Blog Archive

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Home Again! Home Again Jiggety Jig!

Well I made it! That is I made it home!!!  πŸ˜πŸ˜€

 Welcome ,y'all and Happy happy Sunday. Did you know that I was gone? LOL.  You may or may not have .  Hee! Hee!  

 Mr. Pinker and I set off on a fun filled winter camping trip on New Year's Day. Of course, I had a number of prescheduled posts here on the blog, but alas, I could not pop in with you  during the trip because we had no WiFi  and this ole' gal does not blog or have email access using her phone. I was able to get on the internet to visit my sweet blogging buddies ,and of course , drool over their project, but alas again I could not comment. Please forgive me. 

Anywhoo! We made our way down I-40 to the great state of Arizona looking for some warmer weather for the month of January and part of February. 

We were flying by the seat of our pants like we always do with no real plans set in stone- that's how an adventure begins! Don't you think? 

 We had a few sunny days and a few rainy day, but all of the time spent on vacation was a fabulous adventure. 

Big Red and our old camper did well on the vacation.  We added solar to it this year. 200 watts. 

One night  near Craggy Wash, we saw mountain climbers climb this rock  mountain . Yes, they started at dusk and made their way up to the top at night πŸ˜²πŸŒœπŸ”¦. We watched their flashlights go up, up, up!!! I wonder if they camped  at the top that night. Hmm, I am not sure, but isn't it a pretty view ?

At Saddle Mountain , we hiked to find the petroglyphs.

It was a gloomy day at Saddle Mountain, but there were lots of lovely campsites there.

 At first we walked right past them, but soon we weaved our way among the rocks to locate these curious etchings.  I wonder what story this drawing tells? 

Some other highlights were visiting historical sites like the Scadden House in Quartzite. 

And visiting the London Bridge in Lake Havasu City. 

You can drive or walk across the London Bridge . We did both. This is the lovely view from the bridge of the Bridgewater Channel Canal. 

In Quartzite , there were lots of labrintyhs and rock structures created by campers, but you have to search for them. 

Of course , we were always looking for wildlife. 
Outside of Parker, AZ, we kept a close eye out for wild burros that might be on the road. 

Soon we spotted this mama and her baby. Aren't they just the sweetest?   They made me miss Elmer and Edna, our donkeys.  Lol.πŸ΄πŸ€— 

We visited many wildlife refuges including Kofa, Bill Williams River, Havasu , Cibola and Imperial Refuges. 

Cibola Refuge is where we saw the most wildlife.

Lots of migratory birds including Canadian geese and sandhill cranes

A spry doe leaped across some fields and across the road as we made our way back to camp . 

Pelicans at Monticello Reservoir in Mount Pleasant, ,TX

There were not too many hair raising moments on this trip except a couple. 😏😳

At Ironwood Forest National Monument, we did it again!!! That is we traveled down Silverbell Road which is 12 miles of rough riding.  Mr. Pinker almost tore the jack off of the camper. Oh boy!!!! Was that scary.  Every time we go in this area , we tempt the fates and go down this long road. When will we learn. Hee! Hee! I think we did this time. 😁

Our view at the campsite at Ironwood Forest National Monument. 

The 2nd hair raising moment is when I almost got lost for a moment  in the sea of saguaro and cacti near Oracle, AZ.


Soon I found the fence line and followed it back to the camper.

Aaah! There is home sweet home!   

Each evening we were delighted with the most glorious sunsets. 

I did work on a few quilting projects as we camped. I will show you those in the upcoming days. When I was not exploring or quilting, I worked on my travel journal where I eagerly wrote the adventures of the day. When I finish it , I may show it to you. 

So now it is time for me to unpack my duds and get to those "end of the trip chores". Yikes so much to do! And guess what else I have to do?   Oh, I am almost embarrassed to say it- πŸ˜–πŸ˜³πŸ˜Š  Eeeek! I have to put up my Christmas decor!!  Yep, we flew out of here so quick after Christmas that there was no way to have time to put up all of that. So you know I am going to be a busy gal.   

Perhaps by evening time, I can relax and work on my Alabama Beauty quilt. 

I bought this quilt top in 2023 at the World's Longest Yard Sale. 

 I would like to move the hoop here soon. 

This will be my 15 a  minute a day project as well.  

Thank you for all of the sweet messages , comments , and visits on my January blog posts. Have a wonderful day, Sweeties and .... 

As Always....

Happy stitching, Y'all


"The world is filled with adventure- all you have to do is find it. "

Hugs and Stitches!!!!

A heart rock I found in the desert.  Every day I looked for a sign in rememberance of my sister. 

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy . I love and miss you!!❤πŸ’“

Love ya till the cows come home!!!

This cow was enjoying the cool wet day in Ironwood Forest National Monument. 

