Blog Archive

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

A Parade of Homes

Happy Tuesday , dear friends. I thought would start off the year with a parade- a parade of homes  that is. These are designs that I have shared over the last few years.  I have tried to organize them by a month or theme.  If you see any that you are interested in knowing more, about click on the colored text ,and you will magically be taken back to that post. I hope you enjoy.  


Winter Manor

Winter Saltbox

A Cold Winter's Day- Dot's Saltbox

Prim Winter Blessings


Dorothy Mae's Spring House

Elizabeth Hartline's Saltbox

Elizabeth Hartline's Saltbox is nestled in a darling tobacco basket ornament gifted to me by sweet Shelly. 

Love Grows Here

Filled With Love This is a smaller piece 





Summer House  is a larger piece. 

Little Liberty Manor ( This is a smaller piece) 

Mollie William's Homestead with Sarah Jane's 1776 Saltbox  and Freedom Saltbox



1803 Autumn Home  This is a larger house



Candy Corn House with Autumn's Saltbox

 The Blessing House




Can you guess which are the most popular? Well  over the past year 

#1 is Spring Green Saltbox 

#2 Crow Creek Saltbox which was my 1st saltbox. 

# Christmas Eve Saltbox

It is always hard for me to choose a favorite particularly since so many of them are named after my family members, but as of right now - Pumpkin Blossom Inn, The Strawberry Saltbox, and Mollie William's Homestead rank high in my heart- a couple of different ones than last year

If I have missed any of the houses that should be in the parade, please let me know. 

Thank you so much for stopping by and looking at my little village.Have a wonderful day, Sweeties. 

As always...

 Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll

Love makes a house a home. 

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗❤🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I love and miss you, Amo. 


  1. Oh my Gosh Melisa, that is not fair. So many nice houses to stitch. One nicer than the other. When should I stitch them all? And when should I do my housework? Grrrr.
    Well, I decide to do one stitch after the other and then, one day I have stitched them.
    Have a great week and warm greetings, Gabi

  2. Such a precious parade of homes! Thank you so much for sharing. The pattern details are amazing!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  3. I do love a parade and your parade of houses/homes is my favorite! I've stitched several but seriously need to stitch lots more!!!

  4. I love your parade of homes - much more than the ones offered around our area! ;-) And there's Aunt Mariah's Autumn Saltbox - definitely on my list for the summer - so it'll be ready for the fall! ;-) Thank you so very very much! Blessings!

  5. What a fun post to view and read this morning, Melisa! Hard to pick a favorite!

  6. I love all your wonderful houses Melisa! I have to say the Turkey Holler Saltbox is probably my favorite. Thank you for the parade of homes. :D

  7. Thank you for generosity in sharing all of your houses. It is hard to decide which is my favorite.

  8. What a wonderful parade! If I had to pick, I think the Gingerbread house would be my favorite.

  9. Well, that was a blast!!! Each house is a beautiful home!!!

  10. I love when you do a parade of homes. There's so many more I need to stitch. Thank you so much for sharing.

  11. Such a lot of beautifully stitched houses, I especially like Christmas Eve.

  12. You have quite the portfolio of real estate there, Melisa! All are amazing! Now, if I have to choose a favourite, Strawberry Saltbox would be mine.

  13. I'm so glad you did this. I want to make all your saltbox houses and I only have a few done. Thank you! Love these!

  14. What a collection of adorable little homes. Thank you for designing these and so generously sharing them with all of us. So far I have only stitched one, but I see several more that might need to be in my 24 plans.

  15. Thank you for the parade of houses! They are all unique and I find it difficult to pick a favorite. If I had to, it would be Aunt Betty's, Winter Manor or Winter Saltbox. Have a wonderful New Year!

  16. Thanks for the lovely parade of homes, Melisa!! I love them all!

  17. You are so awesome to share your talents with us! I hope to get all of your wonderful houses done someday. Thank you so much and made you have a blessed New Year.

  18. Who doesn't love a parade?! I can not pick one favorite house. I like different parts to all of them and if I had the chance to live in any of them, I wouldn't turn it down! You're so creative and generous. Are you home now? If not, still having fun?

  19. I love the parade! You have created so many treasures. It's so impressive and then you share them with all of us. So generous! Thank you!

  20. Thank you so much for all you do for us stitchers! Your work is amazing and I LOVE your designs! Hope you have an awesome 2024! Thanks again!

  21. Such a fun collection of houses! It is hard to pick a favorite. I may have to start back up on cross stitch, some of these would be such fun to make as a sampler.

  22. I dearly love all the little houses, especially the saltbox houses. Think I will begin with the winter houses. Hope I can do all of them. You are so talented and I can't wait to read your blog each week.

  23. Wow! Such an amazing parade of homes--and each one designed by Miss Melisa! Just wonderful. Favorites? You know me--I love my blues so the Winter Saltbox and the Blueberry Buckle Lane are mine :) Thank you for sharing your talent with all of us, my friend ♥

  24. I love all of your houses. I couldn't possibly pick a favorite. I have made 7 of them and plan to make more this year. Thank you so much for your generosity.

  25. Hi Melisa
    Oh what a beautiful parade! You never cease to amaze me. 🤗🤗😀

  26. I found your wonderful blog and fell in love with stitching your salt box patterns - I am stitching month by month! I have also started several other patterns of yours because they are all so beautiful and fun! On your home page right now there is a salt box of a patriotic house that is a rust color and lots of red, white & blue banners and red, white & blue flowers that I have not seen a pattern for. I would love to stitch that house because it is so adorable.


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