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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Autumn Freebie Parade

 Hey , ya'll! Wheeew!  When is the fall weather going to get here?   Hopefully , soon, but in the meantime I thought it would be fun to have an Autumn Cross Stitch Parade of all of the charts that I have shared in the past.  I will share  a short Halloween Parade next week.  

So hold onto your bloomers , here we go!!!

Hello Fall 


Cornstalks, Pumpkins and Chickens 

Crow Creek Saltbox 

Turkey Creek Manor 

Ophelia Manor on Punkin Holler Lane 

Willowisp Manor of Holler Lane 

Fall 1869 Crock 

Rosie's Pumpkins



Prim Pumpkin House an Itty Bitty Freebie

Crow Creek Doodles 


From the alphabet from the Ole Crow Saltbox, I stitched a little sampler. 

Autumn Stamp Collection -  which can be stitched as one piece or each individually.  This will be a link  to all a post that gives the links to all of the stamps which were posted on different day. 

If all goes well, more fall freebies will be coming in the near future. So drop back in anytime to see what I am up too, 

as always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall. - F. Scott Fitzgerald

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy who loved all things Autumn from Halloween, pumpkin picking, bonfires  to hunting. It was a season she  adored.  Love and miss you, Amo 

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Aunt Mariah's Autumn Saltbox

Well a very Happy Tuesday to you.  Ya'll come  on in! We have work to do . We have kitties to wrangle and pumpkins to pick!  

But first off,  I pulled out my orange vintage Fire King mugs for fall. I just have 3 mugs, but  I consider it  a growing collection. 

 So grab you a cup of whatever delights you. I will have peach  mango green tea in mine. Mr. Pinker has got me hooked on it. It is delicious. 

Ok now to my newest saltbox. It is loaded down with pumpkins and some overzealous kitty cats. 

Last week , I showed you a sneak peek of my saltbox.

 I finally finished it over the weekend. But I did have some troubles. I just could not settle on a house color. My fabric which is 14 count tea/ coffee dyed was quite dark which I adore, but I was having trouble finding the colors that I really wanted that would look good with the fabric. 

 Finally I settled on DMC 435 ( Very Light Brown) and 975 (Dark Golden Brown) . I would love to hear what colors you would think would look good with the dark fabric and all of the pumpkins. 

 In the yard is a grand pumpkin patch. I was inspired by  my daughter's wee volunteer pumpkin patch that sprang up from last year's pumpkins that the kiddos carved. The grandbabies have certainly enjoyed watching the pumpkins grow. 

 Oh, did you notice all of the climbing cats . Well there are just 2 climbing ,but I was reminiscing about my sweet dearly departed Kat when I stitched these little kitties. 

Kat rarely stepped off the porch and sometimes would climb up to the windows and peek in. Do you think we should wrangle these kitties up or let them be? 

 I named this saltbox after my dear Great Aunt Mariah . She was the quilter in the family and she made sure that each of her nieces received a quilt top. Aunt Mariah was a bachelorette  ( I refuse to say Old Maid) ; it wasn't until she was in her 70's that  she  finally decided to get married.  💑

 If you would like to stitch Aunt Mariah's, please check out the links to the jpg's below.  The colored chart may be hard to read  and the colors do not show well. I am so sorry about that.  

Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding that I  have to put each page on separate links because of the devices I use. I apologize for that.  These are images of the chart  or JPG s and not downloads.   I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and for stitching my little designs. 

Click here for Instructions jpg.

Click here for Colored Chart jpg. 
Click here for Black/ White jpg. 

I did not include photos of the charts this time . The reason is because there is  a site that is posting my blog writings and photos of my saltboxes on their site for others to read without permission which bypasses  readers to my blog all together. I am not sure what to think about that.  If you click on the links you will find the charts. I may post photos of them after I mull the situation over more. Thank you for understanding. 

I am so delighted that you stopped by to see my latest saltbox. Guess what ? I have already started another one. Can one have too many saltboxes? Just wondering. Lol. 

Stop by tomorrow if you have the chance. I will be posting a short Autumn Cross Stitch Parade of previous fall freebies. 

I hope you have a beautiful day with the ones you love. Thank you so much for the sweet visit and as always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Autumn is the season to find contentment at home.   