Please forgive me as it will take a few days to catch up. Hopefully, I will be in the groove soon! 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Joy at Days Filled with Joy for This and That


  1. Welcome home - you've been missed! What a wonderful adventure. It's nice to know you enjoyed Arizona as much as you did. I enjoy living in AZ

    1. Aaah Happy Sunday, Darlene and thank you so much. I am so touched to be missed. We had a wonderful time in your beautiful state and I am sure we will be back very soon. The photos do not do the beauty justice. I hope 2024 has been treating you well. Have a wonderful day! Hugs.

  2. Welcome back. Oooh I am a bit jealous. I always wanted to go to Arizona. But a 10h flight? Wait and see. What a wonderful time you had and I read your post with great interest.
    Have a happy sunday and greetings from far away, Gabi

    1. Oh thank you so much, Gabi. I sure hope that you get to visit, Arizona in the near future. You will not be disappointed by all of the beauty. It was a very relaxing trip and we enjoyed escaping to warmer weather. Have a lovely evening. Hugs.

  3. Sounds like a fun trip, minus the scary parts of the adventures. Hope you can get all the end of trip stuff and the catching up at home stuff done in short order and can get back to your regular schedule.

    1. It sure was a lot of fun, Kate. It seems like we always have a mishap on our vacations but I guess that is par the course. Lol. I am hoping to get all of the chores completed too. I took a little break earlier to enjoy some time at the sewing machine. It was nice to piece a bit having been away so long. Have a great evening. Hugs.

  4. Welcome Back! I see you had a wonderful time - Would love to be able to camp like that - spur of the moment, on BLM land, etc. I think dh is trying that out this year. Thanks for sharing all those pics - I'd show them to dh but that would make him get back on the road all that much sooner - and I have quilts to finish! LOL Love your AL Beauty. What a great "rescue" - looking forward to seeing your progress. Blessings!

    1. It was a grand adventure, Donna and the longest we have ever stayed out boondocking. I hope you do give it a try sometime. In the summer time, we usually head for the mountains because it is cooler. This trip certainly was a learning experience. I can not wait to hear where y'all decide to visit this year. Have a Blessed evening and thank you for dropping by for a visit. Hugs.

  5. It looks like your adventure out west was grand, Melisa. Glad you are back! I have missed you! Your quilt top is looking good.

    1. Oh it was, Robin. We had days that we would go out and explore and other days we would just relax at camp puttering around. But it is good to back. I missed you too, sweet friend:)! I hope you have a had a lovely day. Hugs from the holler.

  6. Welcome home, Melisa! Looks like you had an amazing trip. I love that desert landscape! Coming home from a trip can almost be more work than packing up to go - hope it doesn't take you too long to get back into the swing of things.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Diann. You are so right about the work on unpacking- it is not as much fun as packing for the trip either . Hee! Hee! I finally got all of the clothes washed. I still have a few bags of projects to unpack. I certainly took more than I needed. I am hoping I can get back in my routine very soon. Stay warm and cozy and enjoy your evening stitching. Hugs.

  7. Melisa, I loved hearing about your travel journey. It sure makes me wish we were traveling full time again. It gets in your blood and won’t go away. Thanks for sharing with us. Have a wonderful day. ❤️πŸ€—

    1. Oh , Patti, I know what you mean. It is good to be home but hubby and I have already started planning our next trip. If it was me I would probably stay on the road all the time. I hope you have some trips planned for this year even if they are for a short time. Have a wonderful evening, dear friend. Hugs.

  8. Missed you! Your trip looks amazing. Thanks for sharing the pictures with this home body.

    1. Aaaah thank you so much, Maureen. That means the world to me that I was missed and I am so very touched that you enjoyed the photos. I wish they could do the area justice in its beauty. Wishing you a wonderful evening and a week filled with Blessings. Hugs.

  9. What a wonderful trip Melisa!! I'm glad you and Mr. Pinker had a great adventure, I love all the pics, especially the sunset one. Glad to have you back!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Diana. We had such a wonderful time. It was relaxing to get away and we were able to see a lot as well. It is a beautiful area to visit especially for the winter. I hope you have been doing well these last few weeks. I know you have been keeping busy. Have a wonderful evening. Hugs and Blessings.

  10. What a fantastic trip! How lovely it all looks!!!!

    1. Aah thank you so much , dear. It was like a dream come true for me. I have never camped that long before . It was very relaxing indeed. Thank you for dropping by and have a wonderful week. Hugs.

  11. Welcome back to your sweet home, Melisa. I have missed you and your blogs but oh just look at all the pictures of your adventure!! But, you did have many fun and wonderful blogs to keep us all entertained. Yes, we do have magnificent sunrises and sunsets her in Arizona. I have been to all of those places and was remembering how much fun and true beauty this beautiful country has to offer just for the looking. My son has been hinting that we need to take a tour of our state this year and I am more then ready!! Sending you many warm hugs and much love from sunny(today) Arizona.

