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Sunday, March 14, 2021

Porch Stitching, Trifles, and Chicken Wings

Happy Sunday, dear friends. How has your weekend been? I hope fabulous. Please join me on the porch for a little porch stitching and chatting. 

Please, please , grab a cookie or two.  
The table is all set. May I offer you some tea? 
Today has been a glorious day. It was warm with the sun shining through the clouds. Birds have been chirping, and bees have been buzzing. My family celebrated my girls' birthdays; I can not believe they are grown. We just had hot dogs and chips-  a simple little gathering. 
Later, I took a stroll around the yard. Flowers are blooming, and I even saw a few honeybees on the periwinkle. 

More buttercups are blooming through the ivy. 

I can  not tell you how excited I get with the bloom of each flower.

The grass is getting a little greener. We will have to mow soon. I worked a bit on cleaning some beds out today. 

Lots of projects are out on the swing including some applique, quilting and stitching. 
My chickens are getting their wings today and hopefully the eyes later. 

Just a few more chickens to go. 

I pulled out my Dogwood quilt to work on while sitting on the porch. This vintage quilt top was purchased at the Goodwill for only $3.99 a couple of years ago.


 It has my favorite vintage green fabric in it.  In the 36 patches, I am quilting large dogwood blossoms. 

I am still contemplating on what to do with the bee skep blocks. I thought I had it figured out early this week, but have changed my mind. Hmm  I really need some inspiration.  This project is on the agenda this week. 
Later tonight I will continue working on Abby Rose Designs " Joyful Heart". I think I have made good progress for week 1 . 

Well let me tell you about my cookies. Though I have made them into little ornaments or fobs, I call them cookies because of their shape and size. They are so teeny but cute - well , at least to me. 

This is Sheep Trifle and Bunny Trifle, and they are small!!!. They only measure 19 x 19 . I stitched mine on 14 count aida which brought the stitch size to about 1 3/8" . 
If you would like to stitch them,  just click on the pdfs below. They are just quick stitches. 

Click here for the Sheep Trifle. 

Click here for the Bunny Trifle

Two others that I have stitched in the past were St. Patty's Trifle and Love Trifle  . 

Sunday has always been a "visiting day" in my family. We used to go over to my Nanny's; eat a bite of Sunday dinner or enjoy a slice of Lemon bundt cake or some other sweets like Buttermilk Salad ( Nanny made that a lot) .

 We would then sit on the porch and watch the cows  in the field and wave at an occasional car that would pass by.   I sure do miss those days.  
With that,I want to tell you how much I appreciate your sweet visits and hope that you will come again real soon.  Have a fantastic week, ya'll and as always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll

I am joining these lovely ladies in their link parties as they come available. I know they would love for you to visit. You will find lots of inspiration. 
Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday
Beth at Love Laugh Quilt for Monday Making
Judy at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Hugs and Stitches!!!


  1. Your garden is beautiful. I did a bit of garden work too but I am not a natural gardener. Your little cookies are so very cute. Hav you ever done a tutorial on finishing them? It looks like you know how to make the finished "cookie" look terrific.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Bonnie. I still have a lot of work to do in the gardens,but it is fun to see signs of springs. Thank you for the suggestion on a tutorial that is a great idea. They are a lot of fun to make and I can stitch and finish them in less than an hour. Well I hope you have a great week and you get in a lot of quilting.

  2. It's always so pleasant to sit outside, admire the flowers and do a little stitching. I love your chicken quilt!
    I've been enjoying some outside stitching time, its Autum here but the last few days have been very mild and warm.

    1. Hi, Jenny. I agree; I love to be able to take my stitching outside especially when there is wildlife to keep you entertained .I am so glad you have been able to enjoy some stitching outside too. Have a fabulous week .

