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Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Miss Lady Love Bug

 A new bug is town!!! A ladybug that is. 🐞

Good morning , Sweet Lovelies ! Is your day off to a very lovely start? I sure hope so. ❤❤🤗

I am starting the day off with a finish! Eeeh ! Time to do the happy dance!!! 💃💃💃 Please join me if you are so inclined. You can't help but smile when you dance. Hee! Hee! 😀

On the 3rd of February , my dear friend, Vicki of Stitchy McFloss shared the most darling freebie design called "Lady Love Bug"  on her blog  . 

As soon as I saw it, I had to whip the darling little gal up. Grabbing what colors I had  on hand, I went to town  !

This little Lady Love Bug is just so sweet.

 In two shakes of a lamb's tail , Lady Love Bug was stitched - well actually in 3 short hours . 

Should I say 3 shakes of a lamb's tail then? Hee! Hee! 🐑🐑🐑

 Now that is a quick stitch. Don't you agree? 


As I stitched her, I reminisced about my Nanny who would get so frustrated when the ladybugs would invade her home during the winter months. She was always trying to shoo those little crawlies away. 🐞🐞🐞. At night , she feared one would fly down and rest upon her as she lay sleeping. I always told her that if a ladybug landed on her it was good luck. "Not for it, " she would say with a spark in her eyes. 😀❤ 

 "Oh, but I do love ladybugs! " I would say. 

 Nanny would just smile with a dust buster in hand. 

"Fly away , Ladybugs! Fly away!", I would say as I waved my arms about.  Hee! Hee!   🐞🐞🐞

Such fond memories. My Nanny was always a hoot and a jokester. I do miss her so. 

Look at those darling glasses. How cute and clever. 


Another  sweet freebie that I stitched from Vicki a couple of years ago was  "Love" . She posted this lovely freebie on Feb. 9, 2022. I finished mine by appliqueing it to a little stuffed fabric heart. I left the top of the stitch open so I could tuck a little love note in it.  

My Pioneer Woman tray is filled to the brim isn't it?  "Love You More" was a freebie from Cathy at Hands on Design. The small "Love " design on the bottom tier is a freebie from The Stitcherhood. 

Well , Sweeties, there is still time to stitch Valentine's .So if you have a chance, pop on over and visit, Vicki. This little gal would be perfect to leave out for spring too. 

Have a fabulous day!!!

 Do ladybugs invade your home come winter time? 

 As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all

You can't have a bad day in polka dots. - Anna Kendrick

Hugs and Stitches and Warm Winter Wishes!!!
Dedicated to my sweet Baby sister, Amy . I love you, Amo.  ❤

Lady Love Bug is a great addition to my wee ladybug collection. 


  1. Loved the freebies - I'm working on one for dh from Hands on Design called With You I am Home and below it stitching an RV that looks like ours. Dd created it in her program - she's so talented! Thank you for the look into your work! Blessings!

    1. Oh how fun,Donna. I plan on working on a Hands on Design piece today. I was thinking of starting "My Heart Leaps Up", her 2014 freebie. I want to stitch the one you are working on too. Oh how exciting that your DD is designing!!! Aaah and a RV stitch- well that is just perfect for you.  Enjoy your day. Hugs. 

  2. What a sweet stitch and finish, Melisa! Well done!

    1. Happy Tuesday, Robin. This was a delightful little gal to work on . I am glad to have a finish for the week! Hee! Hee! . Have a beautiful day. Hugs.

  3. Lady Love Bug is so cute! I love how you finished her and have her sitting on that tiny chair in your display. I'll have to go check out Vicki's site!

    1. Vicki did such a wonderful job creating this beauty. She was a fun gal to work on. I hope you have a fabulous day quilting and stitching away, Diann. Hugs and Blessings.

  4. super cute little lady! ~ and yes...we are inundated with lady bugs! ~ Lori from Notforgotten Farm

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Lori. I am glad to hear that I am not the only one fighting the ladybug battle . Lol. Fortunately , my little ladybugs just linger in one room. Have a blessed day, Lori . Hugs.

  5. Very cute! I love the bow and button finish. We don't have a lot of lady bugs here, but my in-laws in Missouri had lots. My MIL was forever trying to shoo them out.

    1. Oh how interesting, Kate - well that is one battle you do not have to fight. I love ladybugs, but I sure rather see them enjoying the outdoors. LOL. Thank you for the sweet Tuesday visit. Hugs.

