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Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Spring Farmhouse - A Spring Freebie

 Good morning and welcome, ya'll. Please come on in and visit for a bit. I am dying  to share with you my little Spring Farmhouse cross stitch . 

This little farmhouse is based on my Nanny's home which is about a mile down the road from where I live.  I think it is the cutest.

 Last month, I shared with you Spring on the Farm which featured a  red barn, farm animals, and a tractor. If you missed it, click here to go to the post with the pdf. The barn was based on my grandparents'  red barn which was located behind the white farmhouse. It was used as a hay  and a tobacco barn.  

Spring Farmhouse is a companion piece to Spring on the Farm .

These stitches are all based on my life on our family farms.  There will be a 3rd stitch that I hope to share soon. It will be the pasture. I hope you come back to check it out. These would be so cute all stitched together. But since I was doing these at my leisure and on a whim,  I separated mine. 

My grandparent's lived in a little white Farmhouse that was built probably in the 30's. It had a large porch filled with rocking chairs, and a swing. The back of the house had a very low pitched roof. Behind the house was a clothesline where Nanny always hung her clothes out to dry until she got older, and then she opted to use the dryer. Large trees surrounded the house. There was not a tire swing at Nanny's, but we had one at our house. 

 Dad always parked in front of the house in his little red truck . Us kids would bale out of the back of the truck and rush up the steps to greet Nanny who was usually in the kitchen or her sewing room.  This brings back such fond memories. 

 Since we lived only 3 miles down the road,  we visited Nanny daily. We would always gravitate to  the kitchen where we would  eat something yummy that Nanny had prepared earlier during the day. Later, we would make our way onto the porch where we would  chat and laugh at Nanny's antics. She was an amazing, good humored lady.   

What is spring like on the family farm now? Calves being born, weeds being pulled, strawberries being tended to and seeds being planted. Busy time for my parents. The grandkids love to ride in the fields, take their fishing rods down to the pond or river, and they play in the yard. And of course there is porch sitting. On our farm, there are lots of little piggies that are tended to as well. 

I finished this piece the same as I did  the Spring on the Farm  piece which was in a Dollar Tree unfinished wooden tray that I painted white. 

I would be so honored if you added this small to your stitch list. You could have it whipped up in a day since it only measures 53 x 53. 

Many of you know that I always leave this disclaimer: I am not a professional designer, and I do not have professional software.  I do have to put each page on separate pdf downloads because of the devices I use. I apologize for that.  Thank you for understanding. 

Click here  for the instruction page. 

Click here for the colored chart. 


Click here for the black and white chart. 


 With "farmhouse" on my mind, I found the cutest free Farmhouse Printables that you might be interested in at the Cottage Market website. Click here  to find 9 sweet free prints that would look so cute framed or used in crafting. 

Thank you so much for visiting me today and allowing me the chance to share a bit of my childhood. It is nice to revisit days gone by even if it through stitching and chatting.  Have a very blessed day, my sweet peeps. And as always...

Happy stitching ya'll


Hey, ya'll! Before I forget, I would love to see your stitch, please tag me on Instagram and use #pinkernpunkinquilting. You can always Direct Message me on IG or email me as well. 

Today is a good day for a good day! Let's make it happen. 

Hugs and Stitches


  1. It's perfect porch sitting weather just now. Our house is on the side of a hill, so it's a great spot for a bit of animal spotting. Thank you so much for sharing all your lovely stitching designs. I'm starting this little beauty over an early morning cuppa. 😊

    1. Aah thank you so much, Sue and I am so thrilled that you are adding it to your stitch list. How fun to be able to sit, stitch and watch for animals. I like to do that in the evening too. Occasionally there will be the deer in the yard or a raccoon. Enjoy your stitch time and thank you so much, dear.

  2. Both cross stitch are lovely. Thanks so much for the pdf, Those 2 will be perfect for a Farm theme quilt. Have a happy day and week.

    1. Thank you so much, Ivani for the sweet visit and comment. I thought so too; I am going to pair these up with one of my chick quilt once they are completed. I hope you are having a very lovely day. Happy stitching

  3. I enjoy reading your blog & thank you for sharing the lovely cross stitch.

    1. Aah you are so welcome and thank you for visiting me and leaving such a kind comment. I hope your day is filled with joy and blessings. Happy stitching.

  4. These are so cute! I'd love to make your cross stitch patterns. Growing up on the farm and near your grandmother sounds wonderful. I never really knew my grandparents, but your grandmother sounds like my great grandmother. I never remember her that she wasn't in the kitchen cooking up something delicious, or sitting in the living room in her rocker with her stitching in her lap.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Marti for your sweet visit and sharing memories of your great grandma. How wonderful to have such memories of her. It always warms my heart to hear about grandparents and hear about the good ole' days. Have a wonderful week and happy stitching.

  5. These are darling - reminds me of my grandmother's place. Her house was like your grandma's except that little section went off the the right towards the back. She also had a barn and a pasture. I would love to make these but change it to her home. Would this be ok with you? Thanks and blessings.

    1. Oh that would be wonderful, Donna to personalize it like your grandma's. How fun and what a treasure that will be. I bet you will do as I have done and have all kinds of great memories come back as you stitch them. Thank you so much for visiting me and I hope you enjoy them. Happy stitching, dear.

