Blog Archive

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Yo Yoing Around

Good morning, Sweet Peas and Happy Sunday! Can I interest you in a slice of  ooey gooey Peanut Butter Reeses  pie and a beverage of your choice?  

The Peanut Butter Pie Recipe is basically the same as the Snicker's Pie Recipe that I shared  you just change out the chocolates. 

Aaah come on, its is very yummy and hey! πŸ˜€We can all go out on the porch and enjoy chatting and stitching away on the  swing. Wouldn't that be delightful?  πŸ€—

Yes, that is my Easter Quilt Still in the works as is Little House Needlework's Sampler Stitchers.  Those projects are hanging on.πŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒ

Oh look! The daffodils are coming up. Spring is on its way!  I am doing the "Spring Happy Dance"! Can you tell that I am excited to see a sign of warmer weather?

We are usually about 2 weeks behind in growth in the holler compared to just a hop , skip and jump down the road. 

 The box stores and garden centers are putting out their seeds  so that means it is time to start planning the garden. Well Miss Cheapskate aka Me picked up my seed packets at Dollar Tree for just a quarter. I have always had great luck with Dollar Tree seeds, and I do not plan to make a change now. Hee! Hee!  


 I only found one packet of gourd seeds at Wally World. So I am still on a mission to find  birdhouse gourd seeds. I am looking forward to visiting the Mennonite community in the upcoming months. I bet I will be able to find what I need there. 

I pulled out my Spring Stamp Sampler which I shared last year.  


On the big red garden bench is my yo yo quilt that I have been working on since 2016. I do believe today would be a perfect day to work on it.  Have you ever made a yo yo quilt? They are so easy and quite charming. 

I will be cutting more fabrics to create these sweet round discs today. I am using the lid of an old cheese crock as a template. Some of my yo yos are wonky, but I am okay with that. It is all about enjoyment of the needle and thread for me. 

Several more 100 to go on this yo yo quilt. I am going to make a full sized coverlet. When I have a variety of colors, I take a break from making yo yos and sew them into rows of 10 x 10. Soon I will connect the panel of 100 to continue a row. 


1. Stitch, Stitch, Stitch!!!  πŸ˜€

2. Work on finishing some of my cross stitches. 

3. I do have to make some more yo yos.

4. Continue working on March's Heart Doodle

5. Continue working on Lori of Notforgotten Farm's freebie  My Primitive Heart.   Thank you  Lori πŸ€—

This is my newest "Save the Stitches" I found this embroidery finished in a hoop at the Goodwill. 


Alrighty, I have a date with a needle and thread. I better get busy ! May your day be filled with joy  and blessings. ❤

As Always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Find something you are passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it. - Julie Childs

Hugs and Stitches!!!!πŸ€—πŸ§΅❤

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. Today would be even more special if you were here. . I love and miss you so much.. Love you , Amo. 


I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Joy at Days Filled with Joy for This and That

Carol at Quilt Schmilt  for To Do List Tuesday 


  1. Yo-yo quilts are very pretty! I've seen them lined with a fabric backing, they're hand stitched on the sides and probably attached through some of the center yo-yo's. You have some beautiful projects in progress. My daffodils haven't popped through yet but it's still February. Happy stitching!

    1. Happy Wednesday, Gretchen .I have always been fascinated with the yo you quilts. It is a slow process to make that many yo yos but it has been a joy to work on it. It may take me a few more years before I have a completed quilt though. LOL Have a blessed day and happy quilting.

  2. Your Yo-Yo quilt is looking good as do the other projects you shared, Melisa. I will be happy to join you for a slice of the pie. I saw a couple daffodils blooming on my way to town yesterday as well as lots of shoots and buds. It won't be long. Have a wonderful Sunday!

    1. Good evening, Robin. I had a good day constructing more yo yos. I chose some of my "ugly "' fabrics and made use of them. LOL. In the last couple of days, I have seen more and more daffodils in bloom. We are supposed to have a cold snap over the weekend. I hope it does not hurt the new buds. Hugs.