  3. I get so excited when I see a blogpost from you, as they are always so inspirational! Our weather is behind yours and we are just seeing shoots pop up out of the ground, not much green yet. Your quilts make me want to try hand quilting some of my vintage ones and those I make myself, instead of quick machine quilting. I will definitely stitch up these new cookies—I’ve already done the love and St Patty’s trifles and made them into little ornaments using vintage cookie/jello molds and beads. Thank you for sharing your creativity! I hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. You sure made my day with the sweetest compliment. Thank you so much, dear. I am amazed how much my plants have grown this week so hopefully yours will shoot up quickly soon. Oh my that is a darling idea on jello molds for these stitches. I am so glad that you are enjoying them. Have a fabulous week . Hugs

  4. Oh my, such a pretty garden. I love ivy-covered areas. How sweet with the buttercups peeking through. To sit on a porch is a most wonderful thing watching the day go by. I cannot believe you found the lovely Dogwood quilt top in a thrift shop. Such a fabulous find.

    1. Thank you so much, Kim. I can not wait for all the flowers to come up, though my garden is not as lovely as yours. We live on a chert hill in the holler so any dirt for flowers has to be brought in. It is always a joy to sit outside and stitch the day away. Have a lovely week and hope you get to spend a lot of time on your garden quilt.

  5. You have lots of lovely things to keep you busy and creatively productive.

    1. Lol thank you so much, Tammy. I always surround myself with a variety of projects . It helps keep me busy and ward off the boredom. I hope you have a very lovely day and thank you so much for the sweet visit.

  6. Your cookies look delightful, Melisa! Loved seeing your blooms in your yard especially the periwinkle. So pretty! It sounds like you had a most enjoyable weekend!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. It was a fabulous weekend. We have periwinkle all over the yard. I was searching for some honey bees and success! They were all over the periwinkle.

  7. What a sweet post! We grew up visiting on Sundays, too. I miss those times. I love the bright maple leaf quilt and your cute little chickens. The antique quilt was an incredible find! I’m glad it went to someone who will love and respect it. Thanks for the cute “cookie” patterns! They are adorable!

    1. Why thank you so much for the sweet visit. That little Maple Leaf Quilt was another thrifty find that I quilted. I am always searching the thrift stores hoping I will find a quilt or top. I hope you have a wonderful week.

  8. Your cookies are stinkin adorable. I always save your post to look at for last because I always get lost checking out your blog. Your chicken quilt (really all of them) is so cute. I am in awe of all the things you get done. You have a beautiful day and just enjoy all your pretties. ❤️♥️❤️♥️

    1. You are so sweet , Patti. Thank you so much for warming my heart and bringing a big ole' smile to my face. I am constantly piddling around the house trying to be productive as my daughter says. I just wish I had more hours in the day . Lol. Thank you again for visiting. Your sweet comments always brighten my day. Hugs.

  9. Well, it certainly looks like spring has sprung in your part of the USA, Melisa! We have some greener grass, but that's about it... Maybe in a couple weeks we'll be treated to some spring flowers--I do love them. Just wish they stayed around longer.

    Your little cookies are darling--definitely can't stop with just one :) Love seeing your quilts and hearing about an easier kinder way of life like you enjoyed visiting your grandmother. Hope you have a lovely week ahead ♥

    1. Thank you so much for visiting , Carol. It is amazing how much the yard has greened up in just a week. I planted marigolds in a couple of pots last week and I looked today and saw they are peeking through the dirt. Have a lovely week and hope warmer weather and spring blooms arrive in your area soon. Hugs.

  10. Thanks so much for sharing so much with us! I always look forward to seeing your little vignettes in your photos. I love the chicken quilt! What pattern is the chicken applique?

    1. You are so welcome and thank you for the sweetest comment. I love piddling around and displaying my stitching and quilts though I have to confess I may have too many of both. Lol. I am enjoying the Chicken Quilt. It is one that I designed. I would gladly share the applique pattern. I will make a note to share it on this Sunday's post just in case you are interested. I drew out another design for a smaller one last night. I'm a little chicken obsessed too. Well , thank you again for the sweet visit and have a great week.


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