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Sunday, March 21, 2021

Porch Stitching and a Trifle

Happy Sunday, ya'll and welcome! I am so happy you stopped by for a Sunday visit and a little porch stitching.


 I have been able to sit on the porch for the last 2 days . Woo Hoo! It has been in the low 70's today with a  slight breeze. I hope it is warming up in your area.  Not much going on in the garden so I will give an update on that next week if weather allows. I did clean out some flower pots, but they are not very pretty to look at all. Lol.

 I have several projects to share with you today. I was so delighted when my friend Jane sent me a link last night  to a sweet freebie called "Lydia the Garden Angel" by Leslie Davis of One of a Kind Heirlooms.


 I whipped her up in just a few hours finishing her up today. I left off "Happy Easter" and some swirls and changed her colors to make her look more like an Annie. I am so excited to add her to my Raggedy Ann collection. I look forward to FFOing her soon. 

Thought I would share some of my country toy clutter. I love little toys, wooden pieces and of course Annie and Andy. 


What else have I been up too?  Still plugging away on my Easter quilt.


 It will not be completed by Easter time, but that is ok. A few more stitches will go into it tonight. When I take it off the hoop , I will share a better view of it. 


 The quilt on the swing is an Around the World quilt. I got the top at the Goodwill and quilted it a couple of years ago. 

 I pulled out my Little House Needleworks "Sampler Stitchers" . I love this design, and it does need some attention. I hope to work on it tonight and tomorrow. 

 I have my cookies all baked/ stitched.

 I have added a new trifle for you to  enjoy if you so choose. Please take a little cookie.  The new one is called Strawberry Picker-  a little robin enjoying a small berry.   Of course , I have it plated up with all of the other trifles.

 I thought I would share how I make my little cookies  though they are really ornaments or fobs. 

This is  an itty bitty stitch measuring 16 x 21. I put it next to a quarter to show you how small it is on 14 count tea dyed aida.  

After I stitch my design, I gather my supplies. I need a piece of cardboard, my votive candle (to draw out the circles the size that I want my cookie to be), backing fabric for the cookie, thread, needle, batting and a bit of glue.

 I draw 2 circles on the cardboard using the votive candle as a template. I cut the cardboard circles out- one will be for the back and the other for the stitched piece.

 I cut 2 pieces of batting the size of the circle and add a dab of glue to the batting and cardboard and let dry. I then cut out a piece of backing fabric for the back of the cookie larger than the circle. I also  trim my stitched piece into a large circle- it is  larger than my cardboard circle.

 I  start with the back or bottom part of the cookie and stitch a running stitch around the backing fabric.


 I then draw it closed and tie it off. 


 I then repeat the same process with the stitched piece with the batting between the stitching and the cardboard. 


 Next step, whip stitch these two pieces together at the seams using thread the same color. There are several videos on youtube that show how to whipstitch.  Now my cookie is complete.

 But I wanted to add trim and make it into an ornament/fob too. So I used ric rac that is 17 inches long. I start at the bottom of the cookie. I  start with one end and stitch up to the top of the cookie. I use a whip stitch going in and out of the peaks and valleys of the ric rac going back and forth from front side to back side. 


Once I got to the top, I wove my thread underneath my stitching to the bottom of the cookie  and started stitching the other end of the ric rac to the side until the ric rac met at the top.  I made  sure there were no twists in my ric rac as I went.


  I stitched the ric rac closed once it met at the top. My  sewing was complete.  


I then tied a knot in the ric rac and settled it against the stitched piece.  I hope that helps on how I finished mine.  Vonna Pfeiffer The Twisted Stitcher has all kinds of great tutorials.   This is just how I do it. 😊


Click here if you would like to stitch Stawberry Picker. 

I was also asked  what pattern was my chicken quilt.     


 This is one of my applique patterns which  I would love to share. I am  appliqueing mine to a 10 1/2"  unfinished background block using needleturn applique.  One of the amazing quilters that I love to watch demonstrate  needleturn applique' is Jan Patek. She has a number of videos on Youtube. Click here to see her work on Eagle Wings and Rooster Tails

Click here if you would like the Chicken applique pattern. 


Well, I am off to enjoy the last few hours of sunshine and hopefully get a little more porch stitching done. Thank you for keeping me company; it is always a joy .

Have a very blessed week and as always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll


I am joining these lovely ladies in their link parties as they come available. I know they would love for you to visit. You will find lots of inspiration. 
Kathy at Kathy's Quilts  for Slow Stitching Sunday
Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap
Beth at Love Laugh Quilt  for Monday Making
Judy at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday


  1. Great tutorial. Thanks! I sometimes make cross stitch ornaments for each of my grands. I liked how your finished your cookies so this will help (if I ever cross stitch again...the eyes aren't what they used to be!)