    1. Oh, Mary, you do live in such a beautiful state. It has been a couple of years since we had visited and I have never been there during the winter time. I enjoyed every minute of our visit there. Oh, how exciting ! I do think you need to tell your son you are packing your bags and ready to hit the road when he is! Hee! Hee! . Y'all would have a wonderful adventure . We have came back home to a few rainy days, but hopefully the sun will peek out this week. I am missed the warmth of the AZ sun. Have a wonderful evening. Warm hugs and Blessings.

  12. Happy that you had a fun and safe trip and got to see and enjoy so much--but you were missed and all your little newsy blog post so it was a bit boring while you where gone--glad you are back--remember to take 'rest' breaks while getting everything back in shape!!!
    hugs, di

    1. Oh, thank you so much, Di. It warms my heart to have been missed. We did have a great time though. I definitely will need to take a few rest breaks while trying to get all of these chores completed. I have to admit I am just dying to get back to the more time on the sewing machine and working on stitching . Lol. Have a great evening and a wonderful week. Hugs.

  13. Welcome Home!!! You've definitely been missed but what fun adventures you had. I'm so glad you found your way back to Old Red. Those cacti look ginormous and you wouldn't want to hang out with them for ever. Lol!

    1. Aaah I am so touched that I was missed, Susie. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Lol. I was about to panic when I got lost; time and space seemed to get away from me when I was walking and exploring. I would see a saguaro I would want to photograph and off I would go. Thank goodness I spotted that fence. LOL. Have a wonderful week, sweet friend. Hugs.

  14. Looks like you had a fabulous trip--lovely photos--thanks for the virtual trip;))))
    Your quilt is so beautiful--i am hoping to get back to my crochet--to start with anyway--as my hands do seem better--Welcome Home;))) hugs, Julierose

    1. Julierose, I am so glad that your hands are feeling better. If you are like me, I bet you feel a bit lost without having a project in hand. LOL. We had a great trip; now I just need to get back into my routine . I will be in the swing of things soon. Have a wonderful week and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  15. Your away trip sounds fantastic! Welcome home!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Gretchen. We had a wonderful winter trip. It was the longest I have ever camped. It felt a little strange to be home. Lol. It is good to get back and begin working on my projects though. Have an awesome evening. Hugs.

  16. What a great vacation with lots of interesting adventures! Always good to be home though. Happy quilting! Gail at the cozy quilter.

    1. Oh Gail , it was a great vacation.We were lucky enough to visit a lot of places as well. But yes, it is good to be home for a spell. I am so excited to get back to my needle and thread. Thank you for dropping by for a sweet visit. Hugs.

  17. Welcome home, Melisa!! Sounds like you had a very enjoyable vacation! We missed you but glad you had a chance to get away and enjoy yourselves. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos with us. I think it would be a fun trip except for that rough, winding road! LOL Glad to see you working on Alabama Beauty!

    1. Good evening, dear Brenda and Happy Sunday. I am so touched that I was missed that means the world to me. I missed chatting with you as well. I was able to read your posts and see your pretties, but alas could not comment. We had a grand time, but that rough road was the pits. It took us several hours to get out of there traveling at a snail's pace, but it sure was pretty area to explore. Have a wonderful evening. I hope it is not raining in your neck of the woods. Hugs.

  18. Oh wow, sounds like lots of fun and adventures in your trip following the warmth and sun, Melisa. Fabulous photos. Enjoy quilting Alabama Beauty. She's a beauty.

    1. It was a delightful vacation, Kim. This was our 1st time to visit AZ in the winter time. We had a few cold days, but for the most part it was warmer than it was at home which was so nice. Thank you for the sweet visit and I hope you had a very lovely day knitting. Hugs.

  19. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip!! We have missed checking in with you, but knew you were enjoying some time on your adventure!! That quilt is beautiful!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear. Hubby and I had a fabulous time; I have my fingers crossed that we will be able to visit again next winter. It is nice to be home though. I am hoping to get all my chores completed so I can relax with my needle and thread here soon. Have a Blessed evening. Hugs.

  20. Welcome back! I missed your chats. Sounds like you had a wonderful vacation. I enjoyed reading about your adventures.

    1. Happy Monday, dear Joy . I can not tell you how much it means to me to be missed; it certainly warms my heart . Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It seems like the month of January flew by while on vacation. But I am glad to be home . Hopefully I will be settled in my daily routine soon. Have a blessed day, dear. Hugs

  21. Welcome back Melisa! Some of that rock art looks a big like a cross stitch pattern - lol! Your photos are so interesting to me. We used to hike in New Mexico a lot, and we took our kids to places in Arizona, mostly northern. I LOVE southwest topography, history, and weather. So feel free to post more photos!