  6. That is sooooo adorable next to the ceramic truck with the sheep in it. You are so inspiring!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Kathy. That was a fun little afterthought but they go together so great. I hope you have a fabulous week quilting. Looking forward to your next updates.

  7. Melissa, you are so generous. Love your finish. Kim

    1. Aah thank you so much, Kim. It is a joy to be able to share. I love looking for fun thrifty finishing pieces and Dollar Tree fits the bill for me. Lol. Have a lovely week and happy stitching.

  8. What a great representation of the farm! Adorable!

    1. Thank you so much, Penny. I hope you are doing well and are getting a lot done on your stitching project and Noah's ark quilt. Looking forward to your next update. Happy quilting.

  9. Melisa, your spring farmhouse is darling. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Aah thank you, Robin. This brought back so many fun memories. I just wanted to go out to Nanny's and sit on the porch and stitch awhile. Have a fabulous day and happy stitching

  10. I love that it's based on your grandparent's barn!!! Sew cute!!!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Nancy for the sweet visit and comment. I usually try to incorporate something that reminds me of my grandparent's in my stitching or quilts . It makes them mean so much more. Happy quilting.

  11. Love your newest creation! And the story that goes with it...happy memories! thank you for all the wonderful charts you share with are so generous!

    1. Aah thank you so much. It was a joy to create this one especially since I was thinking of my grandparents. I hope you have a fabulous week and happy stitching, dear. You are always so kind.

  12. You tell such a lovely story. Thank you for sharing

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Maureen. I think I could talk all day long about my grandparents. Lol. We had so much fun visiting them. I hope you have a wonderful week filled with many blessing and thank you for such a sweet visit and comment.

  13. What gorgeous pictures. I loved ready your story about visiting your grandparent's house, Melisa. What a clever way to display your stitching. xx

    1. Why thank you so much, Christine. You are so very kind. I was very close to my grandparents and loved visiting them. This stitch brought back a lot of fond memories. Have a beautiful day.

  14. Both are the cutest and I loved reading your memories behind it. That sounds like a lot of fun from your childhood.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Astrid for visiting me today and for such a sweet comment. This stitch is a lot more special since it is based on my grandparents' home. Working on it brought back lots of warm memories. Have a fabulous day and happy quilting.

  15. Melisa!! O MY! Love this post because you know me and my love of red!!! So darn sweet!! Love the last picture!! Is that a vintage yellow ware bowl????? I have a green yellow ware bowl that is valued at $200 - $300!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. Aah thank you so much for the sweet visit, Deb. I wish that was a real yellow ware bowl. I do have a couple, but this one is a sweet size. Oh my I would love to see your bowl. I have a thing for redware and yellow ware. Hugs

  16. Thank you for the patterns and memories. My Grandmother that lived on the farm died before I was born. I would have loved to sit and embroider, crochet and quilt with her. I wish I could have some of her handmade lye soap. I've bought so called handmade lye soap but it's not the same and it's hard to describe but the smell is nothing like hers. I remember visiting my aunt and she hung her clothes to dry on the clothesline. I helped her gather them and she would sprinkle them with water and I'm kind of foggy on this but I think she put them in the fridge or freezer. Did you ever hear of doing that? If so, why? I was really young then. I've been busy getting my garden ready. I painted my old potting table and put my new cheap vinyl greenhouse over it and secured it. It reached 80 yesterday and today but the greenhouse was 97 so I had to open the door and windows. The tomato plants will love it once they offer them for sale here. Usually I don't plant until June 1st. They say Mother's Day but the past few years have been cold and rainy to where I couldn't plant then. I did plant my Canna's in the ground today and if it doesn't rain like they're predicting I'll set out my onions. Busy busy busy and I'm sooooo give out when I come in. Getting a bit old for this.

    1. Aah thank you so much for the sweetest visit and telling me about your groundmother's farm and your dear aunt. Such lovely memories of days on the farm. I wonder if your aunt sprinkled them with a little water and then put them in the freezer to get the outdoor smell out of them. Hmmm . I am going to try that. How fortunate you are to have a little greenhouse to start your plants out in. I hope hubby will finish mine soon, but it has been standing for a year with no walls. lol. He will get it done soon though. It does sound like you have been very busy. I hope your onions and other veggies do well. I have planted a bit of lettuce but it is not producing like usual. Maybe I will try again. Have a great week and happy gardening.

  17. Your childhood visiting your grandparent's farm sounds idyllic. I can see in my mind's eye you sitting on your Nanny's porch, rocking in the rocking chair laughing with her. Your word pictures bring to life the happiness of the memories swirling around the family farm. Your little cross stitch is so very sweet. It is a perfect partner to your cross stitch barn. LOVE that red truck, too.

    1. Thank you so much, Kim.It was such a joy to go out to Nanny's everyday. Of course she spoiled me rotten being the oldest of 7 grandchildren. Lol. Thank you again for the sweetest comment and visit.

  18. Thank you for sharing your family history. Turning your memories into cross stitch is amazing. I'm currently stitching your green saltbox house and I'll post a photo of it on Instagram. It will be under Smoky Mountain Stitchers.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Calee. I will look for it and so hope you enjoy it. I try to put a little of my family history in every stitch; it makes the piece mean so much more to me. I so appreciate you leaving me such a kind compliment and for stitching me little designs.

  19. Adorable ,merci pour le partage .
    Bonne soirée


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