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Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Putting on the Green Freebie and a St. Patrick's Day Parade

Top of the morning to you! Happy Tuesday,  Sweet Ewe!  

I am searching for four leaf clovers, but oh bummer, none to be found today. Maybe tomorrow. 

St. Patrick's Day would not be complete for me without stitching a  darling ewe.  You have seen this gal before ;  Woo Hoo! It's Erin Ewe!!!  Here she is in 2021 lounging around in her tweed cap.  

Erin Ewe 

This  time Erin is grazing in a clover field, and she  looks quite spiffy decked out in a green . Notice  she is wearing the Irish tweed cap rather than sitting in it this time. This stitch is called "Putting on the Green"

I finished "Putting on the Green "on a small Dollar Tree unpainted wooden tray that I painted white using Walmart Apple Barrel paint. 

The pom pom trim and the black  1 1/2" wired buffalo check trim are from Amazon. The backing fabric is some old fabric that I had in my stash.

 I did not have a piece of mat or foam board so I just mounted Erin on a piece of cardboard with 2 layers of batting underneath and used Aleene's tacky glue to adhere the trim and then  called her finished. I think she turned out pretty darn cute !!🐑☘

If you are interested in stitching Putting on the Green   ,grab the images below. Many of ya'll know but I always encourage you to read my little disclaimer and note about getting my charts. 

NOTE: Normally I have been able to create links to the charts and instructions which were in JPG form. For some reason, recent updates on Google Docs. has prevented me from doing that and I am not able to create a pdf without having to deal with storage issues.  Many dear stitchers say they right click, save the image and then print.  I think some have copied and pasted it to a Word document that they can print off as well. I hope you are able to find a way to enjoy this chart. You will have to click each page to save. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding and for all of the helpful tips and ideas. 

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding . I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and for stitching my little designs.

OOOPS! I forgot to write in the directions that I used 1 strand of 895 to create a long stitch for the shamrock's stem in Erin's mouth. 

NOTE: Some symbols on the colored chart do not show up well.  So  I have listed them 

/ 937 is  used in the blanket  , the hat and the large clover. 

X 895 is used in the hill , the floating clovers and the shamrock in Erin's mouth. 

 Since Erin is putting on the green , I thought today would be perfect for an early St. Patty's Day parade -a parade of stitches that is. If you see any that you are interested in click on the colored text and with a hop , skip and a jump you will make your way back to a previous post . 

Here  we go!!!!

Wheew!!!! That was a short parade wasn't it? Lol. But this little collection I am sure will grow as time goes by. 

Now on to a secret. Shhh! Don't tell anyone, but I started pulling out Spring decor !  

I know . I know It is still February, but I am bound and determined to have sunshine in my day whether it is outside or with bright cheery spring country clutter.😀🌞🐰

Thank you for the sweet Tuesday visit and... 

As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Never iron  four leaf clover ; you do not want to press your luck. 

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗🧵

Amy's small blooms . These teeny flowers are Amy's sign .  

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I love and miss you so much. I know you are blooming in heaven. Love you Amo. ❤❤


  1. Hi! In Italy those tiny flowers are " occhietti della madonna" . I really love them. Thank you for your patterns! Barbara

    1. Aaah Barbara thank you so much for telling me the name of the flowers. These popped up on my dear sister's resting place. I looked all about for more but there were only 2 there right over her. They brought tears to my eyes, but I feel as though they are a sign from my dear sis. I took a photo and showed them to my parents. They were wondering what they were called. Have a wonderful day, my dear.

  2. Love the new Erin piece! St. Paddy's Day is one of my favorites, of course. My husband always fixed me corned beef and served it with lots of teasing. He is not Irish, but I love him still and forever anyway. =) It's a great parade, and it will grow over time. I saw a redbud blooming in my neighborhood today (and daffy dills) - it's spring! LOL You pull out that stuff and we'll bring it on.

    1. Aah thank  you so much, Susan.How sweet that your dear hubby fixed you corned beef for the holiday. I can tell the love in your heart when you speak of him and what beautiful memories that you cherish. Susan , redbuds are my favorite tree. Ours are not blooming yet, but I will keep my eyes peeled  for ours should soon follow.  Lol I am so ready for spring. It is supposed to be pretty warm by the weekend, but rain is also in the forecast. It has been raining  tonight so it may be headed your way. Have a wonderful day. Hugs. 

    2. 真羡慕你们朴素的爱情

    3. 我是一名画家 一直梦想去新西兰居住,你们谈论的时候我就觉得那里一定很美

  3. The new Erin Ewe piece is adorable, Melisa. Thanks for taking us on the early St. Patrick's Day parade. What is Amy's small bloom called?

    1. Thank you so much, Robin. I really enjoyed stitching this little gal. She reminds me of the sheep that live on a hill where we buy our pigs. The little blue flowers were a sweet surprise at Amy's resting place. There were no other ones around. A dear subscriber said they were occhietti della madonna. Today I went to visit her and there was a 3rd bloom. Happy Tuesday.

  4. Aww, Erin is sew cute!! And I love your Lucky Truck!! Yes, our daffy ducks sprung up about a week or so ago-I've always loved daffodils as my Granny had a huge bed of them in her front yard...and I'm so ready for spring! Our "tulip" trees are blooming too!