    1. Thank you so much, Bonnie. I have started making cross stitch ornaments for my grandbabies too. It is a lot of fun plus I can personalize them. I think it would be cute to finish some small embroidered pieces like this too. I understand about the eyes. I need to right light and my ole' eyes do get tired. Have a lovely week.

  2. Replies
    1. You are so welcome, Jacqueline. Thank you so much for visiting and enjoy, dear.

  3. So much pretty!! I’ll be glad when I can get some porch stitching done. It’s a little too cool here. Cute raggedy Angel. Cute strawberry picker!! Thanks for the tutorial.

    1. Aah thank you so much, It got in the 30's the previous night, but I was so glad that it warmed up during the day. It has been another nice day today , but rain is expected this week. I hope it warms up so you can enjoy some porch stitching soon. Have a lovely week.

  4. So much to see in your latest post, Melisa! Love your newest Trifle! Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much, Robin. I had a great day enjoying the warm weather and stitching and quilting the day away. We are supposed to get rain later this week so I better enjoy it while it is nice. Hugs.

  5. I adore that photo of your quilt in the hoop! Makes me want to stop everything and pick up my hand quilting! Enjoy stitching outdoors!

  6. Hi Melisa,
    I am somewhat new to your blog thanks to our dear friend Robin. Thank you for such great freebies. You are very generous. I spied a little bunny cookie and I was wondering if that is still available. I love bunnies.☺

    1. Oh thank you so much for visiting me. Robin is such a sweetie and has been so encouraging. That little bunny is still on my blog on the March 14th post .Hop on over and check it out. Lol. I have an affection for bunnies too. Well I hope you have a fabulous weekend. Happy stitching.

  7. Love how colourful your Easter quilt is. Still much too cool here in the UK for outdoor stitching.

    1. Why thank you so much, Vicki for visiting me and for the sweet comment. It has been nice being able to sit outside and do a little stitching. I hope it warms up soon in the UK. Have a great weekend.

  8. I'm new to your blog (now following), got so sucked into it that I almost forgot my coffee! Lots of yummies! Thanks for the tutorial, those ornaments are so darling. Quilting takes up most of my time, but last week I got back to cross-stitching again and currently stitching LHN's 'Coffee Menu'. Love your quilts too.

    1. AAh I am so thrilled that you visited and are now following me. I am mostly a quilter too, but have gotten bit by the cross stitch bug. I started making my own charts a few months ago because of all that is going on in the world in the last year. It has been a fun journey. I love anything LHN too. Coffee Menu is a great design. Have a great weekend.

  9. It is fun to see your plate of little "cookies" and there aren't any calories in them either! Thanks for linking with Design Wall Mondays, Judy

    1. Aww thank you so much, Judy for your sweet visit. Though I do love cookies. Stitched ones are the best. Lol. Have a great weekend.

  10. I'm a bit behind in reading my emails. Thank you for the little trifle design. I can't wait to try this. I wonder if you have in your stash an applique pattern for Sunbonnet Sue and Overall Sam? I don't care for the one from AccuQuilt, it's just a bit different than the old pattern and my little boy showed his back, he wasn't sideways. Thanks

    1. Aah thank you so much for visiting me and for leaving a kind comment. I hope you enjoy the little trifle. I will look in my quilt room for a Sunbonnet Sue and Overall Sam pattern. I do love these characters. If I find one I will post it soon. Have a great weekend and happy quilting.

  11. Your cookies are adorable!!! I heart the baptist fans on your Easter quilt. And that chicken quilt is just the cutest!!!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Nancy for visiting me. This is the 1st time that I have used the Baptist fan quilt pattern and am loving it. I am also anxious to finish that chicken quilt. Lol those square wings are just pinned. I just had not cut out the shape yet. I appliqued the wings as an after thought after piecing, but they are all shaped up now So the chickens are quite happy. Lol. Have a very lovely weekend filled with lots of quilting.

  12. BTW, why do some of the chickens have square wings?

  13. I love watching and listening to Jan, too. I learned needle turn appliqué from Laurene Sinema, who owned the Quilted Apple in Phoenix, it's first quilt shop way, way back when I was young and healthy! She was a master, and I still do things her way, but I like listening to Jan as she describes what she's doing. Thank you for the chicken. I was sort of hoping you'd share yours, because I really like that quilt.

    1. I always love watching Jan's videos especially when I need inspiration. She is a great designer.  I also love Eleanor Burns. She is so positive and happy. I hope you enjoy my little chicken pattern. I have mine hanging in the kitchen. 


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