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Thursday, August 18, 2022

Mystery Autumn Stamp SAL - Stamp 7 - Acorns Stamp Freebie

Happy, happy Thursday, my dears.

 It is Day 7 of the Autumn Stamp  SAL, and we are dropping down to row 3 in the large stitch.  

Today's stitch is called Acorns Stamp.  


This is a super quick stitch and you will have it stitched up lickety split since there are few colors changes. 

My dough bowl is filling up . How exciting!!🍁🍂

If you would like to stitch Acorns, please check out the link to the jpg below. 

Click here for  the Acorns Stamp.  

The other stamps are A Basket of Apples , Crows & Sunflowers , Raking Leaves , Pumpkin Haul  ,  Squirrel &  Acorns Stamp and Scarecrow in the Corn Patch  . 

Can I tell you how touched I am by the response to my SAL?  Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You make this gal feel very blessed and extremely grateful . 

Sometimes I have a number of needles threaded with different floss colors so that I can pick them up quickly and stitch. It certainly  makes the piece go quickly . So I thought I would tell you the floss colors that you will need for tomorrow's stitch in the PREP YOUR NEEDLES. 


898, 815, 919, 435, 712,  


Now what about tomorrow's stitch. Hmmmm! Well, I will  meet you in the kitchen tomorrow. So bring your apron, and a mixing spoon. I'll bring the bowl and the other ingredients.  

Hugs and blessings and as always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.- Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my dear sister , Amy. I love and miss you.   " A sister is God's way of making sure we never walk alone". 

If you have missed any of the posts about the MYSTERY AUTUMN STAMP SAL, just click the links below. 

Aug 6th post-  INTRODUCTION 
Aug. 14th post - STAMP 3 RAKING LEAVES
Aug. 15th post- STAMP 4 PUMPKIN HAUL 


  1. A fun collection of lovely fall stitchings.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Tammy. I have had such a great time creating and sharing these. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Acorns are being seen on the driveway although most are tiny and green. This is adorable!

    1. Oh wow, Robin. I am going to have to walk our woods to see if they are falling yet. The squirrels and the deer love them. Happy stitching.

  3. Another cutie! I used to collect acorn tops to use as bowls for my dolls :-) For tomorrow, I'll guess we're making a pie ... and now I'm hungry, lol. This is so much fun!

    1. Oh how fun and clever . I never thought of using acorn tops like that. Last year, I found some large acorn tops and made teeny pincushions out of them. I still like gathering acorns. Happy stitching.

  4. Sweet little stamp of acorns!! I can't believe that we are almost done with this wonderful autumn mystery. I wonder if we are baking a pie and what kind will we make?? Apple or pumpkin??? Higs from sunny Arizona.

    1. I can not believe it is almost over too. It has been so much fun to create and share these. I am so glad that you have enjoyed it, dear Mary. Lol. Both pies are delicious and fall favorites. Hugs and blessings.


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