  3. Your Easter Quilt is so pretty, and I love your yo-yos. That pie looks delish. Yesterday I made a pie that had Cool Whip, a can of German chocolate icing, a bit of cream cheese, and some melted chocolate chips mixed in - and it was almost too rich for us (although we did both manage 2 pieces - lol!) Love that rescued cross stitch, especially on that dark cloth. I rescued one several years ago from Goodwill that had a "Home Is Where The Heart Is" stitched on it. II picked out "Heart" and stitched in "Quilt". It hangs in my sewing room. Hope you enjoy your outdoor stitching today!

    1. Oooh , Linda, your pie sounds delectable. You had me at German chocolate and cream cheese. Don't you just love the quick pies? I bet your cross stitch is adorable and how clever to stitch quilt in it! You never know what you will find at the thrift stores. Hope you are having a great week . Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  4. Sure do love seeing people making yo-yos. My great grandfather made a yo yo quilt when he was wheel-chair bound. It's in storage right now. I certainly have enough stash to make another but will I ever get to it? Maybe...Blessings!

    1. Aaaw that is such a sweet memory, Donna. What a treasure to have your great grandfather's quilt. I bet it is a treasure trove of unique and interesting fabrics as well. I took my yo yos with me while camping last month too. When hubby was driving, I would work on a few. I hope you are able to work on one soon. Hugs and Blessings.

  5. Looks like you have lots of fun things to work on today, Melisa! I love the look of your Easter quilt - such pretty color. I've never made a yo-yo quilt, but yours is very happy! It looks so perfect with Raggedy Andy there. Have a wonderful Sunday!

    1. The little yo yos are fun to make especially once you get into the rhythm of making them. I have to construct a few more variety of colors before I can connect some more rows. Thank you for the sweet Sunday visit. Hugs.

  6. Lots of fun things happening in your corner of the world, Melisa! Severa years ago I started making yo-yos just for fun and tossed them in a jar. I wonder where they are - may start doing it again just for fun. They do make me smile! Darlene J

    1. Oooh , you are going to have to search for that jar of yo yo goodness. Maybe a new quilt will be in the works. Eeh! Thank you for the sweet visit, Darlene. Hugs.

  7. Love your yo-yo's and that quilt is moving right along--years ago I did one--well--it was actually 2 sets of yo-yo's and put them together into one quilt-I did my yo-yo's the old fashioned way--since then I have done a red and white one using the yo-yo maker and have a bag of yo-yo's waiting for me to decide how I want to finish them into a quilt???????
    have an awesome week--hugs, di

    1. I bet your yo yo quilt is gorgeous, Di. It takes awhile to create one, doesn't it? I have never used a yo yo maker. I have often been tempted to purchase one though. I made a small US flag years ago with just a few yo yos. It was fun to make. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  8. I love Yo-Yo’s. So much fun to make. Thank you for sharing your patterns and inspiration. I really enjoyed stitching the Spring sampler from last year. I really need to stop procrastinating and frame it. That’s one of my worst foibles, I’d rather be stitching!

    1. Oh, I agree they are fun to make. They are a great take along project as well. I hope you find the perfect from for the little Spring Sampler , Gail. I had to take a search for mine finally it found it. Wheew! Do you ever do that? LOL. I have a whole pile of stitches that need to be finished as well. I struggle with finishing. Have an awesome week. Hugs.

  9. Thank you for blogging and sharing dear Melisa!! Visually and friend~illy it’s always a treat to visit you.Then from here I also enjoy checking in on many of the “Lovely blogs you follow”

    1. Aaah, Maureen, you are so sweet. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing a smile to my day. I am so honored that you stopped by for a sweet visit. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  10. Wow! That’s a lot of yo-yos! Your hands will be busy this week with all those stitching projects. Gail at the cozy quilter

    1. I was hoping I had completed a lot more yo yos than I had, but I am happy with my progress, Gail. I am looking forward to completing this quilt in the near future. Have a great week and thank you for the sweet visit . Hugs

  11. Thank you so much for your inspiration and free charts -- I am cross stitching again (after many, many years). I enjoy your blog so much -- Live in Cleveland, TN -- you must live somewhere in the South, speaking of hollers.

    1. Oh it is so exciting to hear that you have gotten back into cross stitch, Barbara. I got back into stitching a few years ago after an absence for many years as well. There are so many wonderful projects available now. What a small world- we are not too far from one another. Have a wonderful week stitching away. Hugs from the holler.