    1. Aaw thank you so much. I had a fun time stitching Erin. I think Luck Truck was one of my favorites last year. I do love seeing signs of spring. Our trees have not started blooming yet. We are usually about a couple of weeks behind in the holler. But I am keeping my eyes out. What a warm memory of your Granny's daffodils. My Nanny used to have them lining her sidewalk, but it seems they bloomed a lot later than they do now. Happy Tuesday.

  5. A lovely creation, Melisa!!!
    March 17, Saint Patrick's Day, is a beautiful holiday for the Irish and all of us who love their culture.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Isabel. It is a wonderful holiday; we enjoy celebrating the day with a few of our own traditions. Happy Tuesday and thank you for the sweet visit.

  6. Oh how sweet! Thank you for your lovely design. Your designs and kindness make my heart smile. Blessings to you always sweet friend. ((hugs))

    1. Aaa thank you so much, Vicki. You re the sweetest and you certainly brought a smile to my day. Sending you hugs and blessings.

  7. My maiden name is Kelly so you can bet I LOVE your displays!! Your very own Lucky, second guy from the bottom, is sitting here on my computer desk right now. I remember how much I enjoyed stitching him in 2021. Achy hands don't let me stitch much anymore but your stamps and smaller patterns often inspire me to try.

    1. Aaaah , it is a fun time to decorate and celebrate especially for those with Irish blood. Hearing that you stitched the Lucky stamp brings a great grin to my day, Maureen especially since you enjoyed him. I am so sorry you suffer from aches and pains in your hands; I know that is frustrating to you, but so glad that you are inspired to stitch when you feel like it. Tuesday Hugs.

  8. Love the new ewe! So cute. And I think we're all looking for Spring!
    And I think I have seen those little blue flowers here in FL

    1. Happy Tuesday , Donna. It sure is a beautiful day here today. I even put shorts on. I hope it continues to do so. I bet it is just beautiful in Florida. I have been busy working on a few St. Patrick's Day pieces to add to my collection these last few days and then I will be on to Spring. It warmed my heart to see the little blue flowers . They are so teeny but eye catching none the less. Hugs.

  9. Oh, Erin is so sweet on that hill of shamrocks, I really love her ! Now where is that fabric that I put away to stitch smalls on??? Those tiny sweet blue flowers are so beautiful and what a sweet surprise message to you. Someone came and planted viola's on my mom's resting place and I have never been able to find out who, these do not ususally grow here. The yardmen move them down occasionally but they just sprout back up during the spring. Sending you warm hugs and loving wishes from sunny Arizona.

    1. Happy Tuesday, dear Mary. I am so delighted you like Erin on the hill. She was a fun little gal to work on. I have been working on appliqueing sheep today. Oh yes those little blue flowers felt like a sweet hug from Amy. How sweet that someone planted violas for your mom and how wonderful that they come right back up in the spring. I know that does your heart good . Your mom is blooming in heaven just like my Amy. Tuesday hugs and blessings.

  10. I am always ready for new "pretties" from you! The new Erin . stitch is so cute! I love the truck! Those flowers are called Veronica (the full fancy name adds Persica to the end).They are so delicate and sweet! I often think that weeds are just flowers that grow where we didn't plan them to. Thank you for sharing a touch of spring today. We are in a winter advisory and it's snowing.

    1. Good evening, Jenny. I am so happy that you like the new Erin. I had to have a new sheep. Lol. I do love the truck stitch as well. I have a new truck in the works, I do need to get back too it. Thank you so much for the info. on the flowers. Today there were 3 sweet blooms which brought a smile to my day. I do believe some of the weeds produce some of the prettiest flowers. Oh, my now it is time for the winter weather to leave. Lol. Stay safe , warm and cozy . I would ask you to send me some snow , but I am already in spring mode now. Happy Tuesday. Hugs

  11. Cute sheep pattern. I may have to make one for my MIL. She likes sheep!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Gail. I hope you enjoy this humble little ewe if you decide to stitch here. It would be a lovely gift for your dear MIL. I love sheep too. We never had sheep on the farm, but I always wanted one or two. Maybe someday we will. Have a wonderful evening and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  12. Last comment from me…gail at the cozy quilter

  13. Merci Melisa pour tes jolies grilles de la Saint Patrick .
    Bonne soirée

    1. Aah you are so very welcome, Monique. I hope you have a wonderful and blessed day and thank you for the sweet visit.

  14. Your newest sheep design is adorable, Melisa--and thank you for the links to all of your past St. Patrick's Day designs. Do you actually sleep? You are so prolific!! Thank you again for sharing your creative designs, recipes, decorating, etc. You are a gem ♥

    1. Lol thank you so much, Carol. I wish I did not have to sleep so I could do all of the things I want to do. 😄 I just need more hours in the day. Hugs.

  15. I love this new freebie Melisa, your St Patrick's decor is wonderful! I'm going to hunt for those trays, how could I miss that at the Dollar Tree? And I already have my eye con the Spring Green Saltbox as well. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Diana. I found these little wooden trays in the craft section of the Dollar Tree. They have several different styles. I hope you find them. Hugs.


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