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Sunday, February 14, 2021

Happy Valentines Day , Love Trifle Freebie and a Little Rambling

 Happy Valentines Day, dear friends. Do you have big plans or are you going to have a nice quiet day at home? I have to admit both sound wonderful.   

With Thy Needleworks Holiday Hoopla Valentine's Day
I finished With Thy Needlework's Holiday Hoopla Valentine's Day. I finished it on a little rough cut wooden paddle that I painted white . I added some ruffles. I can remove it and change it out if I please. 

We have a lot on going on in my neck of the woods this weekend, so I am not sure how we will be able to celebrate Valentine's. Normally, we go out for a wonderful meal at my favorite restaurant where I order Tex Mex Chicken Fajitas. I get mine extra hot. However, I  do not think that will happen unless we call our order in. Mr. Pinker was thinking about maybe grilling steaks ; that sounds yummy.  I will just have to see what the day has in store for us. I am sure he will sneak a little bit of cheesecake into the house ( another favorite of mine). 

Do you know how much I appreciate you  for taking time to visit me on Instagram, my blog and Pinterest? You make my heart swell. I want to thank you and tell you how blessed and grateful that I am. 

I have an itty bitty stitch for you. 

This little piece is called "Love Trifle" and is super quick to stitch because it is soooo tiny. So if you are interested choose your favorite brown, red and green and enjoy. 

I used DMC 3345, 221, and 938 and stitched on 14 count tea dyed scrap aida. 

Doesn't it look like a little cookie?  I told you it was small- measuring 19 x19. 

I finished mine as a little ornament and used tea dyed ric rac to embellish and hide the seams. 

If you would like to stitch this teensy piece, just click on the pdf below. 

Click here for Love Trifle. 


The little house is called Dorothy Mae's Spring House which was a freebie earlier this week. It is my current favorite house. These two look great paired together. 

For the last few weeks, I have feverishly been working on a new Valentine's quilt. 

Heart blocks were made from simple four patches. 

I figured out a simple layout and decided no borders.

Soon I had it all pieced and ready for quilting. I decided to free hand hearts and swirls for the quilting.  

 I finished the quilting last week. 

The binding was completed this week 

I had it ready for display just in the knick of time. 

Oh I love this cute little quilt . I can not wait to have it out for next Valentine's and enjoy it the whole month. 

I posted my Valentine's tree on Instagram this week. This is a little raggedy white tree perched in a bushel basket, and it is filled with any thing red and sweet. 
I have included a lot of sweet Valentines from my daughters and yes even Barbie. My girls and I were big Barbie girls.  My oldest daughter loved looking back at the old cards and got tickled that I would save them. 

Christmas balls, candy boxes, and little dolls are tucked all throughout the tree. 

This sweet ornament was sent to me from my dear friend, Sharon and is perfect to hang on my Valentine's tree. It even has some of the jadeite green in it  which I so love. 

My little bear all dressed in his red vest hangs out on the doll high chair. Normally a sweet Raggedy Ann has the honor of manning the chair in February. It was a nice change. 
Thank you so much for the sweet Valentine's visit and hope you have had a beautiful day filled with joy, laughter, and love and as always...

Happy stitching, ya'll


I sure would love to see your stitch. If you post it on Instagram, please tag me and use #pinkernpunkinquilting or you can always Direct Message me.  Hugs. 

Sheepish Ewe's Baby Alphabet is all stitched up. Now to FFO it. 


  1. Your little heart quilt is darling, Melisa! Your Love Trifle is sweet and thank you for sharing your design. We are staying home for Valentine's Day due to the icy conditions. Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day,Robin. It has turned icy here too, but it has been a good Valentines. Thank you so much. Hugs.

  2. Melisa, this time of year can be dreary and colorless. That is why I so look forward to visiting your bright, cheery blog every day. I also want to thank you for sharing your creativity and talents with us. Your Love Trifle is the perfect stitch for me. As we..."mature", eyesight and sore fingers do not always cooperate merrily with stitching projects. Yet I love doing it so thank you for keeping me busy with sweet smaller projects like this one.
    Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!

    1. You are the kindest, Maureen. I enjoy the smaller projects too. They are quick and easy and so much fun to finish. I really do appreciate your sweet words. You made my day. hugs

  3. It is 2 degrees, feels like minus 9 but we're drenched in sunshine today and it's not snowing today. Well, they're predicting 3 to 6 inches this evening/night but I can do some sewing I planned yesterday only to have to shovel again. We had over 10 inches about a week or so ago and it just keeps hitting us. Where's that global warming I keep hearing about? hmmmm. Anyway, Happy Valentine's and thanks for the little trifle.

    1. Goodness gracious and Brrr that is cold. We have gotten down in the 30's here which is cold to us southerners. I think it is supposed to get in the 20's this week. No snow yet though the kiddos have missed school because snow was called for. Oh I hope you stay nice , warm and cozy and stitch the cold days away. We can both dream of warm weather. Lol Thank you for the sweet visit

  4. Your heart quilt is just so sweet, Melisa! I'm glad you finished it in time for Valentine's Day decorating! All of your decorations look so pretty--I will keep mine up for a couple more weeks and then move on to St. Patrick's Day/Spring. Looking forward to seeing some green. We grilled steaks tonight and had a simple meal with baked potato, salad, and homemade bread--quick and tasty. Now I get to sit and stitch--hooray :) Enjoy your week ♥

    1. Thank you so much for the sweet visit, Carol. I look forward to seeing your spring and St. Patty's stitches. I think I am going to do the same as you and enjoy the Valentines' decor for another week or so. We must have been on the same wave length on meals. We had steak , baked potato and broccoli. Lol Happy stitching,

  5. Hi Melisa,
    Just discovered your blog via Kaye of Kitten Stitching.
    Your stitching and patterns are so pretty!
    I am now a new follower here on your blog and on Instagram.
    Love the little Valentine cookie, it’s so cute! I just might make that next ..... now where are my tea bags!
    Nice to meet you!
    Barbara x

    1. Lol thank you so much , Barbara. I am so excited that you visited me and decided to follow me on both social medias. I am new to blogging and charting and have been enjoying every minute of it. I hope you have a wonderful week and so nice to meet you, dear.

  6. Melissa,
    LOVE,LOVE your sweet Valentine's Tree!! So pretty and festive!! Adore it!!


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