  12. I've never made a yo-yo quilt but have made some yo-yos!! That is going to be beautiful. Have fun with your stitching this week. I hope to have my site up working and get out a late Monday Musings sometime today or tomorrow, so hang in there!!

    1. This is my first yo yo big quilt. I just work on it every now and then, but I have always wanted one. The other day I saw one at an antique store for $160. It was gorgeous, but not in my budget. Maybe one day I will have this one completed to enjoy. Hee! Hee! Have a good evening, Brenda.

  13. The only time I've made yo-yos was to use them on a sweatshirt as flowers. It was cute and a favorite of my Mom's. Thanks for sharing in Sew & Tell.

    1. Oh how fun, Melva. Yo yos are great embellishments. They are fun to make and were relaxing to work on as I traveled. Have a lovely week and thank you for the sweet visit. Happy quilting.

  14. Your yo-yos are so bright and happy. It's a perfect long-term slow stitch. The Spring stitch is so sweet. Love it! The weather has been so unusually warm that my tulips are coming up. It always scares me when things start coming up and budding so early because of the chance of freezing is still very possible.

    1. I keep looking for my tulips , but I have not spotted them yet. The forsythia is starting to put on buds, but I agree I am always afraid of the freeze that I know we will get. I just hate for the plants to get stunted for the season. Thank you for the sweet visit, Ginny. Hope you are having a wonderful week. Hugs.

  15. The stamp sampler is so cute! Love the yo yo project, so colorful. You've got a lot of fun stuff going on with needle and thread.

    1. I really enjoyed the Spring Stamp sampler. I hope to eventually stitch one for summer and winter too. Thank you so much for the sweet visit, Kate. Hugs.

  16. Your yoyo quilt is looking lovely! I have one that I have been working on for .... years....! Need to dig it out! Thanks for joining in on Monday This and That and I hope you have a wonderful week! xx

    1. Oh thank you so much, Joy. I bet your yo yo quilt is looking marvelous. I hope you do bring it out and work on it . I would love to see it. Hope you are having a wonderful week. Hugs.

  17. I love your cozy place on the porch, and the weather looks fine. Pretty quilts on the progress, these yo-yos are cute! The lid of the cheese crock looks to be the perfect template for them ;)
    Thank you for sharing your lovely place and projects!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Frederique. We have been having some lovely weather lately. I am looking forward to Spring. The yo yo quilt has been a fun project to work on . Hopefully, I can make some progress on it. Happy quilting.

  18. Your Yo-Yo quilt will be a treasure! Wow! I've made a few Yo-Yos, but never a whole quilt. Spring is typically not arriving here in SD this early, but this year . . . who knows. It was 70 degrees yesterday. Only 25 this morning however and a chance of snow today.

    1. Wow you are having some ups and downs in the weather. Brrr 25! It has been nice here the last few days . I think it is supposed to get cooler this weekend, but not that cold. Thank you so much , Sara for the sweet visit. Have a great week.

  19. So fun seeing the quilt and yo-yo's outside. Makes me want to get our front porch decorated but it's just a bit too early--even though our weather is crazy warm right now. I know the cold will be back....maybe.

  20. Melisa,
    That quilt made from yo yo's is totally amazing!!! So pretty and vibrant!!! And that pie is to die for , I am sure!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and visit and Anne Marie greatly appreciated your very kind comment about her home!!! I hope you are having a great week!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  21. Love that yo-yo quilt of yours, Melisa! I have always loved the look of yo-yos, but am not very good at making them. I've used a couple smaller ones on some of my finishes and they are so sweet. Love seeing your daffodils popping up. Our greens are shooting up, but no sign of the flowers yet. I do think this will be an early spring based on our warmer weather this year. Hope you enjoy this last bit of February... on to March! ♥

  22. Thank you for blogging and sharing dear Melisa!
    Have a nice week!

  23. I have made many yo-yo items but not a quilt.

  24. Hi Melissa. Pie a beverage and stitching time on your porch sounds so inviting! Thank you for once again linking with To Do Tuesday and sharing our link! I loooove your Yo Yo quilt and enjoy seeing you persevere with it. I’ve made a couple of blocks with Yo Yos but never a full quilt. πŸ˜‰


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