Blog Archive

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Summer Day's - Block 5 Buzz Buzz

 Good morning, Sunshine. It is a beeautiful day!! 

  It is embroidery Thursday, and today's block is a simple bee skep and bee doodle.

I still need to Satin stitch the stripe on my bee, but it is coming along. 

 Click here for the doodle. 

I will start a new embroidery block today, but  I haven't yet figured out what it will be. Hmmm! 🤔 Maybe sheep or watermelon or something patriotic. 

Previous blocks include:  Little Blue Birdie  ,Time to Plant  ,   A Bowl of Berries , and A Basket of Blooms .

Thank you for stopping by for a visit, my dears.  Stay a busy bee and have a wonderful day. As Always...

Happy stitching and quilting, ya'll


Bee happy ! Bee positive! Bee Kind! Bee Grateful! Beelieve in yourself!

Hugs and Stitches!!

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. Love and miss you. 


  1. Do you have actual bees at your home? I've always thought it would be neat to have an aviary but my husband says NO WAY! Enjoy your stitching!

  2. Love all your bee references!!! Your bee embroidery is so cute!

  3. Thanks so much for these so cute blocks.
    I am stitching along with you Summer days quilt.
    Enjoy your stitching
    Marie-Francoise from France

  4. Didn't you and hubby start a bee colony at your place? How is it doing or is it still a little too cool for them?? Bushes are starting to bloom and the bees will be arriving soon! Your quilt block is a cutie. Stay well and safe, sending love and hugs from Arizona.

  5. Jolie petite abeille. Merci pour ce nouveau modèle qui sent bon l'été, le soleil, les fleurs... Les beaux jours me manquent, j'espère qu'ils arriveront vite. Le printemps semble vouloir s'installer mais il fait encore très frais.
    Amitiés de France,


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