Blog Archive

Monday, March 8, 2021

Bunnies, Baskets and Chickens - A Spring Freebie

 Happy Tuesday and welcome, dear friends.  Are you ready for a little chicken stitching? Well  guess who is here? Annie and her gals, Edna, Alma and Dorothy Mae!

This piece finished on foam board with 2 layers of batting. 

 If you have been following me for awhile, then you will recognize the ladies, but just in case you do not know her, Annie is one hard working woman!

She is always busy, and her favorite hens are always right along with her. Edna, Alma and Dorothy Mae are sisters. To be honest Edna is always the fiesty one. Dorothy Mae is a little more on the serious side ,but  she is always up for a good adventure. What about , Alma you ask? She is the baby sister so she is a little spoiled.  Annie and the hens have been in a number of my stitches. Annie has done everything from tending bees, picking pumpkins, sledding in the snow and gathering hearts and blooms. Well it is springtime on the farm ; Edna, Alma and Dorothy Mae are nesting. Bunnies are hopping all around as Annie gathers eggs. Hmmm I wonder if she will use those eggs for baking or for Easter dyeing. She has a lot of eggs maybe both. 

This is a small measuring 54 x51. I stitched mine on 14 count tea dyed aida . That brought the measurement to 3 7/8" x 3 5/8"  . All of the "Annie" stitches measure about the same because I am putting them on this box that I got at the Goodwill.

 I think all of these would so cute as pillows in a basket or dough bowl though.  I used DMC floss that I had on hand; there are only 10 colors , but you could lessen it by using 1 brown.  

Bunnies, Baskets, and Chickens   with Farm Sweet Farm- Pinker n Punkin Quilting

If you would like to stitch Annie and the crew, just click on the pdfs below.  I am not a professional designer nor do I have professional software so each page is on its own pdf download. I haven't figured out how to condense it to one yet. 

Click here for the Instruction page.  

Click here  for the colored chart. 

Click here for the black and white chart. 

If you have missed the other designs with Annie, I would love for you to check them out. Just click on the names below and you will go right to the post. 

  Bees, Blooms and Chickens 

 Cornstalks , Pumpkins and Chickens , 

Snowflakes, Sledding and Chickens  and  Roses, Hearts and Chickens .

I took some time today to redo the embellishment for my  " Farm Sweet Farm " stitch which was a freebie. 


I stitched this last year and had  a bow and greenery on it to go with my Barnyard Christmas series.  


I had very few resources to work with today, but found some ribbon and some floral bits and added a little spring/summer vibe to it. It is finished on a Dollar Tree chalkboard.  One sweet stitcher stitched this up in John Deere colors. It was so cute. 

Thank you so much for visiting.  I know Annie is planning to come back for a visit in the  near future. It would be a delight if you would come see her and the gals when they return. And it is always a pleasure when you visit me.  Have a lovely day and may it be filled with lots of love, joy and stitching  and as always...

Happy stitching, ya'll


I would love to see your stitches. If you post on Instagram, please tag me and use #pinkernpunkinquilting ,and you can always Direct Message me.  Have a wonderful day, my sweet peeps. Hugs.

Life is better with chickens  in it. 


  1. Another darling addition to your Annie and the chicken pieces, Melisa!

    1. Oh thank you, Robin. I am enjoying stitching Annie and her hens. Of course I love stitching chickens. lol. Have a great day.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your artwork with us! Love it!

    1. You are so welcome, Oliva and thank you for the sweet visit and comment. It has been a blessing to create and share these little designs. I hope you enjoy it. Happy stitching.

  3. So cute, I love Annie and all her friends. Thanks for sharing her with us.

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet visit. It has been such a delight creating this little series with Annie . I hope you enjoy this little design and thank you again for leaving such a sweet comment. Happy stitching.

  4. You are so generous with your beautiful freebies! I love Annie! Thank you!

    1. Awww thank you so much. It is a joy to share these little designs. I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy visiting your blog. You always have so many sweet projects going on and you are an inspiration. Happy stitching.

  5. I just love this one, Melisa--anything with bunnies always makes me smile! Thank you again for your darling designs--you are so talented and so productive (can you please send me some of your energy?! Ha ha!!). Enjoy your day ♥

  6. Thanks so much for the sweet freebie. I have two roosters from my mother-in-law like the ones in your last photo. I should put them out for Easter. Thanks again!


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