  6. Your Valentine stitchy's are so adorable! Now there is a holiday I don't have a lot of decor for! We do get a few lady bugs that invite themselves into our home in winter sometimes. One year was really bad with tons of ladybugs in the fall and winter.

    1. My Valentine decor is slowly growing. I just have one small box, but thankfully I have loads of red items. Hee! Hee! Thankfully our ladybug problem is mild this year; I hope yours is too. Thank you for the sweet visit, Vicki and have a wonderful day in the quilt studio. Hugs.

  7. Love your pretties, Melisa, and aren't PW's dishes just the prettiest! I love your ladybug story, and it reminded me of living in south Texas. For years we were plagued by "love bugs", but when we moved to acreage next to a forest, we not only had love bugs but also beetles that very closely resembled ladybugs called Asian Lady Beetles - not beneficial like ladybugs but invasive! I can't begin to describe to you how bad they were. They would get into our storage shed and die, and there were literally inches of little carcasses everywhere - UGH! They also liked to congregate on our windows and then die on our decking, and yes, dozens of them would get into the house. Oh I don't miss them! So now, when I see a ladybug I saw a prayer of deep gratitude for those gentle, beneficial creatures.

    1. Oh how interesting, Linda. I am going to have to look up Asian Lady Beetles. Our "ladies " seem to do what your beetles do. They crawl around on the ceilings and near the sink and then die. Everyday I am brushing up little carcasses. Hmm I wonder if ours is Asian lady beetles? Thankfully, we just have a mild case of ladybugs this year. I am looking forward to warming weather when they will go outside. Hee! Hee! Thank you for the sweet Tuesday visit, Linda. Hugs.

  8. Melisa, she is stinkin adorable. No we don’t have many lady bugs around my neck of the woods, but I love seeing them when they are around. Thanks for sharing. ❤️🤗

    1. Oh how interesting, Patti. I see them year round here. I definitely would rather seem them in the wild than in my home though. Hee! Hee! I had a fabulous time stitching this little bug though. She brings a smile to my day. Have a wonderful day, sweet friend. Hugs.

  9. You have really brought her to "life" with your amazing stitching and finishing sweet friend! Thank you for stitching her! Thank you also for all the kind words and most of all, for your sweet friendship, too. Blessings sweet friend, always. :)

    1. Oh Vicki, she was such a joy to stitch and brought back so many fond memories of my Nanny. You are super talented and so generous. Thank you for bringing joy and sunshine into my day! Big Hugs!

  10. Replies
    1. She was a fun little gal to work on , Isabel. Hope you are having a wonderful day. Hugs and Blessings.

  11. This is adorable. She looks like an angel! Love it!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Brenda. I thought she looked like an angel too. Vicki creates the most darling designs. Hugs.

  12. Love the memories about lady bugs! Glad you are settling in at home.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Deb. My Nanny was always battling the ladybugs. LOL. I wish you a very lovely week. Hugs.

  13. Well, now I know - it take a lamb a whole hour to shake its tail once. :) Cute design...again!

    1. LOL. That's one slow moving lamb isn't it? Hee! Hee! Thank you so much, Kim. I had a great time stitching this little gal.

  14. I do love ladybugs, too. Funny to hear your stories about your grandma and ladybugs. I get it, as when we lived in Iowa we had millions of them in the fall. Not at our home now, so I can love them again!

    1. I have an affection for ladybugs too. I had never heard of ladybugs getting in the house until my Nanny started having problems with them. Now it is a common thing around here. But I still love them. Thank you for the sweet visit, Nancy.

  15. What a sweet stitch! I need to do this for my daughter who I call my ladybug. I have always seen them as beneficial bugs, so I have no problem seeing them hang around. They eat aphids and other garden pests. They can even be bought from gardening companies.

    1. Aaah this would be a darling stitch for your daughter, Ginny. I love ladybugs. I used to read the book "Grouchy Ladybug " to my grandsons. My oldest always loved it. They would want to go outside and searched for ladybugs and maybe find them eating aphids. Lol. You brought back sweet memories, Ginny, Thank you. Hugs.

  16. A lovely and sweet design with a Valentine's ladybug. I sometimes get a few ladybugs inside the living room, I don't know how they manage to get in there, but they get there. They don't bother me though, I like them!

    1. This was a fun little gal to stitch, Diana. I am not like my Nanny in respect to ladybugs. I adore them. I have a few in my house too. They like the kitchen for some reason. Have a wonderful week and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.


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