    1. Happy Monday, dear Linda. I hope the new year has been treating you well. I find the petroglyphs so interesting too; they do remind me of cross stitch. Lol. I bet you have many fond memories with the kiddos in NM. NM is our favorite state; we go there every year. I am fascinated with the the landscape and the colors of the southwest too. So different from where I live . LOL. I wish you a wonderful week; thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs

  22. Welcome home! Even with all the fun adventures, I bet it felt good to be home after such an extended trip! Lovely pictures of so many amazing things! The journal is a great idea to put your memories into.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Ginny. It is good to be home. I hope you have been doing well these last few weeks. I am sure you have been staying busy. How's the weather in your neck of the woods? I hope old man winter has not been to harsh this year. I had a great time on vacation. I have been pouring over the journal these last few days. It will be a great help when I label my photos that's for sure. Have a wonderful day , sweet friend. Hugs.

  23. Welcome back, Melisa!
    I'm glad you enjoyed these days of rest and adventure.

    1. Happy Monday, dear Isabel. We had a delightful time while on vacation. We saw a lot of sites and had several days of relaxation as well. It is so nice to be home to be home though. I wish you a wonderful week ; thank you for the sweet Monday visit. Hugs.

  24. C'est un vrai plaisir de vous lire et dΓ©couvrir votre pays.

    1. Aaah thank you very kindly, Gigitte. It was a very beautiful area to explore especially during the wintertime. I am looking forward to visiting AZ again soon. I wish you a wonderful day. Hugs.

  25. Glad you had a great trip and happy that you had a fabulous trip! What an experience you and Mr. Pinker had. I can't believe he drove the truck and camper down that road. . .then again. . .he is a farmer. . .farmers know how to get to the end no matter what obstacles are in front of them!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Lol. Terry we have been down the road before in an SUV but we decided to go again. I think this time it was a little rougher. But he would get out and move rocks around in the washes so we could get up the dips smoothly. He was glad to leave that area behind. LOL. Thank you for the sweet Tuesday visit. Have a fabulous day. Hugs.

  26. Welcome home! Sounds like a wonderful vacation.

    1. Aaah thank you very much, Sara. It was a fun adventure and our 1st visiting AZ during the winter time. Now it is time to enjoy time in my sewing room though. LOL. Have a beautiful day. Hugs.

  27. You had a marvelous trip, so nice to see photos of places you visited, and pics of all the birds. Getting back home a d unpacking, putting things away, cleaning, always takes some time.

    1. We had a wonderful time, Jenny. It was very relaxing to get away. You are so right on taking time to getting things back in order. I am still working on cleaning and unpacking. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  28. What a wonderful adventure with your honey! I love your descriptions and can "hear" the enthusiasm in your words. Of course, the pictures tell an incredible tale, especially to those of us who have not visited the area. Take care getting back in the routine.

    1. Aah thank you so much. We had such a wonderful time; it is taking me a bit longer to get back in my usual routine after being gone so long. LOL. I wish you a very lovely week and thank you again for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  29. Fun review of your memorable trip, Melisa!!! I enjoyed all the animal photos, especially the burros, and the labyrinths. I can't imagine why they were climbing at dusk! Fun sighting though! And how did that trailer hitch nearly get taken off? I'm trying to imagine!!!

    1. We had a wonderful trip, Nancy. I was hoping to see the wild burros when I saw the sign on the road. Looking for wildlife is my favorite part of the trip. There were lots of dips and large rocks on the road . I guess hubby just hit the wrong dip and the jack of the camper hit the ground. I didn't feel it, but he did. After that we stopped several times to build up rocks so we could drive over them. It was a bit hairy there for awhile. LOL. But we got out safely and did not have to be pulled out. Hee! Hee! Thank you for dropping by. Hugs.

  30. It looks like you had a wonderful time! I love seeing photos of other places in the world, so thanks for sharing them with us! Your quilting is beautiful! Thanks for joining in on Monday This and That! xx

    1. We did have a great time, Joy. It was very relaxing too. I look forward to going back perhaps in the summer. Thank you for dropping by and I wish you a lovely week. Hugs.

  31. Welcome back Melisa! You did a fantastic trip, such lovely sceneries, and even some scarry moments ;) Hopefully your camper is red, easier to spot it in the middle of the desert!
    Thank you for sharing last week, and sorry to be so late to visit!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Frederique. We had a wonderful time and look forward to going back. The red truck did make it easier to spot . I told hubby we needed a flag like a lot of the other campers had flying high. It would be easy to spot too while we are exploring. Thank you for dropping by for a visit. Have a lovely weekend.


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