a good time!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Donna. We enjoy going to this spot every so often. It is Lake Guntersville in Alabama along the Tennessee River. You can find a lot of campground along the river with beautiful views. We often see lots of wildlife and the fishing for hubby is good. It was very quiet this camping trip which was so nice. Hope your travels are just as relaxing and enjoyable. Hugs.

  2. Your Embroidery Thursday blocks are so pretty all together!! Don't fuss about points--mine tend to get cut off a lot--when all is said and done, you are most likely the only one who'll notice in the finished product...the important thing is the joy you had in putting this together for such a lovely outcome!! Hugs, Julierose

    1. Oh thank you so much, Julierose for the positive and encouraging words. That really means a lot to me. I hope that once that the quilt is quilted those quirky points will not be as noticeable, but I have certainly enjoyed working on this project. Have a wonderful week and hope you get in a lot of quilting.

  3. Looks like a lovely spot for some camping! I love your Summer quilt - it's looking wonderful to me. I stitched up the two little birds and the watermelon into a mini quilt and love it! Thanks for sharing your designs so generously!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Diann. We enjoyed our few days of camping and the weather was nice as well. I am so excited that you enjoyed the watermelon embroidery; that was one of my favorites. Have a wonderful week. Happy quilting.

  4. Fun post to read, Melisa! What an incredible spot you have at the campground! Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. We enjoy going to this little camp spot a few times a year. It was nice to be able to enjoy the dock as well. Have a great week. Hugs.

  5. Your quilt is beautiful! Thank you for the sweet bee trifle. I think if anyone in the world shows kindness with their stitching, it is you. You always share your lovely designs with all of us and truly are known for your kindness to all. So blessed to call you friend. ((hugs)) Wishing you an awesome weekend sweet friend. :)

    1. Aaah you brought tears to my eyes. Thank you from the bottom of my heart . Your kind heart warming words mean more to me than you will ever know. I am so grateful that we have connected through blogging and IG. You are a blessing. Big hugs.

  6. Love those cute little trifles! And your Summer Days quilt is gorgeous! The embroidery is divine. Can't wait to see the finish. Have fun at the lake. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Jennifer. I have had a great time working on the embroidered blocks and can not wait to get this quilt finished. Have a wonderful week. Happy quilting.

  7. I love the way you alternated the colors of your double churn dash blocks. That's a great idea! I may do the same with my guild's BOM. Enjoy your camping expedition!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Susie. I am really happy with how it is turning out. We had a restful and enjoyable camping trip. In fact, I am already dreaming of another one. Lol. Have a wonderful rest of the week. Happy quilting.

  8. Aah thank you for the kind visit and you so welcome. Happy stitching.


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