Blog Archive

Thursday, March 24, 2022

"I' m Late!" & Summer Days Block 7 Summertime Treat

" I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date! "

Good morning , dear friends. Oh yes, I do feel like the tardy white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland . Why? Well, I do not have Block 7 finished.  Oh , dear , please don't scream "OFF WITH HER HEAD!" like the Queen of Hearts Lol. 

I haven't been piddling around or painting the roses red;  I have been working on it off and on.  I  do have a bit of progress . 

     Of course, I have the doodle complete,  and it is all ready for you, my friends. 

Click here for the doodle.  

I think this is my favorite thus far. Those birdies tickle my fancy. 

Previous blocks include:  Little Blue Birdie  ,Time to Plant  ,   A Bowl of Berries ,  A Basket of Blooms , Buzz Buzz  and Red , White, and Ewe . 

You know what I am going to be doing today- finishing  my block and then onward I will go to block #8. I so appreciate the kind visit , sweeties as always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll


UPDATE:  This late bunny completed her block, and I just had to add a photo of it completed.

"Why sometimes I have believed in 6 impossible things before breakfast." -Queen of Hearts

"Nothing is impossible."- The Doorknob 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!

Dedicated to my baby sister , Amy . Miss and love ya. 


  1. Oh Melisa, thank you for the chuckle this morning. Have a good Thursday!

    1. Lol thank you so much, Robin. I have to admit. I hate being behind or late for something. As I was stitching, the white rabbits words kept ringing in my head. Lol. Hugs

  2. Lovely doodle for the embroidery block, thank you. Yummy, watermelon, won't see those for quite a little while here. Temperatures are rising, wi will be in the 90* this weekend then back down to upper 70*- lower(ish) 80* next week. Love the Alice references today, one of my all time favorite book and movie. Have a great day and I think that my red rose is going to bloom in the next week, so no Painting needed, LOL. Love and hugs to you from Arizona.

    1. Oh, Mary. I bet your roses will be lovely. My roses look a bit puny right now( maybe I should have pruned them earlier) . Thank you so much on my little embroidery. I am always in the mood for watermelon. I can not wait to get a fresh garden grown one this summer. Lol. Sending love and hugs.

  3. Love your combination Alice in Wonderland quips with the beautiful embroidery patterns. So talented.

    1. Aaah thank you so much. I love Alice in Wonderland and as I was stitching all I kept thinking of was how I was late. Lol. Fingers crossed I will not be next week. Have a wonderful week and happy stitching. Hugs.

  4. I do so enjoy seeing your precious little doodles and embroidered blocks, you are very talented. So pleased you are keeping your head, even though you are a little late. But I expect you are all caught up by now.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Jenny. Thankfully, I finished up the little embroidery piece by the night's end and then started another. I don't want to feel late again. Lol. Have a great week and happy quilting and stitching.

  5. Reading this gave me a good chuckle this morning!!! Such pretty embroideries. Must go think of 6 impossible things now...

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Nancy. I do love Alice in Wonderland and all of the characters. I hope you have a very lovely week and happy quilting.

  6. So cute! What a marvellous collection of embroidery blocks! So generous of you to share your talents with the world!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Kathy. I have really enjoyed working on these. I keep going back and forth on how I want to finish them - whether each embroidery as a center in quilt blocks or just sash them. Oh time will tell. Lol. Happy quilting and thank you for the sweet visit.

  7. This is another cute embroudery block! Thanks!!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Ivani. I enjoyed stitching it though I fell a bit behind, but it is all stitched now and I am on to the next one. I hope you have a very lovely and productive week. Happy stitching.

  8. Had you thought of coloring your designs with crayons before embroidering? I'd like to try that with your blocks.

  9. Oh, wonderful watermelon and birds block! Late doesn't matter, at all!

  10. This block is absolutely adorable! I love how summery it feels and the bright colors you used. I’ve been looking for quilting supplies and found some amazing deals through Office Shoes Discount Code recently.


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