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Thursday, April 7, 2022

Summer Days Block 9 Sunflower Basket

         "Now I'm walking on sunshine, whoa
                     I'm walking on sunshine, whoa
                     I'm walking on sunshine, whoa
                     And don't it feel good
                    Hey, all right now

             And don't it feel good

                     Hey, yeah"♭♮♯📻   - 

Taking you back all the way to the 1980's with Katrina and the Waves. Do you remember that song? An oldie but goodie. 

      Good morning, Sunshine!!! . 

The rain has moved out. Last night we had a torrential  storm. 

  We even got some golf ball size hail, but  thankfully no damage.

  Today is my embroidery day and the theme is sunflowers .

 Soooooo. Since I am dreaming of Summertime , I  thought I would share some of my summer decor from years' past.  

My buffet decorated in bees, and sunflowers in August. 

My tiered tray.


Sunflower Sampler  and Susan's Summer Saltbox

I never completed this Sunflower quilt. I need to get on that. 

Today's Summer Days Quilt block is "Sunflower Basket." 

This is my new favorite block.  

 I am going to make a 2nd one that is color tinted and then turn it into a little pillow. Crayons are out. Don't you think it will be darling? 

Click here for the doodle. 

Previous blocks include:  Little Blue Birdie  ,Time to Plant  ,   A Bowl of Berries ,  A Basket of Blooms , Buzz Buzz  ,  Red , White, and Ewe , Summertime Treat  and Lemonade

Well,  I am off to enjoy some sunshine. Hope you are able to do the same.   Have a blessed and beautiful day. 

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll


Be like a sunflower and turn your face to the sun . 

HUgs and Stitches!!!!

Dedicated to my baby sister , Amy . Miss and love ya. 


  1. Who doesn't love a sunflower? They stand tall and proud, provide beauty and sustenance. I have a thing for samplers so may have to do the sunflower one. Take care.

    1. Good morning, Tammy. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. I do have a love for sunflowers too. I hope to be able to grow some this year. Fingers crossed. The little sunflower sampler whipped up quickly. I hope you enjoy it. Have a beautiful day.

  2. Your Bloom embroidery is adorable, Melisa! Foggy and rainy here.

  3. I did a little catching up with your sweet wonderful blog. My new favorite today Sunflowers, I love sunflowers. I will be planting seeds soon to root for planting a little later (otherwise, the birds peck all the seeds from the bed)! Last year I only had a dozen that survived. Sending hugs to you on this spring day in Arizona.

  4. Oh so love your bloom and sunflowers. So pretty. We have rain and suppose to get snow flurries later in the's April right? I really wish Winter would get a clue and mosey else where...just saying. Wishing you a Happy Friday and an awesome weekend, too sweet friend. ((hugs)) :)

  5. The sunflower embroidery is very cute! I walked in the sunshine when I visited Arizona in March, I even have tan lines! Happy stitching!

  6. What a cute sunflower stitchery. Enjoy the sunshine and that beautiful blooming view.

  7. I think I need some of your energy~ can you send it? :-) Love all your cute designs!!!

  8. Thank you for the sunflower stitchery, and all the good things you share. I love seeing your Amy blocks - such love.


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