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤ And Pumpkin Kisses and Harvest Wishes!!🍁🍂🍁

Aunt Mariah's Autumn Saltbox with Crow Creek Doodles 

Thank you for the sweet visit.
Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. who loved all animals especially cats and dogs.  Love and miss you, Amo. 

Don't forget the Get on Board Blog Hop starts on Thursday. 

 Thursday, September 1


Monday, August 29, 2022

Buzzin About Hutch Tour

 Good morning, dear friends. Happy Monday.  It is Country Clutter time!  😀😁  Usually in August , I decorate my hutch in sunflowers , but this year I decided to do cram it full of anything bee related.  

Now I am  no minimalist so it is jammed packed . You wanta see it. 

Here it is at night with just the warm glow of a string of Christmas lights.  Now for a day time  gander at it.


Lots of yellows!!!  🌻🌻🌻🌻


On the top shelf are a couple of bee signs that I found at Walmart on clearance . 

Next to them is a wooden truck I bought at Family Dollar. I just painted it yellow to use for springtime or for summer and just stuck a bee skep in it.    

 Next to the truck is  a freebie , from my dear friend, Vicki at Stitchy McFloss blogspot. This is called Be Blessed and is available in her May 3, 2022 post. Isn't it darling? Love those eyes.

Sweet Pat sent me the darling bee skep made by her sister. It stays out year round. Love it! 

 The bee honeycomb plates in the background  were Dollar General finds for just a buck. I love them.  

Buzzing on down to the second shelf. 

Here you will find a bee skep that I made from a milk jug and some found jute twine. I made it last month. 

 Last year  my dear friend, PJ , sent me the adorable chart from Heart in Hand  called a "Pocket Round Bee". Oh, how I love it!!!❤ As soon as , I received it , I  immediately stitched it up for my bee display . (I'll show you another bee stitch later this week that PJ sent me 😊)  . My finish for Pocket Round Bee was inspired by Carol at Stitching Dreams. I had seen one of her previous bee finishes from "Hello from Liz Matthews" which was a round that she framed. She always has clever and elegant finishes as does PJ. If you click, Carol's link  you will be taken back to her bee decor last year.   Thank you so much to sweet PJ and Carol.  Ya'll both are such an inspiration.  

Whenever  I see a yellow pitcher at the Goodwill for a dollar or two, I have the tendency to pop them in my cart. This is my newest addition to my yellow pitcher collection purchased for a mere  99¢. Can't beat that with a stick. 

In it is Country Cottage Needlework's Bumblebee. Mom gifted me the bee honeycomb mason jar. She found it at the Dollar General . I think it was a dollar too. On top is a chicken salt shaker that I found in NC while thrifting in June of the is year. The bee stitch in the corner is one of mine. It  will be a future share when I get to writing out the directions .

 Of course on the bottom shelf is more bee decor and stitchy kindness. 

I changed out the bowl to my vintage juicer to a yellow Dollar Tree bowl and stuffed in some sunny sunflowers. 

Next to the juicer is Hive Sweet Hive a freebie that I shared earlier this year. It was inspired by dear Deborah S.  for gave me the idea. Thank you so much Deborah. This is a "bee favorite"  of mine.  

I found the made in Japan bee creamer this year at the Goodwill. You know I had to have it. Lol.  

On the bee candle container is a rough cut piece of wood that I painted "Buzz " on - a quick free craft. 


 Sweet PJ did it again - she is as sweet as honey and keeps me in stitches especially bees. 🐝🍯🐝🍯🐝 . "Love Bees' is a Hinzeit stitch that she gifted me. Isn't it as cute as can bee? I finished it on a little clipboard.

  Last year I stitched Sunflower Sampler. It would be perfect for Sunflower September which is coming up.  


My vintage scales has the same bowls gifted to me from my dear sister. I just added some sunflowers and a Dollar General bee and called it complete.

 Well that is it in a honeycomb!! My bee hutch for 2022.

 Guess what ? It is all coming down . It's time to put up fall decor, but oh how I loved seeing all of the bee pieces this month. Each time I would pass by I would be reminded of my dear sister, my sweet stitchy friends and Mr. Pinker's bee keeping adventures.  

Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my sweet treasures. I hope you have a honey of a day. As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Sweet scents of honey float through the air. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I love and miss you so much.❤❤👼  One year and one week . How things have changed. 

Thank you for the sweet visit.

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