Blog Archive

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Summer Days Block 11- Home Tweet Home

It is another beautiful Thursday. I wanted to apologize that I did not post a Thursday Embroidery post last week. I was still down about having tech troubles, but on a happy note. I think I am back on track. 

Today is going to be filled with lots of playtime. The youngest grandbaby is out of school because it is Pre-K sign up day . So I see army men and legos creeping into my day. But come lunch time I will slip in a few embroidery stitches. 

One of my favorite activities is watching birds.


 I could sit on the porch for hours and watch the birdies visit the feeders or flutter back and forth from the birdhouses. I have a birdie right now that has built a nest on the column of my porch. I did not have the heart to tear it down. 


Some of my favorite birds to watch are hummingbirds.  Do you have a favorite bird that you enjoy watching? 


My dear friend, Patricia sent me The  Needl'  Love Company  pamphlet which includes "Bird Watcher" . I tea dyed my fabric just before I left on my camping trip so I could start it.  This will be a good stitch to work on while relaxing on the porch. 

Today's embroidery doodle is Home Tweet Home

Click here for the doodle. 

One more doodle for the Summer Days blocks to go and then I am going to have to figure out how I am going to set mine. Have you thought about setting your blocks yet? 

I am going to work on my  Sunflower Basket block too. Remember I made 2 of them . This one I am going to make into a pillow. 


 If you have missed any of the previous blocks, check out the links below to go back to the previous posts for the jpgs. 

Previous blocks include:  Little Blue Birdie  ,Time to Plant  ,   A Bowl of Berries ,  A Basket of Blooms , Buzz Buzz  ,  Red , White, and Ewe , Summertime Treat  , Lemonade  , Sunflower Basket  and A Jar of Coneflowers


This is one of my  favorite birdie stitches, Blackbird Designs freebie called First Offering

Thank you so much for stopping by, ya'll. I hope your day is filled with a little playtime as well. Have a blessed day and as always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll

Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will appear.  

Hugs and Stitches!!! ðŸ¤—❤🧵


Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I miss you so much. Love ya. 

Today is Thankful Thursday. I think I will pull out a Thanksgiving piece and put in a few stitches. Every stitch counts. 


  1. Have fun with your grand baby! We're on our way to see ours.

    1. Aaah thank you, Donna. It was a great day. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a fun visit with your grandbaby as well.

  2. Enjoy your day! We are bird lovers too. Love the embroidery!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Penny. The little one and I had a great day playing inside and out. Have a beautiful weekend.

  3. Your sweet little bird has a much nicer nest than the doves I'm currently watching across the street. :) And your embroidered home tweet home is lovely. I do love birdwatching. Enjoy your play day.

    1. Aah thank you, Tammy. I have been watching to see if she has hatched her eggs yet , but I have not heard the babies yet. Lol we have some doves that enjoy visiting the feeders.I get a bit tickled at their antics. Have a great day.

  4. Sweet little doodle for today! I love bird watching of all kinds!! Eagles and hawks when travelling or camping, so beautiful. Hummers on the patio, looking for flowers and juice, and I have a visiting woodpeacker that robs the hummers feeder and plays hide&seek with me!!. My favorite are the rosy0cheecked lovebirds that come for the black oil sunflower seeds, they are so colorful and so noisy!! Sounds of tiny parrots fill the air. Have a wonderful day with your grandbaby, sending hugs to all from Arizona/

    1. oh how fun, Mary. I love watching for Eagles too. We live near a small river and there have been a few in the last couple of years that nest nearby. I bet your woodpecker is a hoot . I did not know they would rob the hummer's feeders . How interesting . We had one peck up the rail of porch after carpenter bees. I did not know they would do that either. lol. Have a wonderful weekend. Sending hugs and love.

  5. Thank you for the time you give to do your blog. I fully enjoy all of it. I too enjoy just watching the birds it is so peacefull on any day

  6. Thank you for the adorable birdhouse stitchery. I love all of these! How wonderful the bird trusted that column enough to build a home there for you to watch. =)


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